
Kaz Alvarez/Sun Star Reporter
Sept. 30, 2013

Senators Present

Ashley Strauch, Matthew Carrick, Brix Hahn, Cordero Reid, Shane Poindexter, Daniel Strigle, Leda Zakurdaew, Eli Barry-Garland, Sarah Walker and Tayesia Nick

Senators Absent

Michael Wilson

Officers Present

Michael Mancill and Ayla O’Scannell


Two students were recommended by previous Technology Advisory Board members to the ASUAF president. Rachel Ward and Justin Calkins, both Engineering students, received presidential appointments to TAB. The consideration of Ward’s appointment was discharged from the Executive Committee and moved to confirmation of appointments. The consideration of Calkins’ appointment was expedited to confirmation. Both motions, made by Reid, were voted on unanimously.

Elika Roohi received a presidential appointment to the Media Board. “Elika would be fantastic for the Media Board. She has been editor of the Sun Star and would be a really good choice,” Barry-Garland said. Barry-Garland motioned to expedite consideration to confirmation of appointments. Motion passed 7-0-2; Reid and Hahn abstained.

Wilson received a presidential appointment to Media Board. The appointment was sent to the Executive committee.

John Quinones received a presidential appointment to senator. The appointment was sent to Internal Affairs committee.

Kate Strehl, Bary-Garland and Mancill were unanimously voted on to the Food for Thought Committee.

Strauch was voted to be of chair position for the Food for Thought Committee.

John Quinones received a senate chair nomination for the Food for Thought committee. His appointment was moved to the Executive committee.

Director positions

Michael Magnan is the new Government Relations Director.

Good of the senate

It has been suggested by Anne Williamson that ASUAF seek an alternative venue for senate meetings. The senate is looking at a number of options that offer accessibility, professionalism and technology for presentations. Current alternatives being looked at are Gruening 209, Duckering 501 and the Brooks Gathering Room.

Special Orders

Barry-Garland was appointed to Executive Committee chair by a vote of 8-0-1. Barry-Garland abstained.

Carrick was voted as chair of the Internal Affairs Commitee Chair into the position at a vote of 8-0-1 with Carrick abstaining.

Strauch was voted in as chair of the Student Affairs committee chair with 6 affirmatives.

Legislation SB 181-002

Sponsored by Sen. Eli Barry-Garland, this legislation is designed to provide funds to cater club officer training that will be taking place on Oct. 2 and 5. The LIVE Office for student organizations hosts the training. The funds will allow the Culinary Arts club to provide catering. The cost is $500. The legislation passed by a unanimous senate vote.

Confirmation of appointments

Mancill’s appointment to Vice President was moved to a vote. The vote passed at 8-0-1, with Hahn abstaining.

Calkins’ appointment to TAB was voted on with 8-0-1, Carrick abstained. Ward’s appointment to TAB was voted on with a vote of 7-0-2; Reid and Nick abstained. Roohi’s appointment to Media Board received a vote of 7-0-2. Reid and Hahn abstained.

For the Food for Thought committee, Mancill was appointed unanimously by the senate. Kate Shrell was was appointed with a vote of 8-0-1, Carrick abstained. Barry-Garland was appointed with a vote of 8-0-1, Barry-Garland abstained. Strauch was appointed with a vote of 8-0-1, Strauch abstained.

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