
Action Games Miniatures launched a new blog for DRAKE:

Drake, the game you helped to make a reality, is a social experience. Games of the scope and size of ours require a vibrant and involved community to reach their full potential.
Our large production requirements keep us very busy; however, AGM is committed to increasing our customer engagement and continuing to promote Drake all over the world and the web, spreading our wings beyond the Kickstarter framework.
We are proud to announce that we will increase support to our awesome community in new and exciting ways this month, starting with our website’s new blog section!
We already have several blogs live, and we intend to grow this section each and every month. It will also be a launching point for painting contests, Q&A segments, and other community-building initiatives.
Other public engagement announcements will be taking place this month, including updates on production. But for now please check out our amazing blogs!
Link: Action Games Miniatures

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