
If you wish your business to succeed online, then search engine marketing is of the utmost importance. It all boils down to quality high value, preferably unique content and strong social signals. This is what the search engines crave. Its what they are always looking for! Here’s my top 3 methods of search engine marketing.

Always Add Fresh & Unique Content:

This is INCREDIBLY important. You will not succeed if you ignore this. Search engines look at the frequency of website content updates and the more new content posted the more relevant your website is seen to be. There is also a direct correlation between the amount of new content posted on your website and the amount of unique traffic that visits your site.

Press Releases:

Press releases when posted in the correct places can give you a significant boost of relevant traffic to your site and social media pages. Not only do they introduce you and your services to a new group of people, they help strengthen your position as an authority in your industry and help further develop trust. It is worthwhile looking at working with a digital PR specialists as they will be able to advise on what content to compile and have existing relationships with online journalists and bloggers.

Be More Sociable:

Connect your site to social networks and bookmarking sites. This means when you publish new content on your site these social pages will be automatically updated telling people about your new blog or article. This gives your content greater reach. But more than that, search engines look at your social activity and social signals to understand your relevance. The more social activity you have the better your rank will become.

So take some time and develop a content calendar, so that you have a good idea of what you need to post and when. It doesn’t stop there though. Once you have posted new content monitor how it is performing using Facebook Insights, Google Analytics and other tools in order to understand which content is having the best effect and which content is having little to none. You can then use this information to create more of what people like and less of what they dont.

If you need help with your content development and planning, content calendars or managing your social networks regularly, speak to us and lets see if we can help.

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