
Hotmail has a number of curiosities thatĀ  you might havenĀ“t noticed yet. Here are some of them:

Hotmail name comes from the HTML code program. HoTMaiL

Hotmail Servers have 155 petabytes and is increasing this number because of videos and images that are sent by users. Also SkyDrive made increase this number.

Hotmail is compatible with YouTube and other social Networks like LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook so you can update them from your Hotmail account.

More then 1000 messages sent by users are considered spam.

Hotmail is the most popular mail service with more than 1300 millions of users.

Hotmail was born on 4th July, 1996. It was bought by Microsoft in1997 inU$S 400 millions.

Hotmail was found by Sabeer Bhatia and Jack Smith

The biggest platform of the World is SQL Server

Hotmail is the mail with more active users

Hotmail can be used on 59 countries and can be translated in 39 languages.

Via: 10hotmail

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