
I like to sing Rectify‘s praises often, because it’s such an intriguing show. After Daniel Holden is released from Death Row after nearly 20 years, he’s having a hard time adjusting to the outside world. He’s missed out on so much, but (most of) his family is trying to ease that transition. He doesn’t react to things like most other people and he’s not sure where he fits in. But the thing I love most about this show is that we don’t know whether or not Daniel committed this crime. TV Goodness spoke exclusively to Aden Young about how he became involved in the show, his favorite moments from season 1, and what to expect in season 2. TV GOODNESS: How did you hear about this project? Aden Young: “Nowadays no matter where you live you know people will hire casting agents to find that right person and strangely enough, going through Sydney, I heard they were looking for this character. But I was in Bangkok shooting a film and the casting agent approached my agent. I’d known Faith Martin, the Australian casting agent who was brought on, for 20 years or so. She just said this is the role [...]

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