Factors that may effect my answers: Valium. Male, 23, depressed. Depressive Disorder NOS, Anxicty Disorder NOS and Detachment Disorder NOS.
By @Tigerlily
1-what makes you angry?
Repetitive people, the importance that people place on political correctness.
2-what do you like/dislike most about people?
I like people that I can relate to, someone there to bounce ideas off of. I don't like people that are very emotional, strong emotions make me feel unconformable even to the point of nausea. I'm talking about people that are generally hyper-emotional not people reacting to something that is actually serious.
3-do you like animals? why?
I would say that I'm indifferent towards animals, I have a pet dog that I care about but just in general I would not describe myself as an animal person at all.
4-what do you like most about the favorite people in your life?
They have known me for a long time, I can be myself around them.
5-what do you like/dislike most about yourself?
I'm smart, have a 3.5 GPA in college. I'm good at fixing problems, have had three different majors with all having problem salving being a required skill.. Psychology, Computer Science, EMS (I'll likely have my EMT-B license late December or January.) I'm only six classes from getting my degree in "Math and Natural Sciences" and I was not even aware that I was close to any type of degree until an academic counselor set up an Ed plan to get my finical aid reinstated six months ago, I was just taking random classes that I thought were fun at the college in an attempt to find something that I like.. that ended up being EMS which I did end up being very good at, at least in a classroom setting have no work experience at this time. I know what I like to do and I'm very good at the things I like.
I'm below advantage intelligence when it comes to social activities. I have a dark/gallows sense of humor. I'm a low volume person, I need to repeat what I say a lot of time. I feel like I could be doing more with my life, I'm lazy. I can't show that I care about people, I don't understand how to express emotions adequately. I'm insecure about my physical appearance (photos of me are below.) II NEED time alone, but I've spent so much time by myself I've become a little social inept probably due to spending too much time alone and never developed a good set of social skills which seem like something that could be valuable.
6-do you care about being fashionable? why/why not?
No: I like a minimalist style.. Black polo, black Dicky's, Work boots. If someone dose not like me because of that, then I don't want to know that person anyways. I like my style, I'm not going to change it for other people unless it was so bad that was only bringing me negative attention.
7-do you prefer to fit in or stand out?
Stand out: I'm not sure if this question is asking about personalty or fashion style, being that the question above was about fashion I'll assume that this question was about personalty. Right now we seem to be living in an extremely politically correct world where everything is offensive and I find that to be retarded. A lot of people are boring and predictable also, fallowing current trends to fit in socially. I want to stand out for who I am, not blind in with the bros.
8-what activities do you enjoy?
I'm a problem salver, I like broken things. I like my computer more when it's not working so I have something to fix, I like people telling me about their problems so I can think of ways that they can get past them. I enjoy understanding how things work even if I need to take them apart and put them back together. I enjoy being good at things I like to do such as troubleshooting problems. I like to spend time with a small and close group of friends, maybe a party but with about fifteen people there and not one with music blasting and everyone getting drunk and annoying. I don't drink because I just don't like it, so for me it can get pretty annoying to be in a home full of people who have each just gone through a six pack.
9-what makes you feel secure?
Having a good contingency plan in place.
10-do you like being in a relationship? why/why not?
Yes: I like being with someone that I like enough that I want to spend all my free time with, but I'm fine with one night stands or very close platonic relationships as well. A exclusive relationship would be my first choice tho, with approximately 7.3 billion people on this planet it's good to have someone to love and who loves you back. It not a top priority, but when I find someone I feel very lucky to have that person to share my life with.
11-what do you love and why? Could be people, things, places, etc...
Problem salving, learning, understanding people and how things work, being very good at things I like to do, ext...
12-what do you spend the most time thinking about?
The future, anything from how to start off my career in EMS once I get my license to where I want to retire when I'm an old person.
13-How much have you changed over the years? Who were you as a child?
I grew up in a very abusive household, I was diagnosed with PSTS at age 7. When I was younger I never really experienced emotions or even understood them and still don't the majority of the time. But when I was 7-18 years old I was aware that I didn't have a sense of morality holding me back while everyone else seemed to. I was close to a sociopath but grew out of it, my first girlfriend was the turning point.. she was not only my equal but someone that nearly meant more to me than myself.
By @Oaky
What's your type?
What colour do you like?
Grey, silver if used correctly.
What is your favourite personality?
Tony Stark
Where can you find clams?
I don't.
Are you fascinated by wooden planks?
Do people make you fascinated by boats?
Does the number 9 resemble the number 6?
If it's rotated 180º they look identical!
How are elastic bands made?
Don't know.
Do you step on the floor tiles only being able to step on the one's that fit into the pattern in your mind?
Do you take your finger and make sure it does not meet a lamp post and only go over it using your field of vision as the picture?
If you put a pig in an airplane does that mean that pigs can fly?
I like this question.. I would say no, this specific pig is being flown not flying.
Did you ever remember the 5th of November?
By @whatever
1. if you could have one mythical creature as a pet, what would it be?
Huginn and Muninn (Odin's Ravens.) That may be two creatures, but I don't want to separate them :/
2. What do you want to be when you grow up? (yes, written by a 26 year old )
I want to be an ER Doctor, give me a decade and I'll be there.
3. If you were a fruit or vegetable, what fruit or vegetable would you be?
I don't know.
4. What is your favorite beverage?
5. You're having a cookout... what do you make?
I don't know what a cookout is, something like a BBQ?
6. What's the most recent cool thing you've learned?
Getting Windows off my HDD and replacing it with Linux Debian 8.1.. Tried others, wanted to stick with Kali but I don't want to go to prison..
7. What portrayal of the future do you like the best?
Space travel, star ships, ext.. Star Wars.
8. You're on death row... what's your last meal?
The local law enforcement, anyone that would get in my way out of there or put me back in OR Rare Steak and Mashed Potatoes with gravy and a Nos to drink.
By @ayoitsStepho
1. How do you respond to clingy people?
Haven't dealt with that issue.
2. If you could change the ocean to any color, what would that color be?
3. Would you consider living in the nude for a period of time (a month)?
Why? I don't have an issue with people seeing me nude, but why?
4. When you are romantically interested in an individual, how do you generally act (shy, outgoing, annoying, etc.)?
A good mix of reflective listing and outgoing, depends on who the individual is.
5. Have you ever gone skinny dipping? If so, how was the experience?
6. If you could frame the jockstrap of any sports figure and hang it in your den, whose would you choose?
I don't watch sports.
7. If you had to disguise yourself physically, how would you do it?
Dye my hair, sunglasses, shirt that I would never wear, sunglass
8. Name a city that best represents your personality.
By @Red Herring
1. What is your favorite food? What's so great about it?
Rare Steak and Mashed Potatoes with gravy. Rare steak tasts awsom, so do mashed potatoes and you can make a large amount of them at once.
2. Define justice!
noun: justice; plural noun: justices
just behavior or treatment.
"a concern for justice, peace, and genuine respect for people"
synonyms: fairness, justness, fair play, fair-mindedness, equity, evenhandedness, impartiality, objectivity, neutrality, disinterestedness, honesty, righteousness, morals, morality
"I appealed to his sense of justice"
the quality of being fair and reasonable.
"the justice of his case"
the administration of the law or authority in maintaining this.
"a tragic miscarriage of justice"
the personification of justice, usually a blindfolded woman holding scales and a sword.
noun: Justice
a judge or magistrate, in particular a judge of the supreme court of a country or state.
synonyms: judge, magistrate, jurist
"an order made by the justices"
3. Do you orientate by general directions or by landmarks?
Both, mostly landmarks.
4. What did you like about your favorite story book from childhood?
Don't have one.
5. What would you like to learn if time and money were no issue? Why?
"Ethical Hacking." People carry computers around in their pocket some even around their wrist. I would use it for "unethical" reasons tho, so I'm keeping myself away from it.
6. Can you roll your tongue?
7. Describe the inside of your fridge!
Void, it's about the freezer.. T.V dinners.
8. Convince the forum that pajama day should be a bank holiday.
Right here, right now.. We could go down in history for making pajama day an official holiday! It may not be the most prestiges impact to history, but what an awesome thing we could accomplish right on these forms, why not?!
By the late, great bologna/Mr. Eyebrows/greed
1. What is your MBTI type, Enneagram, Socionics, Temperament, etc.? How did you arrive at them--tests, introspection, "trying it on".. ? How confident are you that they fit--how well do they describe you, and what about them doesn't fit? What other types have you "tried on" or thought you were?
What I'm not: INTP, ISTJ, ESTJ, ESTP, and any feeling type. Why I could be: Every test I take comes back as INTJ, but I think I'm a Ti dom.. Maybe ISTP? I see this as INTJ vs ENTJ vs ISTP
2. Why are you here? Why do you study typology? (Maybe some inspiration from here...)
To find out my type, I would not clam to study it.
3. What do you value? What do you value in your environment, in the world, in other people, in dialog?
Knowledge and Progress.
4. How do you present yourself to the world, at work, in conversation (perhaps in your choice of clothing or word choice)?
If you need something fixed, I'm here.
5. What is your favorite color? Favorite suit of cards? What symbols and ideas are you drawn toward? Why do you think you're drawn to these?
Grey, Diamonds (Ace of Diamonds,) science and technology, I hope humanity gets out to space instead of destroying ourselves up for a stupid reason, but if we do can it be in a cool way.. Anti-Matter Bomb? Artificial Black Hole?
By @Chaotic Harmony
1. Which would come out on top in a battle... Zombies, Vampires, or Werewolves? And why?
Vampires, seem to be the smarter of the group.
2. What is your idea of the perfect day?
On my death bed on the last day of my life, knowing that I've done everything I want to do.
3. What really is the correct way to pronounce potato and tomato?
Depends on where you live I would think: PO-TAY-DOW and TOW-MAY-DOW
4. If you could live anywhere, where would you live (doesn't have to be a real place)?
The Star Wars universe, become a bounty hunter.
5. What changes would you make if you were president/king/emperor/ruler of the world?
I would change the fact that I was in that position, their are better people suited for that, but I want to pick... Milo Yiannopoulos, that should be fun.
6. Using only words that start with the letter S, describe yourself.
7. If you could be a member of the opposite sex for one day...what would you do?
8. What is your biggest pet peeve?
Repetitive people.
9. If you could have any animal for a pet, what would it be?
10. Are you a night owl or an early bird?
Night Owl: I have Delayed sleep-phase disorder
From Personalty Cafe
1. Click on this link: Flickr: Explore! Look at the random photo for about 30 seconds. Copy and paste it here, and write about your impression of it.
The picture is irrelevant, it's just a test.
2. You are with a group of people in a car, heading to a different town to see your favourite band/artist/musician. Suddenly, the car breaks down for an unknown reason in the middle of nowhere. What are your initial thoughts? What are your outward reactions?
No real outward reaction, if anything I would laugh. Thoughts would be can I fix it and if so what would I need and do I have it, if I can't fix it is there anyone in the car that could.
3. You somehow make it to the concert. The driver wants to go to the afterparty that was announced (and assure you they won't drink so they can drive back later). How do you feel about this party? What do you do?
Tell them I have no problem driving, they can drink if they want to. I don't drink and love to drive. I really don't know what I would do, depends on who I was with.
4. On the drive back, your friends are talking. A friend makes a claim that clashes with your current beliefs. What is your inward reaction? What do you outwardly say?
Outwardly: Depends on the claim, try to understand their perspective on the belief if possible.
Inward: Pretty much the same thing that I'm saying out loud, try to see the claim from their perspective.
5. What would you do if you actually saw/experienced something that clashes with your previous beliefs, experiences, and habits?
This is really vague, it depends.
6. What are some of your most important values? How did you come about determining them? How can they change?
Learning, fixing, creating, understanding. I learned that I like troubleshooting since I got a Windows 95 before I was in kindergarten.
7. a) What about your personality most distinguishes you from everyone else? b) If you could change one thing about you personality, what would it be? Why?
A. I can see things from pretty much any perspective, one of those people that could write a paper on why the Nazis were the good guys if I had a reason to write such a paper. Lots of emotional control, someone could have a lacerated artery and I would be getting materials together to make a tourniquet apposed to running around screaming and crying.
B. I think I have some level of misanthropy, I wish I could understand most people better.
8. How do you treat hunches or gut feelings? In what situations are they most often triggered?
I'll act on them if possible, can't do this while conducting a patient assessment for obvious reasons. Most of the time this happens when working out a problem.
9. a) What activities energize you most? b) What activities drain you most? Why?
A. Fixing a problem, I'm doing what I'm good at.
B. Having salved the problem, now I'm bored.
10. What do you repress about your outward behavior or internal thought process when around others? Why?
I lack political correctness, if politically correct terms came out in books yearly like an encyclopedia my book of politically correct terms would be back in 1999. I repress them because I'm not out to intentionally offend anyone.
I wonder why every time I take the test it comes back as INTJ, even when I take it and chose to answers the questions the reflect how I would be feeling on a good day and bad day. And when I take the cognitive functions test it still comes back with both the intuitive functions in the top three.
Judging vs Perceiving: I HATE when people are really late, if someone says that they are going to be somewhere at 11:00am and I end up just standing around for half an hour because they spontaneously wanted to get Burger King, there is nothing worse than that other than.. flakey people! I can't be friends with these people, doesn't matter how much I like other qualities about them I don't want to associate with these people. I'll be half an hour early before I'm late and the only thing that's going to make me miss an appointment, hangout or something similar would be serous illness, injury or death. So I was a little unsure about perceiving because of how important it is for me to be on time. But if I can I'll do things like homework at the last minute, and I have a 3.5-ish GPA.. Think it's 3.6 but it's been awhile since I checked and I just don't care for some reason don't really see it as relevant until I go back to grab my degree in "Math and Natural Sciences" of all things, I didn't pick it but from taking random classes I'm about three semesters from getting that specific degree. So I need to be on time but I procrastinate whenever I can get away with it. I'm structured, but in a way that makes sense to me and may not to people carrying around a pocket calender.
Intuitive vs Sensing: I don't live for the moment at all, at least I don't believe I do. When someone is acting weird I can typically figure out why by connecting things together in my head rather than through things like questions. I can see things from many different prospectives, I don't see right and wrong but what makes sense partially because of that. Pretty much every plan that I make has a long term goal in mind, I'm going to invest money in something that will be useful over a long amount of time or may not even be of any use or value until sometime in the future than go out and spend it right away. But I guess that would make anyone who go's to college and living with their parents apposed to getting a full time job an intuitive?
Introverted vs Extroverted: It's close, but I think I'm closer to introverted.. Thats about all I can say.
Thinking vs Feeling: It's thinking, the "gray area" is home, choices are made on what makes sense, I don't see right and wrong unless it's an extreme such as Pol Pot.
One thing that I did was think about movie characters that are typed as ISTP, and I can see some strong similarities. YouTube videos of people that are ISTP also helped a lot, seeing the type in action was significantly more helpful than reading about it. If my life was a movie, I would be the Han Solo/Boba Fett of that movie.. Off to the side until I have a reason to jump in the center of things, not the good guy nor bad guy just the guy who has something that he needs to do.
extraverted Sensing (Se) ***************************** (29.7)
average use
introverted Sensing (Si) *********************** (23.4)
limited use
extraverted Intuiting (Ne) *************************************** (39.3)
excellent use
introverted Intuiting (Ni) ***************************************** (41.7)
excellent use
extraverted Thinking (Te) ************************************************ (48.1)
excellent use
introverted Thinking (Ti) ********************************************* (45)
excellent use
extraverted Feeling (Fe) ****** (6)
introverted Feeling (Fi) ******* (7)
ENTJ: I don't feel the need to be a leader, be in charge, be in the spot light ext.. I do try to think of ways that I can make money off whatever I happen to be reading about or making at the time. I don't see ads on Facebook, I see a spot where it's possible for me to make money.
INTJ: This one is tricky, the reason for that is because most information and descriptions seem to focus on how much of a genius these people are. There are also many people who are this type on YouTube that seem to be acting, over the top.. monotone, seriousness, empathize just how much of an INTJ they are, ext..
ISTP: I like to spend most of my time alone, few friends but really close to the group that I spend time with. Morally ambiguous, I just don't see right and wrong. Strong emotions make me feel unconformable. I feel the need to understand how things work, how to fix them, take them apart and put them back together.. hopefully better than they were to start with. I'm the person off to the side with specific skills, not the one leading the group. I don't have an issue with taking charge when needed, but it's not my preference.
ENTP: Fe in the #3 spot, enough said? Also I'm not near as outgoing as this type is described.
INTP: Nope.
Some people seem to find a way of using facial features to guess someones type, I'm not sure if that is a common thing but I see it a lot when I search for types on YouTube, if anyone is that type of person.. I think all it's showing is a lack of F but.. Here you go:
It was mocking people that like to do this lols.
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