
Week ending February 1

TYPO3 Association

The TYPO3 Association announces the upcoming elections.

The TYPO3 Association consists of three separate bodies, the board the expert advisory board and the business control committee. Each of these bodies have their own role as is described on the TYPO3 Association website.

The T3A raises money through membership fees to pay for long-term development of the products of the TYPO3 project, organizes events for the purpose of information and education, supports the adoption of international software standards within TYPO3, takes care of education and certification to ensure quality of service and communicates about the TYPO3 project.

The members of these bodies are either chosen directly or indirectly by the members of the TYPO3 Association. Members are elected for a period of two years. Every year a number of positions expire as is the case now.

Nominate yourself!

Every year there is also an opportunity to nominate yourself for a position in one of these bodies. Anybody, I repeat ANYBODY, can nominate themselves for a position. Please do so if you want to be involved in either one of the tasks mentioned earlier or if you have your own ideas how to contribute. I encourage everybody to think about it and consider to nominate yourself.

Check out the article on upcoming elections in the TYPO3 Association and get involved!

European TYPO3 Conference 2015  - T3CON15 AMSTERDAM

The organisation of T3CON (Volker Graubaum, Marco Klawonn, Jullianne Steinmetz) happily announce they secured the dates for this year's European TYPO3 conference.

The TYPO3 conference will take place on October 21 - 22 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. The location is the Beurs van Berlage, which is a landmark in the center of Amsterdam from renowned architect Berlage.

The conference will be concentrated in two days, a future day (wednesday) and a business day (thursday). The wednesday evening will feature a gala style community award event.

The full details will be announced on the conference website next week. For now follow the T3CONEU twitter account to get notified.

TYPO3 sprints

There were two TYPO3 CMS sprints in week 5. One dedicated to the File Abstraction Layer and CMS sprint focused on the next release of TYPO3 CMS (TYPO3 CMS 7.1 - Febr. 17) on the road to TYPO3 CMS 7 LTS.

The File Abstraction Layer sprint saw many new people that never participated in a sprint before. The Unperfekthaus is a well-known location for doing TYPO3 events and hosted the FAL sprint again.

FAL Codesprint Essen 2015

The FAL codesprint was born out of pure necessity and not planned like the other TYPO3 CMS codesprints. The issuetracker contained so many bugs that action was needed. The target of the sprint obviously was to squash as many bugs as possible.

With 18 people the sprint was well attended - long time TYPO3 community members, new faces and even two T3Rookies participated.

The tasks: scour the bug tracker, search and destroy errors.

IF error relevant - THEN tester's turn.

IF bug needs to be fixed - THEN developers turn.

IF testing whether it functions - THEN tester's turn.

The Forger board of the sprint provides you with an overview of all the work DONE, IN PROGRESS etc. It can be found here: http://forger.typo3.org/sprint?boardId=Essen_2015

Having two sprints at the same time meant a lot of work for Mathias Schreiber coordinating both sprints.

Some Sprint Voices

Fabien Udriot

Sprints are the perfect occasion to contribute to TYPO3 in a fun way. You'll be sitting around with talented and inspiring people available to discuss your issues.

This sprint was all about FAL and it was the good occasion to find consensus and make some pretty big leaps forward. I believe the API is more stable than before and some long awaited issues have been addressed. There are still some tasks pending around however. When do we sprint again?

Andrea Herzog-Kienast

My first Sprint as an active member (and not as a sponsor). Because I'm not a developer, I have tested and scoured the lists, so that we could close issues that are no longer current.

As the initiator of the sprints I'm thrilled that so many people donate their time and labor. Only the travel expenses are reimbursed. I wished we had a lot more money to organize such sprints.

Michael Oehlhof

First many thanks to the organization for doing the code sprint. You did that in a great way!

I really liked the idea with the FAL Superhero T -shirts, even though I did not really become a superhero, but I am working on it :-)

The participatory atmosphere was a lot of fun, especially the cooperation with different core developers I found super duper. The patience Helmut Hummel showed with the reviews was great and hints that showed how things can be done even better were pretty instructive.

Of course the impromptu conversations you for example had during meals were very meaningful.

It's nice to see how you are assimilated into the circle of core developers is recorded and integrated into the broader development sprints.

Special Thanks:

To me, the one that "organized" the sprint, getting people, getting the money (TYPO3 Association), finding a sponsor, was all new territory. Without Ingo Schmitt, Matthias Schreiber and Frans Saris that would not have been possible. Ingo selected all the bug tracker entries in advance and organized the location, Mathias took care of the sprint locally and much more.

We had an avalanche exchange of emails prior to the event and met with Frans in Venlo, to discuss and prepare the FAL sprint. Thanks to beech.it for their hospitality and catering.

So hats off to all those who invested so much more than only their time. As usual this is a completely voluntary effort. For sure, travel expenses are reimbursed, but not even all the participants made use of that. Other participants resorted to carpooling to keep costs low.

Pictures of the sprint can be found on Flickr.

Here's a big thank you to our sponsors sitegeist for the great T-shirts and viaZenetti GmbH for the financial contribution.

TYPO3 CMS sprint

TYPO3 CMS sprint had many core developers participating. Nicole Cordes organiser of the sprint reports:

Last week from January 29th to February 1st the second TYPO3 CMS code sprint took place in Berlin. The sprint was focused on cleanup and streamlining as well as PHPUnit improvements. Up to 14 people were working hard at the CPS-IT GmbH’s office. We welcomed some very new contributors and introduced them into the workflow of the TYPO3 CMS world. They did great work while writing first patches and doing reviewing of existing ones. In nearly 500 hours of coding over a hundred of patches were merged into the current TYPO3 master branch.

The four days were not about coding only. We also had a wonderful evening with the participants of the “TYPO3 Stammtisch” which was held on Thursday evening and spontaneously moved to the sprint location. Wonderful feedback and discussions about improvements and further ideas were shared and was integrated into the work of the followed days.


CMS Garden at Chemnitzer Linuxtage

The TYPO3 project is part of community driven software development. We only this far because we are able to collaborate. Collaboration is not limited to the TYPO3 project. CMS Garden consists up to 12 CMS with communities varying in activity and targetgroup.

In the CMS Garden we promote the fruits of our community gardening and listen and learn with an open mind and use that input to grow further. It is a garden we take care of without walls. Everybody is welcome!

We can use some extra hands more than once. On March 21-22 the CMS Garden will present itself with its members at the Chemnitzer Linuxtage. If you live in Chemnitz or in the area you are invited to join the gardeners to represent your favourite project.

Contact me to find out how you can participate. BENATTYPO3DOTORG


RealUrl is one of the most wanted extensions for TYPO3 CMS creating logical 'speaking' paths out of otherwise meaningless id's.

Dutch guy Martin Poelstra, then studying at the Technical University of Eindhoven, initially created this extension after which it was 'repossessed' by Kasper who developed it further.

At a certain point Dmitry Dulepov took over ownership of the extension and he invested many hours understanding how it all works and how various pieces are connected. The existing 1.x code was built in layers, which made it difficult to read and modify. This is one reason why contributions to RealURL are difficult. The code for the current realurl (1.x) was seriously cleaned up and optimised over time. It took many hours. May be, hundreds of hours. Dmitry remembers working many days on it day after day. A lot of issues were  solved regarding page caching. Realurl is still compatible with 4.5 LTS. This is why it is not namespaced. Version 1.x will stay like that but version 2.0 will be completely namespaced and compatible with TYPO3 6.2 or newer.

Dmitry announced the coming new RealURL version on his blog www.dmitry-dulepov.com.

The new RealURL is "active work in progress". It will be cleaner, faster and use all advantages of TYPO3 6.2 and newer versions. Currently it is in a private repository on GitHub and will be made public when the main feature set is complete. Any user will be able to provide a pull request there and improve it using inline code comments. The plan is to have zero configuration: RealURL should be able to figure out most settings and use good common defaults without user configuration. With the new code contributing will be easier because it will be much cleaner, easier to read and better commented.

Dmitry says about RealURL: "RealURL is a very delicate piece of code, which is very easy to break and very hard to recover later. In the past people tried to contribute and in almost every case I had to modify their contribution because it broke something else. There were a couple of things accepted “as is” and later they had to be reworked." … "Best would be to enable the compatibility layer and use the official 1.12.8 version."

Using RealURL with the compatibility layer will come with legacy code and behavior shipped with the compatibility6 extension and the accompanied speed penalty, however.

Helmut Hummel supplies a modified RealURL version that works without the compatibility layer on GitHub here: https://github.com/helhum/realurl

This Week in TYPO3 is brought to you by Maxserv.

Check out the events calendar for a user group meeting, code sprint or other event near you: http://typo3.org/events/. Do not hesitate to share you TYPO3 activities in 'This Week in TYPO3'. Just let me (@benvantende) know what you are up to.

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