Myself, my sister and a family friend were walking along a country road at midnight at the end of August summer of 1977, we were walking almost straight north when we seen a red light travelling fairly slow in the direction from northwest to southeast, as the object was at about 1:00 in the sky, the object stopped in mid air with absolutely no sound, it stayed in the same spot for approximately 3 minutes and then shot off to the southeast at a speed that even modern aircraft cannot travel at, in comparison, I have seen the space shuttle numerous times fly from horizon to horizon and travelling at 28,000 kilometres per hour seems extremely slow compared to the speed of the object that we seen that night, and especially the fact that the object stopped and appeared to hover and then instantly disappeared over the horizon to the southeast, no jet could hover with no sound for three minutes and then accelerate at the speed that this object travelled, we told our parents what we had seen and they told us that we seen a falling star type of object, this was absolutely not the case, as the next morning on the Regina news a UFO had landed southeast of Regina, and that was the direction the object have travelled in and then went out of sight! There was absolutely no sound from this craft at all!