
Operating With Glitter On my 35th birthday we chose to CHANGE. I was fed up with being tired. Tired of being asked when my child was due. Mad at myself for gaining over 50 pounds in two years. I wish to be on this stunning earth for many more years.. We want to CELEBRATE LIFE. Then something happened. The the next day i usually say that I will start.. actually came. One foot in front of the other... I'll run three mail boxes then walk two.... I am going to run to the light post and walk. That is how this addiction began. What started as cheap exercise and a way to get healthy has become something that I love. Somedays it appear impossible. Somedays it is effortless. Have you had an opportunity to check down my brand new Etsy Shop ? Where Handcrafted Glass Jewelry & Original Treasures are found. You will find an inexpensive blend of enjoyable, beauty and imagination. Beauties that you will need to wear everyday! All hand crafted with love from my glittery heart! Today i will tell you an excellent precious and easy gift idea. Browsing Michaels armed with a 50% off voucher I found these blank photo mugs. They were $10.00 but my coupon made them $5.00. I have made a few trips this week :) The wheels started to turn... Then I spotted Amy Butler paper... SQUEAL!!!! Amy Butler is truly my favorite material designer and now this! Obviously this has been around the store a bit because when I went to take a look at the Butler paper pack rang up $3.99! SHOCKING! I'm maybe not a scrapbooker and so I'm not familiar with paper.. But we'm knowledgeable about the brand and understand we got a smokin' deal. I right then decided that this paper was designed for this cup... Project problem solved. I came up with a Personalized Coffee/Tea mug. A couple of my woman friends have birthdays soon and they might drool over this paper... These mugs will make PERFECT gift suggestions for them! Right here is the way I made them........ First find a good quality travel mug. This one is a Michaels brand mug. It seems good and heavy and seals up nice and tight. I'm sure you can find these at about any craft supply store. Unscrew your cup and clean it. Then eliminate the fake household photo that had been in the glass. Trace it on the trunk side of your paper. I take advantage of a pencil so I don't have any pen marks on my paper. Slip the paper you merely cut fully out within the cup and ensure it fits perfect. This mug would be pretty if I just stopped the following! But decorate and personalize it I must. I used my Silhouette SD to cut a frame and my title from the coordinating yes, I bought one for myself too. We love it that much papers. When you do not have a die cut device you can invariably just cut out a shape with scalloped edged scissors and use letter stickers for the name. Perhaps you have seen the stickers at Hobby Lobby? Many possibilities. It is just like adorable, I promise! Glue your Frame and all your pieces to your primary paper directly in the middle. This is significantly how your paper should look like too. Simple peasy right? Roll your paper back up inside the cup, slip the cup right back together and screw it together tight like Popeye the Sailorman and luxuriate in! I'm making a few other little what to go along with the cups but I'm really excited about giving these away to my girls! I will reveal to you making these beautiful Chalkboard Personalized Easter Buckets. The cool thing about these is that they can be used long after easter. Just turn the rabbit side around and put it on a shelf so that you may use the chalkboard to label what exactly is inside. I truly love these and think I will make a few more for storage in my daughter's room. Here is how these are typically made... Supplies Required: Metal Bucket Paint Brush Painters Tape Mod Podge, Matte Scrap Book Paper Fine Sand Paper I found these steel buckets at Hobby Lobby for 50% off. Most craft shops sell metal buckets unpainted. If yours is unpainted you can just spray paint it the color of the chioce. First you'll want to prep your bucket for the Chalkboard paint. Tape down a rectangle with your painters tape. I utilized the sticker decal that came on the bucket as my guide to tape off the area for the chalk board. Lightly sand your area so the paint will adhere Dust off. Apply as numerous coats of the paint as required to cover the location completely...It took me 5! Carefully remove painters tape. Time to produce your Rabbit. Cut out an oval and a rabbit silhouette. This is actually the rabbit silhouette we used. It is a free of charge download. For the name you can cut it with your die cutter or add letter stickers. Begin Mod Podging the decal together. Mod Podge rabbit to oval then Mod Podge name to your bunny again, Mod Podge within the entire decal now to seal it completely. Then, include a layer of Mod Podge to your bucket. It is fine that the Mod Podge isn't perfect. It cleans down easily with a damp rag. How many times can I say Mod Podge?? Place your decal regarding the bucket and smooth it down making certain it totally adheres to the bucket bubble free. Clean down any mess that is on the bucket. Allow dry a few hours. TA-DA!!!!!! WOW these turned out BEAUTIFUL! Hoppy Easter! One other day we shared that I opened up an Etsy Shop I'm still super excited. Never be surprised If I post a ton of etsy tutorials and ideas :) xoxo I ordered this attractive mini company Card Stamp from Paper Sushi I can not wait to get this in and create my business cards! Also, i came across this super cute tutorial on fabric tape. How pretty would it be to wrap up a necklace in a Kraft paper case and tape it closed with this! So going to offer it a go. Fabric Tape Tutorial right here BIG NEWS!!! I exposed an Etsy Shop. As numerous of you realize this is one thing I have wished to do for a long period!!! I have several items listed but by the end of next month is stocked up and ready to start doing giveaways and advertising. I might like to hear your feedback and love your ideas! Feel free to take a look around and if you choose you adore something make use of code "FriendShip" 100% free delivery!!! Elf on the Shelf Christmas Clue Eve Scavenger Search Tonight I'm going back to the North Pole. But before we go, a particular present is yours to find. Jump up now! Move your behind! Yes it's the truth....You do not have to go far. Just go to the place where we park our vehicle. Oh this game is so fun..Is it one of your wishes?....Just go look where Mom cleans the dirty dishes (this would be in sink) Very good, moving right along....but to get the following clue you need to sing a fun Christmas time song. Think about a song about a reindeer? (after they sing hand them the following clue) Just what a nice song....Run, run, run because fast as you can to the place where the washing is done. Now for a small rhyming fun...this clue will be harder...but it generally does not take a key or locks...I've hidden a clue in a single of your _____ (socks) (this 1 I would personally plant the clue in a sock within their sock drawer...so they should dig) Wow you're doing great! It is in the area where you keep your shoes. Please wear them to incomparable the next clue. Hurry up now...don't move like a snail...outside you will find your next clue where they leave the _______ (mail) Are you currently having fun? Maybe upstairs or possibly down, the next one is seen in where you get clean. Twas the evening before xmas....you've searched all through the household. I hope my game is not receiving too old. Go look in the spot where this really is cold (the freezer. I end it into the freezer so that they do not understand gift while they are clue searching) Before I go I have to say.. I'm reporting to Santa you're regarding the good list to remain! Merry Christmas! Have a great time!!!! I can't wait until Christmas Eve to play this with my young ones! Looking for a quick Personalized EASY Christmas Gift? I found these cute Christmas time cups at Hobby Lobby for 50% off! Christmas Chevron..AWESOME! It was so easy to make these. Any plastic or cup should work. Merely cut your vinyl or purchase vinyl stickers at your neighborhood craft store. (I used my Silhouette) and stick on the outside of the cup. We cant wait to fill these with Hershey Kisses and gift them away! Merry Christmas!!!!! Mamma to two and wife to one. My family is my every thing! I'm a little eclectic and a wee bit cheeky. We heart photography, pops of color, Indie art and of course all things Glitter! I really hope you enjoy my weblog as I share my family life, inspiration, weight loss, fashion trends, tutorials and projects with you. Loading... shoes running trainning

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