
You might have heard something on the news about the cold snap covering most of the country. Cleveland station WKYC decided to take its winter weather reporting a step further, having an ice sculptor fabricate an outdoor news desk made entirely of ice.

@photowolfWKYC @wkyc That is amazing!—
Lynn (@Sweet_621) January 08, 2014

@photowolfWKYC @brianstelter @wkyc pretty darn cool (cold)!!—
jim proeller (@JimPweather) January 08, 2014

@photowolfWKYC @brianstelter @wkyc that is cool.—
Massive Polar Vortex (@sdsooner) January 08, 2014

Now this is the best #ArcticAssault TV trick I've seen! “@photowolfWKYC: Took all day, but I finally finished! @wkyc http://t.co/z5pNyLikOo”—
David Earl (@DavidEarlLive) January 08, 2014

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