
scuro : (- da sera) formal dress; dinner-jacket; suits

salame : nm salami; sausage; – fabriano pork/veal salami; – di,felino pork/garlic/whitewine salami; – fiorentina coarse-cut pork salami; – genovese pork/veal salami; – milano white-wined porkbeef garlic salami; – napoletano pork/beef spicy salami; – sardo Sardinia

salagione : nf salting

salacca : nf sea fish: shad

sala : nf room; lounge; hall; – d’aspetto waiting room; ~ per banchetti banqueting hall; – da ballo ball-room; – conferenze conference room; – fumatori smokingroom; – interna lounge bar; private bar; – da pranzo dining-room; – da te tea-room

sake„ : nm sake; rice wine

sagu : nm sago

sagra : nf festival

saggina : nf sorghum

saggiavino : nm (of cup) winetaster, tastevin, tate-vin

sacco : nm sack; bag; pranzo al ~ pack-lunch

sacchetto : nm bag; – per congelare freezer-bag

saccata : nf sackful

saccarosio : nm sucrose

saccarina : nf saccharin

sabbiato : a sandy

sabato : nm Saturday

svuotare : vt to scoop out

svizzero : a (of cheese &c) Swiss

svizzera : nf hamburger

svitare : vt to unscrew

svitamento : nm unscrewing

svinare : vt (of wine) to draw off (from barrel)

sventrare : vt (of fish) to gut; (of fowl) to draw

sventramento : nm (of fish) to gutting; (of fowl) to drawing

svaporato : a (of beer) flat

susina : nf plum; – asiatica cherry-plum; – selvatica damson

sushi : nm sushi; raw-fish rice balls

surrogato : a inferior substitute; ersatz

surriscaldarsi : vi to overheat

surriscaldare : vt to overheat

surgelatore : nm deep-freeze

surgelato : a deep-frozen; quick-frozen; (of food) convenience

surgelare : vt to deep-freeze; to quick-freeze

surgelamento : nm deep freezing

supreme : nm supreme; the best

suppli : nm rice/mince/tomato/mushroom-ball; rice croquette

supplemento : nm (of price) extra charge

supplementare : a additional; (of car-park) overflow

supermercato : nm supermarket

supermarket : nm supermarket

superalcolici : nmpl hard liquor

sultanina : nf currant; sultana

sugoso : a juicy

sugosita : nf juiciness

sugo : nm juice; sauce; gravy; (of cooking) liquor; ~ alla bolognese Bolognese sauce, minced beef/tomato/onion sauce; ~ al lepre hare sauce

sugna : nf lard; pork fat

sughero : nm (of bottle) cork

sugherello : nm sea fish: scad, horse mackerel

sufficiente : a sufficient

succulenza : nf succulence; tastiness; juiciness

succulento : a succulent; tasty; juicy

succoso : a (of fruit) juicy

succosita : nf (of fruit) juiciness

succo : nm juice; – concentrato (of orange &c) squash

succhiare : vt to suck

succedaneo : nm (of coffee &c) substitute

stuzzichino : nm nibble, appetizer; snack

stuzzicarsi : vi to pick teeth

stuzzicare : vt (of appetite) to whet

stuzzicante : a appetizing

stuzzicamento : nm (of appetite) whetting

stuzzicadenti : nm toothpick; cocktail-stick

sturare : nf (of bottle) to uncork

sturamento : nm (of bottle) uncorking

sturabottiglie : nm corkscrew

stura : nf (of bottle) uncorking

stufato : nm stew; a stewed

stufatino : nm stew; ragout

stufare : vt to stew; to braise

stufaiola : nf casserole

stufa : nf stove; ~ a carbone charcoal-burner; ~ a lenga wood-burner (stove)

struzzo : nm ostrich

strutto : nm lard; pork fat

strumento : nm implement

strudel : nm strudel

strozzapreti : nm small gnocchi

strofinare : vt (of floor &c) to scrub; (of pan) to scour

strofinaccio : nm dishcloth; floorcloth; teacloth

strizzata : nf squeeze; wring

striscia : nf strip; flitch

strinato : a (of fowl/feathers) singed

stravecchione : a (of parmesan cheese) 4 years old strinare vt (of fowl/feathers) singe

stravecchio : a (of cheese) ripe; mature; (of parmesan cheese) 3 years old; (of wine) mature; aged; (of vinegar) over 20 years old

strato : nm layer; tier; topping; torta a -i layer-cake

strapazzato : a (of eggs) scrambled

stracuocere : vt to overcook

stracotto : rim red-wined beef stew

stracolmo : a (of spoonful) heaped; to-the-brim

straccio : nm cloth; teacloth; duster

stracciatella : nf chocolate-chip ice-cream; parmesan/egg-ed soup

stracchino : nm soft fresh cow’s milk cheese

stracchiate : a (of eggs) scrambled

straccadenti : nm tooth-pick; hard biscuit

stoviglie : nfpl crockery; kitchenware; tableware; dishes; – da forno ovenware

stout : nf (of beer) stout

storione : nm sturgeon

stopposo : a (of meat/beans) stringy

stomaco : nm stomach

stoccafisso : nm dried cod, stockfish °

stinco : nm (of pork) knuckle; shin

stilton : nm Stilton

steward : nm steward

sterilizzato : a sterilized

stendere : vt (of pastry) to roll out

stelline : nfpl star-shaped pasta

stellette : nfpl star-shaped pasta

stella : nf (of restaurant &c rating) star; rosette

stecchino : nm toothpick; (of barley-sugar &c) stick

steccare : vt (of lamb &c) to stick

stecca : nf (of chocolate) bar; (of cigarettes) pack; skewer

stazione del pullman : nf coach-station

Stati Uniti : nmpl United States (of America)

starna : nf grey partridge; – di montagna nf greycock

stappatura : nf (of bottle) opening

stappare : vt to uncork

stantio : a (of bread &c) stale

stampo : nm (of pastry &c) shaped cutter; mould; shape; (of bread-making) tin

stampino : nm (of pastry &c) shaped cutter; mould; shape

stamigna (stamina) : nf muslin

stambecco : nm (of goat) ibex

stagnola : nf kitchen foil

stagno : nm (of metal) tin

stagione : nm season; alta – high season; bassa ~ low season; di – of the season; seasonal; fuori – out of seaso

stagionatura : nf (of cheese &c) maturing

stagionato : a (of wine/cheese &c) mature; aged; seasoned; ripe

stagionare : vt (of wine/cheese &c) to mature; to age

staccio : nm sieve

staccare : vt to detach

squisito : a delicious

squisitezza : nf delicacy; (of dish) treat

squamare : vt (of fish) to scale

squama : nf (of fish) scale

squalo : nm sea fish: shark; ~ nasuto mackerel shark

squagliare : vt (of butter &c) to melt

squadro : nm sea fish: angelfish, monkfish

sputacchiera : nf spittoon

spuntino : nm snack; nibbles; collation; light meal

spumoso : a frothy

spumosita : nf frothiness

spumone : nm whipped-cream/egg dessert; soft whipped cream ice-cream

spumeggiante : a (of wine) sparkling

spumare : vi to froth; to foam

spumante : nm sparkling wine

spuma : nf (of drinks) froth

spugnola gialla : nf (of mushroom) morel

spruzzo : nm sprinkling; dash

spruzzatina : nf (of drink) small splash; (of lemon) squeeze

spruzzata : nf (of drink) splash

spruzzare : vt (of water &c) to sprinkle; (of icing-sugar &c) to dust

spremuto : a squeezed; pressed

spremuta : nf squeezing

spremitura : nf pressing; (of orange) squeezing; (of oil) pressing

spremilimoni : nm lemon- squeezer

spremifrutta : nm (of oranges &c) juice extractor

spremiagrumi : nm squeezer

spremiaglio : nm garlic-crusher

spremere : vt to squeeze; (of grapes) to press

sprat : to nm sprat

sportivo : a (of dress) informal

sportello automatico : nm cash-machine

sporta : nf basketful; bagful; shopping basket/bag

spolvero : nm (of icing-sugar) dusting

spolverizzare : vt (of cake &c) to dust (with); to sprinkle (with)

spolverino : nm (of sugar &c) sifter; (of housework) duster

spolu,,eratura : nf (of icing sugar) dusting; sprinkling

spolverata : nf (of icing-sugar &c) dusting; sprinkling

spolverare : vt (of cake/furniture) to dust; to sprinkle; (of housework) to dust

spoletina (alla) : a from Spoleto

spolare : vt (of fruit) to de-pulp

spirito : nm spirits; alcohol

spinato : a (of fish &c) boned

spinarolo : nm sea fish: spiny dogfish

spinare : vt to bone

spinaci : nmp/ spinach; – in foglia leaf-spinach

spina : nf tap; (of fish) bone; – dorsale (of animal) backbone; alla – (of beer) draught; uva – gooseberry

spilluzzicare : vt (of food) to nibble; to pick at

spillare : vt (of draught beer) to pull

spigola : (branzino) nf(nm) sea fish: bass

spignattare : vi to be busy cooking

spiga : nf (of wheat) ear

spiedo : nm skewer; (of roasting) spit; allo – barbecued

spiedino : nm skewer; kebab

spicchio : nm (of garlic) clove; (of orange) segment; (of cake) slice

spianatoio : nm rolling-pin

spianatoia : nf pastry-board

spianare : vt (of pastry) to flatten; to roll out

spiaggia : nf'(bf seaside) beach

spezzettare : vt (of biscuit &c) to break-up

spezzato : a (of peas) split

spezzatino : nm stew; highlyspiced stew; olio; – con patate hotpot

spezzatino : nm stew; highlyspiced stew; olio; – con patate hotpot

speziato : a spiced

speziare : vt to spice

spezia : nf spice; -e miste mixed spice

spettacolo : nm (of cabaret) show; performance; entertainment

spesa : nf expenditure; cost; shopping; groceries; dividere le -e to go dutch; -e fisse standing charge; ae ° professionali business expenses; non badare a -e to spare no expense; to push the boat out spesso a thick

sperlano : nm (of fish) smelt

spennellare : vt (of pastry &c) to brush [with milk &c]
spelta : nf (of wheat) spelt

spellare : vt (of animal) to skin spellato a (of animal) skinned

spegnitoio : nm (of candle) snuffer

spegnere : vt (of thirst) to quench; to slake; (of candle) to extinguish; to blow out

speck : nm smoked herbed ham

specialita : nf speciality

spazzola : nf brush; – per le briciole crumbs-brush

spatola : nf spatula; fish-slice

spargizucchero : nm sugar caster

spargisale : nm salt-cellar

spargipepe : nm pepper-pot

spargere : vt to sprinkle

sparecchiare : vt (of table) to clear

spappolato : a (of vegetables) mushy

spappolare : vt (of fruit/ vegetables) to pulp; to crush

spannocchio : nm king prawn; imperial prawn

spannocchiare : vt to shell; to husk

spannare : vt to skim

spandere : vt to spill

spalmare : vt (of butter &c) to spread

spalmabile : a (of cheese &c) spread

spalla : nf (of meat) shoulder; collar; economy; (of beef) chuck steak; (of pork) hand; ~ di San Secondo smoked shoulder of pork

Spagna : nf Spain; pan di – sponge cake; Madeira cake

spagna : nf alfalfa, lucerne

spaghettini : nmpl long very-thin spaghetti

spaghetti : nmpl spaghetti; ; – tricolore plain/spinach/tomato spaghetti

spaghettata : nf spaghetti-feast

spadellare : vi to be busy cooking

sovrapprezzo : nm (of price) extra charge

sovrabbondanza : nf glut

souffle : nm souffle

sottovuoto : a vacuum-packed

sottoprezzo : a cut-price

sottopiatto : nm table-mat

sottopentola : sottopentola

sottolio (sott’olio) : a in-oil; pickled

sottofiletto : nm sirloin

sottocoppa : nm saucer

sottobttiglia : nf coaster

sottobicchiere : nm beer-mat; coaster

sotto : a pickled

sottile : a thin; (of blade) sharp, keen

sottigliezza : nf sharpness; fine ness

sotterranea : nf subway; tube; metro

sottaceto (sott’aceto) : a p&led

sottaceti : nmpl pickle

sostenere : vt to nourish; (of liquor) to hold one’s drink

sostanzioso : a nourishing

sostanza : nf sustenance

sosta vietata : nf no parking

sorvegliante : nm/f (of carpark &c) attendant

sorso : nm sip; swig; mouthful; nip

sorseggiare : vt to sip; to drink slowly

sorseggiare : vt to sip; to drink

sorgo : nm Indian millet; sorghum

sorgiva : nf spring; -o a spring; acqua -a spring water

sorgente : nf (of water) spring; (of water) well

sorbire : vt to sip

sorbetto : nm sorbet; water-ice

sorbettiera : nf (of equipment) sorbet-maker

sorba selvatica : nf rowanberry

sopreccedenza : nf glut

sopraffino : a delicious; top-rate

soppressa : nf (of cold pork) pressed head/skin; pork/beef/garlic salami

sommelier : nm/f sommelier; wine-waiter

somaro : nm ass

solubile : a (of coffee &c) instant

solleticare : vt (of appetite) to whet

solidificarsi : vi (of butter) to harden; to congeal; to set _ solido a (of lard &c) hard

sole : nm sun

soldo : nm coin; -i money

soiree : nf soiree

sole soia : nf soy, soya-bean; salsa di – soya sauce

sogliola : di Dover nf Dover sole; – limanda lemon

sofisticato : a (of wine/food) adulterated

sofisticare : vt (of wine/food) to adulterate

soffritto : nm (of frying) browned; (of garnish) oil-fried herbed onions

soffriggere : vt (of frying) to saute; to brown

soffione : nm dandelion

soffice : a soft; (of bread) doughy

soffiato : a (of rice) puffed

sodo : a firm; hard; (of egg) hard-boiled

sodio : nm sodium; bicarbonato di – sodium bicarbonate

sodezza : nf firmness

soda : nf (of fizzy drink/washing-washing soda; whisky e – whisky and soda

soccoscio : nm flank

sobrio : a sober

sobrieta : nf temperance

sobriamente : adv in moderation

sobbollitura : nf simmer °

sobbollire : vi to simmer; to start to boil

snocciolatura : nf stoning; pitting

snocciolatoio : nm stoner

snocciolato : a (of olives) pitted

snocciolare : vt (of nuts &c) to stone; to pit

snack-bar : nm snack bar

snack : nm snack; nibble

smozzicare : vt to nibble; to (rub) into small pieces

smorzare : vt (of lamp) to dim; (of thirst) to quench; (of candle) to extinguish

smontare : vi (of souffle) to collapse; (of gravy &c) to go runny

smoking : nm dinner-jacket

smoccolatoio : nm candle snuffer

smoccolare : vt (of candle) to snuff out

sminuzzatoio : vt (of vegetables) shredder

sminuzzare : vt (of vegetables) to shred

smielare : vt (of honeycomb) to extract the honey

smezzare : vt to cut in half; (of drink) to consume half

smeriglio : nm sea fish: porbeagle shark

smalto : a enamel

smaltatura : nf enamelling

smaltato : a enamelled

smacchiatore : nm scouringpowder; stain-remover

slabbrare : vt (of crockery/glass) to chip

sistemazione : nf (of table &c) arrangement; accommodation

sistemare : vt (of table &c) to arrange

siringa : nf syringe

single bar : nm singles bar

signorina : nf (of address) waitress

signore : nm (of address) waiter; a (of wine) fine; excellent

signora : nf (of address) waitress

sigaro : nm cigar; cheroot; ~ avana Havana

sigaretto : nm cigarillo

sigaretta : nf cigarette

sigaraia : nf cigar seller

sifone : nm (of soda) syphon

siesta : nf siesta

sidro : nm cider; ~ di pere perry; acquavite di – marc; applejack

siciliano : a Sicilian

shopping : nm shopping

sherry : nm sherry

shaker : nm cocktail-shaker

sgusciato : a (of nuts/shrimps &c) hulled; shelled; peeled

sgusciare : vt (of nuts/shrimps &c) to hull; to shell; to peel

sguattero : nm kitchen-boy

sguattera : nf kitchen-maid

sgrassare : vt to skim-off fat; (of meat &c) to trim

sgranocchiare : vt to munch

sgranellatura : nf (of bunch of gf2pes) picking of individual grape

sgranellare : vt (of bunch of grapes) to pick individual grape

sgranare : vt (of peas &c) to shell; to hull

sgranare : vt (of peas &c) to shell; to hull

sgonfiarsi : vi (of souffle) to collapse

sgombro : nm sea fish: mackerel

sgombrare : vt (of room) to vacate

sgocciolatura : nf dripping; drips; drops

sgocciolatoio : nm plate-rack; draining-board

sghiacciare : vt to thaw sgocciolare vt (of bottle) to empty; vito drip

sgassato : a (of champagne &c) flat

sfuso : a (of sweets &c) loose; unpackaged; (of butter) melted; (of wine) on-tap; unbottled

sfrigolante : a sizzling

sfriggere : vi to sizzle

sfornato : a fresh-baked; straight out of the oven

sfornare : vt to remove from oven

sformato : nm (of cheese &c) flan; shape; mould; (of vegetables) pudding/souffle

sfogo : nm (of fish) sole

sfogliatina : nf puff pastry

sfogliatella : nf crystallized fruit/ricotta-ed puff pastry

sfoglia : nf pastry; flaky pastry

sfilettare : vt (of fish) to fillet

sfilatino : nm baguette; french loaf

sfincione : nm sicilian pizza

sfare : vt to unpack

settembre : nm September

sette : a seven

sete : nf thirst

setaccio : nm sieve

setacciatura : nf sifting

setacciare : vt to sieve; to sift

sesamo : nm sesame

servizio : nm service; service charge; (of tea/cutlery/crockery) service; set; (of sessions) sitting; ~ all’americana place-mats; – compreso service included; – a domicilio home-delivery; – da scalo (of utensils) carvers

servizi : nmpl toilets; WC

servire : vt to serve; to dish up; to pour-out; (of food) to help

serpentaria : nf tarragon

serata : nf evening; night

sera : nf evening; buona -! good evening!

seppia : nf mollusc: cuttlefish

sepolino : nm squid

sepolina : nf mollusc: cuttlefish

sepiola : nf mollusc: cuttlefish

separare : vt to separate

sentore : nm (of flavour) hint senza prep without; free-of

senape : nf mustard; french mustard

semolino : nm semolina

semolato : a (of sugar) caster

semola : nf semolina; bran

semipieno : a half-full

semino : nm pip

semigrasso : a semi-fat

semifreddo : nm (of need to keep cold) cake; pudding

semifino : nm rice for soups

seme : nm seed; stone; pip; (of cocoa) bean; senza -i seedless

selz : nm seltzer

selvatico : a wild; cipollmela -a crab-apple; susina -a damson; (of smell) gamy

selvaggina : nf (of wild) game

sella : nf (of lamb &c) saddle

self-service : nm self-service

segreteria telefonica : nf answer machine sei adv six

sego : nm suet; (of candles) tallow

seghettato : a serrated

segale (segala) : nf rye

seduto : a seated

sedile : nm long soft wall-seat

sedia : nf dining-room chair; -a rotelle wheelchair

sedersi : vi (of table &c) to sit down; (of souffle) to collapse

sedere : vi (of table &c) to sit down

sedare : vt (of thirst/hunger) to quench; to assuage

sedano : nm celery; head of celery; gambo di – stick of celery; – rapa celeriac

secondo : nm main course

seconda scelta (di) : nf (of meat cuts &c) cheap

secco : a (of fruit &c) dried; (of wine) dry; molto – extra dry

secchiello : nm (of ice) bucket; (of wine) cooler

seccare : vt to cure; to dry

scuro : a dark; (of beer) stout; brown ale; abito ~ black tie; formal dress; suits

scuotere : vtr agitate; to shake

scuola : nf (of cookery) school

scuocere : vt to overcook

scultore : nm (of person) carver

scrollare : vt (of bottle) to shake

scrofa : nf sow

scrocchiare : vi (of biscuit &c) to crumble; to crunch

screwdriver : nm screwdriver, vodka/orange cocktail

scrematrice : nf creamer

scremato : a skimmed; low-fat

scremare : vt to cream-off; to skim

scozzese : a (of whisky) scotch

scovolino : nm bottle-brush

scotto : a overcooked, overdone

scottato : a blanched; parboiled

scottare : vt to blanch; to parboil

scotch : rim (of whisky) scotch

scorzonera dolce : nf (of root vegetable) salsify; scorzonera

scorza : nf peel; rind; peeling

scorpenode : nf sea fish: scorpion fish

scorpena : nf peel; rind; peeling

scorpenode : nf sea fish: scorpion fish

scorpena : nf sea fish: scorpion fish`

scorfano (a) : nm(f) sea fish: scorpion fish; – rosso sea fish: scorpion fish

scopa : nf (of brush) broom

scontrino : rim (of cloakroom) ticket; receipt

sconto : rim discount; concession

scontato : a concessionary

sconsigliato : a not recommended

scongelare : vt (of food) to defrost

scomparto : nm (of fridge) compartment

scomparto : nm (of ice) ice-box scondito a plain; unseasoned; (of salad) undressed

scombro : nm sea fish: mackerel

scolare : vt to strain; to drain

scolapiatti : rim plate-rack

scolapasta : nm colander

scolainsalata : nm salad-shaker

scolabottiglie : nm bottle drainer

scoiattolo : nm squirrel

scoglio (allo) : a (of platter) mixed seafood

scodella : nf bowl

sciula piena : nf stuffed onion

sciropposo : a syrupy

sciroppo : nm syrup

sciroppato : a syrup-ed

sciroppare : vt to syrup

scipito : a tasteless

sciogliere : vt to dissolve; to melt

scimmia : nf monkey

sciapo : a (of savour) tasteless

sciadocco : nm (of citrus fruit) shaddock

sciacquatura : nf (of dishes &c) dishwater

sciacquata : nf (of dishes &c) rinse

sciacquare : vt (of dishes &c) to rinse

sciabica : nf moorhen

schizzo : nm (of milk &c quantity) dash; splash

schiumoso : a (of drinks) frothy

schiumarola : nf skimmer

schiumare : vt`to make frothy; to de-froth; to de-scum

schiuma : nf (of drinks) froth

schinco : nm (of veal) whole shin

schifezze : nfpl junk-food

schienale : nm (of animal) bone marrow

schidione : nm skewer

schiaritura : nf (of brewing) fining

schiarire : vt (of beer) to fine

schiacciato : a flat; (of garlic &c) crushed

schiacciata : nf regional flat cake/bread

schiacciare : vt (of nuts) to crack; (of tube &c) to squeeze; to mash; (of fruit) to crush

schiacciapatate : nm potato masher

schiaccianoci : nm nutcrackers

scheggiare : vt (of glass &c) to chip

scheggia : nf (of glass &c) chip

scheda magnetica : nf card key; – telefonica phonecard

scelto : a (of meat) choice

scelta : nf (of option/quality) choice

scegliere : vt (of eggs &c) to grade; to select; to choose

scatoletta : nf small box; small tin; small can

scatolame : nm tinned food

scatola : nf box; tin; can; (of tea) caddy; in – (of shrimps &c) potted

scartozeto : nm creamed small batter pudding

scarti : nmpl scraps; offal

scarsita : nf scarcity; shortage

scarsezza : nf scarcity; shortage

scarpino : rim fried onion/anchovy paste

scarpetta : nf (of plate cleaning) mop of bread

scarola : nf endive

scarnire : vt (of bone) to remove flesh

scardola : nf freshwater fish: rudd

scappellare : vt (of mushroom) to remove cap

scappato : a (of skewered meat) barbecued

scantinato : nm basement

scannatoio : nm abattoir

scampo : nm Dublin Bay prawn; scampi

scampi : nmpl scampi

scamorza : nf soft cow’s milk cheese

scaloppina : nf escalope; thin veal slice; ~e alla perugina (of veal) chicken liver/croQtons-garnished

scaloppa : nf escalope

scalogno : nm shallot

scaldavivande : nm chafingdish; hotplate; dishwarmer

scaldarsi : vi to heat up; to heat through

scaldare : vt to heat; to warm

scaldapiatti : nm hotplate; dishwarmer

scaldabiberon : nm bottle warmer

scalco : nm carving knife

scalcare : vt to carve

scaglioso : a scaly; flaky scala nf stairs

scagliare : vt (of fish) to scale; to flake

scaglia : nf (of almond &c) flake

scaduto : a off; stale; bad; overdate

scadere : vi to go past sell-by date

scadenza (data di) : nf expiry date; sell-by date

scadente : a (of wine) rough; coarse; liquore – hooch

sbuzzare : vt (of game/fish &c) to clean; to gut; to gill

sbudellare : vt (of game/fish &c) to clean; to gut; to gill

sbucciatore : nm peeler

sbucpiare : vt to peel; to skin

sbucciapatate : nm potato peeler

sbrinatore : nm (of fridge) defroster

sbrinare : vt (of freezer) to defrost

sbrinamento : nm (of freezer) defrosting

sbriciolare : vt (of biscuits &c) to crumble

sbramare : vt (of rice) to hull

sbollire : vi to go off the boil

sbollgntare : vt to blanch; to parboil

sbocconcellare : vt (of food) to pick at; to nibble

sboccare : vt (of wine cork flotsam) to remove

sbianchire : vt to blanch

sbattuto : nm (of eggs &c) beaten

sbattuta : nf (of eggs &c) beating

sbattiuova : nf egg-whisk; egg beater

sbattitore : nm mixer; beater

sbattere : vt to mix; to beat; to whisk

savoiardo : nm sponge-finger; ladyfinger

saute : a saute; stir-fried

satureia : nf (of herb) savory

satollo : a sated

sassafrasso : nm (of tea) sassafras

sartu : nm giblets/tomato/parmesan/breadcrumbed rice bake

sardo : a Sardinian; strong ewe’s milk cheese

sardina : nf sardine; pilchard; sardelle

sardella : nf pilchard

sarda : nf pilchard

saraceno (grano) : a buckwheat

saporoso : a tasty; savoury

saporito : a flavoursome; tasty; savoury

sapore : nm flavour; taste; – picante spiciness

saponetta : nf (of soap) cake

sapone : nm’goap

sapodilla : nf sapodilla

sapido : a flavoursome

sapidita : nf flavour

sapere : vi to taste; to savour

sapa : nf concentrated must

santoreggia : nf (of herb) savory

sansa : nf marc

sano : a (of fruit &c) in good condition

sanguinolento : a (of steak) rare; underdone

sanguinello : nm blood-orange

sanguinaccio : nm black pudding

sangue : nf blood; al – (of steak) rare; underdone

sangria : nf sangria

sangiovese : nm red wine

sandwich : nm sandwich

San Marzano : nm plum tomato

sampietro : nm sea fish: dory, John Dory, St Peter’s fish

samosa : nm samosa; triangular stuffed pastry

sambuco : nm (of tree/wine) elder

sambuca : nf anisette

salvietta : nf napkin

salvia : nf (of herb) sage

saluto : nm greeting

salute! (alla) : nf cheers!

salutare : vt to greet

salumiere : nm cooked cold meats seller

salumi : nmpl cooked cold meats

salumeria : nf delicatessen; sausage shop

salto : a saute; tossed

saltimbocca : nm ham/saged fried veal (‘jump in the mouth’)

saltato : a saute; tossed

saltare : vt to saute; to stir-fry; (of pancake) to toss

salsina : nf (of nibbles) dip

salsiera : nf sauce-boat; gravy boat

salsicciotto : nm frankfurter

salsiccia : nf sausage

salsapariglia : nf sarsaparilla

salsa : nf sauce; gravy; relish; – di lamponi Melba sauce; – di noce ground walnuts/butter/ cream sauce; – piccante salsa; barbecue sauce; – tonnata tuna mayonnaise; ~ verde herb thickened vinaigrette

salone : nm reception hall

salmonella : nf salmonella

salmone : nm salmon

salmonato : a salmon; trota -a salmon trout

salmistrato : a corned

salmistrare : vt to corn

salmi : nm game ragout; salmi; lepre in – jugged hare

salmerino : nm (of trout) charr

salmastro : a salty

salino : a salty

saliera : nf salt-cellar

salgemma : nm rock salt

saletta : nf small room

sale : nm salt; – da cucina cooking-salt; – fino (- da tavola) table-salt; – marino sea-salt; sotto – (of meat) corned

saldare : vt to pay

salatura : nf salting

salato : a salted; salty; savoury

salatino : nm small savoury, appetizer; cocktail biscuit

salare : vt to cure; to salt

salamoia : nf brine, pickle

salamella : nf small salami

salame : nm salami; sausage; – fabriano pork/veal salami; – di,felino pork/garlic/whitewine salami; – fiorentina coarse-cut pork salami; – genovese pork/veal salami; – milano white-wined porkbeef garlic salami; – napoletano pork/beef spicy salami; – sardo Sardinia

salagione : nf salting

salacca : nf sea fish: shad

sala : nf room; lounge; hall; – d’aspetto waiting room; ~ per banchetti banqueting hall; – da ballo ball-room; – conferenze conference room; – fumatori smokingroom; – interna lounge bar; private bar; – da pranzo dining-room; – da te tea-room

sake„ : nm sake; rice wine

sagu : nm sago

sagra : nf festival

saggina : nf sorghum

saggiavino : nm (of cup) winetaster, tastevin, tate-vin

sacco : nm sack; bag; pranzo al ~ pack-lunch

sacchetto : nm bag; – per congelare freezer-bag

saccata : nf sackful

saccarosio : nm sucrose

saccarina : nf saccharin

sabbiato : a sandy

sabato : nm Saturday

The post S appeared first on Tuscany Cooking Class.

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