"Remember the quiet wonders.
The world has more need of them
than it has for warriors."
Charles de Lint
Good morning fellow Saturday Critter friends.
For as long as I've been going to Centennial Lakes in Edina, Minnesota on every visit I've been privileged to observe this one lovely lone white bird. Seriously.
In all the excitement of capturing him again, (not to mention finding a baby turtle underfoot and caught in a dangerous situation) I finally asked the art exhibitor that was watching me shoot pictures, "Do you know this bird's story?" grinning he replied, "Oh he's just the resident bird here."
Just? Really?!
So, evidently other folks have been just as curious and a pressing bird identification ensued!
Apparently Ryan Gauthier has been mystified as well, read here.
Isn't it marvelous when a community comes storming to the rescue over one stunning bird?
Another cool shot.
I'm excited to reveal the one and only Great Egret, resident of Centennial Lakes here.
It just goes to show that sometimes while you're occupied with one thing
waiting just around the corner is something else worth noticing.
"The few wonders of the world only exist
while there are those with the sight to see them."
Charles de Lint
Be happy in all that you do this weekend, Enjoy.