Lindsay went undercover to expose a ring of police impersonators and one very dirty cop on Chicago PD Season 3 Episode 13.
Below, TV Fanatics Elizabeth Harlow and Stacy Glanzman are joined by our super reader and commenter, Chicago PD fan Amy Perrin to discuss Platt's skills in the field, Burgess' impending transfer, and the upcoming crossover with Law and Order: SVU.
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What did you think of the case?
Elizabeth: Interesting, and a little scary because you do sometimes hear about police impersonation cases – there was a rash of incidents on Indiana highways last fall as a matter of fact.
Amy: I enjoyed it. However, it is rather disturbing to think that some cops get so disillusioned with their job that they turn into dirty cops. It is even more disturbing to think that there are people out there pretending to be a cop.
Stacy: I found it interesting as well. I don't know what's scarier, criminals impersonating cops, or actual cops that are criminals.
What do you think of Platt in the field? Do you want to see it happen more often?
Elizabeth: I really enjoyed it, and would love to see it happen more often. I also really loved her moment with Burgess – as much as she gives Kim a hard time, it's clear that she really likes her and that she see's herself as a mentor.
Amy: I love Platt and loved seeing her out in the field. She is so smart and tough, and it seems a waste to have her just be behind a desk at the station. I would love to see her out in the field on a more regular basis.
Stacy: I completely agree, Platt in the field was amazing, and I definitely want to see it happen again. Not all the time, because I think it would make it less special, but definitely need to see it happen from time to time.
Watch Chicago PD Season 3 Episode 13 Online
Will Burgess go through with her transfer request?
Elizabeth: Nope. PD can't afford to lose one of its few female characters for one thing. Lindsey had some really good advice for her, but I'm not so sure Ruzek won't wise up and make some grand gesture that ends up with Burgess winning that bet after all. Of course, that could just be wishful thinking...
Amy: No, I seriously doubt it. She is an integral part of the show, and the writers just want us to think she is leaving, like they did with Lindsay. Ruzek seems pretty upset about the breakup, so there is a possibility that they will reunite.
Stacy: She's not going anywhere. After listening to Lindsay, she will reconsider. I am also hoping that she and Ruzek will eventually work things out, but for now they might benefit from some time apart.
Should Voight have told Roman and Burgess what they were dealing with? Did Roman have a right to be as angry as he was?
Elizabeth: Roman is petulant a lot of the time – he may have had the right to be upset, but he shouldn't have let it affect the job.
Amy: Yes, I do think that Voight should have given them more information. Roman was belligerent, but he did have a point. I was glad to hear Voight apologize at the end of the episode, but Roman could have been more gracious about it. Sometimes I really dislike Roman's attitude.
Stacy: Yes, Voight probably should have given them all the information he had, but no he did not have the right to be that upset about it. Cops go into unknown, dangerous situations all the time and are trained to always be prepared for anything. I don't think knowing what they were dealing with would have changed the outcome.
Are you looking forward to the crossover with Law and Order: SVU next week?
Elizabeth: I don't usually watch SVU, but it's always interesting when the two shows cross.
Amy: Yes, I cannot wait! I love the crossovers, and I love Dallas Roberts. His portrayal of Greg Yates is phenomenal, so I know that these are going to be excellent episodes.
Stacy: I love SVU, and I am looking forward to it. I'll take any excuse to get Voight and Benson in the same room. I love their chemistry.
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Don't forget to watch Chicago PD Season 3 Episode 14 on Wednesday, February 10!