Pierre Chevassu has a personal way of representing women a symbolic subjects. The smoothness of their faces their sweetness, often reflecting beautiful eyes, neat hair, all worked in a colourful way, giving Chevassu paintings an elegance and great gentleness.
These women, with their timeless, enigmatic faces, the looks and secret thoughts which seem to defy time, explain Chevassu’s passion and success with his public. Chevassu has won numerous awards and currently has several permanent exhibitions both in France and Canada.
Eternal, intemporal, fascinating, beautiful and attractive, those are the adjectives one must use to describe Pierre Chevassu’s muses. Never quite the same, never quite different, his women are soulful and seem to be very in touch with their femininity.
This French artist has been working for over 20 years, participating in the greatest Parisian salons, as well as in many exhibits in foreign lands.
He paints portraits of women, symbolizing them in a thousand ways, but always with fine faces and striking beauty. His rich, elegant and enigmatic paintings have won him several first prizes as well as great admiration from art lovers.
One would think that the unique theme of his paintings could end up being repetitive; on the contrary, one discovers in fact that the variety of his works is infinite and neverending. This amazing feat is obviously due to the creative genius of the artist, who seems to be holding in between his fingers a brush so thin and supple that it becomes almost impossible to see the brushstrokes on the varnished canvas.
His backgrounds are intricate and colourful, giving to his artwork an elegance and a touch of richness and softness that cannot be imitated; Pierre Chevassu’s works are now included in the collections of the most serious and discriminating buyers.
He can be classified as a great contemporary painter of women, portraying them intensely with beauty and passion. The artist exhibits throughout Europe, Canada and the United States.
Nombreux Prix:
1er Grand Prix des Sept Collines de Rome;
Grand Prix de la Cote des Arts;
Médaille d'Argent Art-Sciences-Lettres;
Médaille de Bronze Salon d'Hiver;
Grand Prix Goya;
Grand Prix Rubens;
1er Prix Figuratif New-York;
2me Prix de la Ville du Salon de Clairac.
L'artista Francese Pierre Chevassu è un pittore figurativo che dipinge prevalentemente coloratissime donne dolcissime ed eleganti....
Queste donne, con i loro volti senza tempo, enigmatici, gli sguardi e pensieri segreti che sembrano sfidare il tempo, spiegano la passione ed il successo con il suo pubblico di Chevassu. Chevassu ha vinto numerosi premi ed ha attualmente diverse mostre permanenti, sia in Francia e in Canada.