
Holiday Gift Guide For The Big Kids: Moms, Dads – Women, Men


Looking for that special gift for someone that you love who doesn’t make messes using finger paint? Let’s explore some ideas for practical, holiday, gift giving.

For the gals

1. We ladies like to stay cozy. How about a beautiful cashmere sweater to brighten and warm up the holidays?

Cashmere sweaters

2. A beautiful hat and scarf set to keep your love warm and toasty. (You can spring for the gloves to, if you wish.)

Hat & scarf sets

3. Women do love jewelry, like these stunning, diamond, Journey pendant necklaces. In fact I have been asking for one for years now. (Hint, hint.) But seriously they make an amazing gift and are priced from affordable to luxurious. Check them out.

Jewelry from the heart.

4. But it’s not only the sparkle we like, if the budget doesn’t allow. A beautiful jewelry box hits the spot. They can be simple or very fancy. Some are like a small piece of furniture in a room. A very pretty selection can be found below at rock bottom prices.

Jewelry boxes

If you are married you can go with some practical gifts that you may know she needs/ wants/ asks for.

5. Kitchen appliances and stuff of this nature do make very practical gifts, but not very romantic ones. Make sure to throw something romantic in along with the practical ‘regular’ gift, to save face.

Kitchen appliances

6. Want to freshen up her world? Most women don’t go through a day without a splash of something sweet and sensual on their wrists and neck. Yes, I am talking about perfume. You fellows like it to. Buy her her favorite brand. I know I wouldn’t mind some Ed Hardy for Christmas. (Hint, hint again .)

If you aren’t married, look on the shelf when you are in the bathroom for clues. I know I don’t mind trying something new, just research favorite perfumes online for some hints and reviews. You can also ask her in an unsuspecting manner, if you’re good. *WINK*.


7. Women adore handbags. Some of us are downright obsessed with them. Do you know your honey’s style, type, and favorite brands? Well, a nice pocketbook under the tree always lifts my holiday spirit, and will surely grab you a kiss under the mistletoe.

Hand bags

8. When you need to find a gift and just are clueless, nothing is a smarter buy then a gift card. You can add it to her stocking or put it inside of her greeting card.

I always enjoy getting one of these to my favorite store among my other gifts, though if you make it enough you can use it as the entire gift if your honey hasn’t given you any holiday hints. Try to see what stores she likes to frequent in, and buy the card there. Some great and common suggestions are:

T.J Max











Gift cards

9. Don’t forget about mom’s tired feet. Help her spruce them up with a gift card to her favorite salon for a pedicure including a foot massage. Hair, mani/pedi combo, maybe a facial. Give her a 1/2 day or full day at the salon and boy will she ever be grateful. Just do what you can.

10. A massage would be extremely appreciated from where I’m sitting. Our muscles are throbbing picking up babies, and running around doing errands and house chores. Women who work need some relief as well. Buy according to your budget. Mom will be thankful, believe me

Gifts for the guy in your life

What about the men? They work hard and deserve a nice gift or two under the tree, themselves. Need ideas for some great gifts? Look no further.

1. Most men carry a cell phone and use it for Internet access, and are looking for features that go above and beyond the functions of a normal cell phone. Smartphones are the new wave of the cellular decade. Upgrade his old phone to something a little spiffier. He’s sure to be thankful.


2. If he has one already, or if you are buying one for him, don’t forget the accessories. Cell phones cases, silicone covers, ear buds, car mounts, portable chargers, and more are a must.

Cell phone Accessories

3. Got a professional, ‘white collar’ man at home? How about a personalized name plate for his desk. Or a personalized business card holder, a pen set, and other little things that show your business man that you care while he’s away at work.

Personal touch business supplies

4. Got a gamer in your life? How about a new video game console, new games to explore, and maybe even a gaming chair for the big guy who’s still a kid at heart?

Video game consoles

Video games

Gaming chairs

5. Got a dad who enjoys picture taking? I see them out there, so I know they exist, just not in my home. I am the camera mom, but for camera dads, how about a new camera for under the tree this year? It definitely beats another striped tie.


6. Got a golfer at home? Help him hit a hole in one with a new club or a set of new golf clubs.  He’ll surely show his appreciation.

Golf clubs

7. Most men enjoy their beer. Why not get him a nice set of beer mugs to drink his favorite brew from? They aren’t very expensive and will certainly get some use out of them.

You can go personal with personalization to, if you wish. Click the link!

Beer mugs / sets

8. Like a nice smelling man? Um..the sweet smell of Escape still gets me every time. How about a special cologne that is as unique as he is?


9. And when you are as clueless as clueless can be, and your man isn’t dropping any hints..AGAIN, a gift card is a never fail. Some stores for ‘him’ are:


Foot Locker



Home Depot




just to name a few.

Gift cards

10. One gift that has never failed me, is wrapping myself up in some pretty lingerie for my man. Trust me, regardless of how you may feel, new moms in particular, your man finds you sexy.

Great sex is the gift that will keep on giving, by promoting a happier marriage, and releasing the tension in your day to day life. (And his.) Dress up. He’ll LOVE it.

Sexy Lingerie

The top gift of the 2014 holiday season for both guys & gals….


(iPad Air – the newest version, but the others are still popular and now on sale!)

I hope you enjoyed my gift list for the ‘big kids’ in all of us. Happy shopping, happy holidays, and enjoy putting a smile on the face of that special someone this Christmas morn.

Your friend ,

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