
UCF will lead free filmmaking workshops to help kick off the Feb. 12-15 Love Your Shorts Film Festival in Sanford.

The Feb. 12 workshops will be part of the festival’s Education Day, which will also include the screening of films created by high school and college students from around the state. The festival’s Education Day activities are sponsored by UCF’s College of Arts and Humanities. During the rest of the weekend, the festival will show 61 short films from 11 countries.

“One of the goals of UCF’s College of Arts and Humanities is to nourish artistic learning and endeavors,” said Jose Fernandez, dean of the college. “Leading educational programs at Love Your Shorts Film Festival helps fulfill that mission by enriching the lives of the community, our students and potential students.”

To start the 5-year-old festival’s first Education Day, Lisa Mills, an associate professor of film, will lead two workshops at the Greater Sanford Regional Chamber of Commerce, 400 E. 1st St.:

“So You Have Made a Short Film – Now What?” at 9:30 a.m.

“So You Have an Idea for a Short Film – How Will You Fund It?” at 10:30 a.m.

Others on the workshop panel are: film instructor Kate Shults, filmmakers and UCF graduates James Noir and Zach Becker, and MFA film student Yesi Lima. The film program is part of the college’s School of Visual Arts & Design.

The workshops are free, but those planning to attend are asked to register at the festival’s website, LoveYourShorts.com.

At 7 p.m. that night, the festival’s Education Day will show a free block of high school and college student films from around the state at the Wayne Densch Performing Arts Center, 201 S. Magnolia Ave., Sanford. The films are from STARTFEST Student Art Festival, a statewide project to encourage student filmmakers.

The rest of the nonprofit Love Your Shorts Film Festival weekend will showcase films up to 30 minutes each in seven categories (Comedy, Drama, Animation, Documentary, Sci-Fi/Horror, Florida Flavor, and E for Everyone), plus an opening-night variety of films, and a Best of the Fest competition on closing night. Also on Saturday during the festival, a panel of visiting filmmakers will present a discussion and Q&A on techniques, tips and current projects.

For a schedule of films and ticket information, visit the festival website at LoveYourShorts.com.

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