
Hello everyone,

I have installed (Kubuntu 15.04) 2 days ago and im very happy with it; however, i struggled with some issues that i really can't solve it:

Problem 1: Everything i configure on my desktop reverse back to default after restarting my laptop.For example; wallpaper, folder size, desktop style (i want folder style but it reverses to desktop style).I really need to solve this, otherwise how will i configure my desktop?

Problem 2: I believe this problem is somehow connected to problem 1; after restart some folders come as opened and minimized such as web browser, terminal etc. (i think, programs that i used but did not close before restarting).When i try to maximize them, the folder goes out of screen! i mean, seriously it goes right side of the screen and i can't reach it no matter what.. i think laptop thinks like the screen is at right side.The only solution i found for this is to close the folders and then change from "desktop style" to "folder style" and after that restart the programs.But when i restart the laptop it will happen again.

Problem 3: When i try to restart/close laptop i see an instantaneous (plasma 5 desktop crash) or its name is something like that but its so fast i can't do any action and laptop restarts as i commanded to.

Problem 4: A few times laptop stuck at Kubuntu logo, did not go on.So i had to power off and restart it.

Information Notes:

- I'm a new linux user, this is the first time i'm using a linux os

- I have also a windows 7 on my laptop (for work), but its completely seperated with my Kubuntu [250 GB for windows 7 - 250 GB for Kubuntu]

- I had no problem during installing Kubuntu, just one time frozen but after off/on it was ok.I seperated hard disk as suggested (swap, home and root)

- I'm using a Nouveau display driver which is not bad; but i believe my original driver for GT 520M will give a lot higher performance.I tried to install (.run) file from NVİDİA but it wasn't that easy because of interruptions/fails by X server.Note that NVİDİA binary driver is worse than Nouveau.I haven't tried to play action-high graphic games yet, the real performance will be seen then (really no time for it these days / hard work).By the way, is there an interface in (k)ubuntu like device manager in windows os?

I used Kubuntu forum but couldn't have enough help.If you could help me, i will really be pleasured.I'll check this thread in every 2-3 hours so that i'll see your posts and give you necessary information immediately.

Thank you.

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