
Hi guys.

The release of the Easter event came for the week of Easter, which also came the end of pokey, the pet hamster. And with the event came bunnies and lots of bunnies at that. Ones that you can torture with a stun gun or squash them with the all mighty finger from the sky. Could this be a Whacking Day/ Easter event rolled in one? Well, I’ll leave that thought for you to ponder. In the meantime, here is the first TSTO Easter event walkthrough, the 2014 Easter event main walkthrough, Four-Day Weekend For Our Sins.

The event will kick off automatically but you will need Homer, Apu and Willie to finish their first task before any electrical testing can be done on our furry friends.

Four-Day Weekend For Our Sins. Part 1.
Characters needed: Apu, Homer and Willie

Willie: Whack-ing day!… Whack-ing day!






Homer: Lisa, know what day it is? Here’s a hint — it’s the day we whack snakes with sticks until they die. Can you guess?
Homer: Oh, right. I forgot you’re not a fan.

Homer: But even YOU can appreciate my new my new whacking stick. It’s got everything, a handle, the part you hit the snake with… and that’s all.

Willie: I’ve always been partial to Crushman Co.’s line of whacking sticks: the Brainseeker, the Snakeharmer, the Blunt Force Mama…

Apu: Sure, those were fine sticks in their day. But the new carbon fibre whackers are light years ahead. It’s almost like the snake is whacking itself.

Homer: In all our squabbling over personal preference, let’s not lose sight of the true meaning of Whacking Day — God hates snakes.

Homer, Apu and Willie now need to prepare for Whacking Day which is a 24 hour task. Their tasks earn $600 and 150 XP each and upon completing, you will initiate the start of the Easter event and a bonus 250 eggs of your colour (blue – even mayhem ID, pink -odd mayhem ID) and 10 XP.

Homer will kick off with the Easter bunny so make sure he’s free when Apu and Willie finish their tasks.

Four-Day Weekend For Our Sins. Part 2
Characters needed: Homer
Homer: Whacking Day is here, and all we’ve got in town are rabbits? How am I supposed to murder adorable, innocent bunnies?

Willie: By bashing them in the skull, same as the snakes. I’ll show ye.

Lisa: Willie, you wouldn’t!

Willie: Oot a me way, little girl! Now, I simply entice the fluffy devil to me with a carrot, raise me whacking stick, look into its innocent soulful eyes and… and…

Frink: And now you don’t have to! Thanks to my latest least-plausible invention — the Bunny Stunner!

Frink: Instead of humanely bopping them on the head, it will humanely shoot thousands of volts through their body.

Lisa: How is that humane?

Frink: They’ve very few amps.

Homer: Ugh, a science lesson?! Just shut up and let me try it already.

This will initiate the start of the event …

…. and unlock bunnies in your town, along with the bunny stunner (to use just press your finger on the screen and hold it until you are finished).

Your task is to now humanely zap 10 bunnies. It will take only a few seconds and you will receive a bonus 10 XP and 250 of your designated eggs. When you have zapped 10 bunnies, Homer will continue.

Homer: It’s quantity over quality — the hallmark of Simpsons Tapped Out!

Lisa will kick off the next part and Homer will be required too so you will need to keep them free to continue.

Four-Day Weekend For Our Sins. Part 3.
Characters needed:Lisa, Homer

Homer: You don’t think that these are ACTUAL Easter Bunnies, do you?

Lisa: So the Easter Bunny is real? Because my friend Janey doesn’t believe in him, yet she still gets a basket.

Lisa: It’s only anecdotal evidence, but it’s sent shock waves through the entire second grade’s belief system.

Homer: Of course the Easter Bunny is real! Don’t listen to that moron Janey. Just cling tight to your remaning innocence with all your strength, little girl.

Lisa: Okay, will do. Phew.

Homer: Now, stand aside. Daddy’s got some eggs to collect.

You will now need to send Homer to steal Easter eggs for 12 hours. He will earn 25 eggs and 100 XP and you will receive a bonus 250 eggs and 10 XP upon completion.

After part 3 is finished, Flanders will continue onto part 4. Also Lisa will unlock another side quest. That means you will need to keep Lisa and Flanders free.

Once Homer is set on his task for part 3, you will unlock the ability to collect eggs from friends’ towns and the Easter basket side quest.

Side Quest: Easter Basket
Characters needed:None
When you visit your friends’ town…

… after returning and you have placed your first basket…

Frink: An incredibly stupid question I will be delighted to answer! That is the bleeding edge of modern egg exchange technology.

Homer: So… a basket that holds eggs? Ooh, what an incredible time we live in!

Frink: It’s for holding, processing, tabulating and more!

Frink: Just put out a basket and any visitor can input eggs of the matching color. When the basket is full, you can collect its contents.

Frink: For each donation, your friends get a return of eggs of another color!

Frink: The trade is not equal, however.

Frink: As the saying goes, you can’t make an egg exchange without getting a little bit ripped off. Or words to that effect. Glayvin.

Lisa continues the next side quest when part 3 of the main quest is finished. Ralph will also need to be free to unlock his side quest.

Side quest: Sucking out
Characters needed:Lisa

Homer: Haven’t thought about it. I’m simply obeying my brain’s deep-seated, irrational impulse to collect things.

Homer: It’s a weakness we all share, and one evil game designers are expert at exploiting. Thanks, game designers!

Homer: But why are we talking, when we could be collecting?

Mysterious Man: Collect enough eggs and I’ll trade you a mysterious box from my extensive collection of rare objects from around the world.

Homer: Ooh! More collecting! Pretty sweet…

Lisa: Dad, is this really the most productive way to spend your time?

Homer: Lisa, someday you’ll understand that collecting things so you can trade them in for collectibles from some dude’s collection is the only way to feel good about yourself.

Lisa: But they’re random prizes, Dad? What if you just get a bunch of fences?

Homer: Hey yeah, I hate winning fences!

Mysterious Man: If you suck out and get a total of 50 Easter fences from boxes, I’ll also give you a free 15 donuts.

Homer: 15 donuts?! Holy crap! I love winning fences!!!

This means you must get a Easter box first and then after you have won and placed 50 fences, you’ll receive 15 free donuts. Fences include Easter fences, pastel fences and the Easter gate.

Four-Day Weekend For Our Sins. Part 4.
Characters needed:Flanders

Lisa: Maybe it does. Consider that over the years, we’ve whacked the local snake population into near-extinction.

Lisa: Leaving bunnies without a key predator, thereby allowing their numbers to explode.

Lisa: Once again, we see evidence of the fludity of natural ecosystems. Animal populations change over time depending on their environment.

Flanders: So you’re saying that all these bunnies are proof that nature is capable of adaptation and change. Sort of like evolution?

Lisa: I suppose…

Flanders: Well, we can’t have evidence of evolution hopping around everywhere. Time to go bunny-huntin’!

Now it’s time to send Flanders to hunt bunnies for 16 hours. He will earn 30 eggs and 200 XP and a bonus of 250 eggs and 10 XP upon completion. Homer will continue part 5 so keep him free. You will also need Nelson free to initiate his side quest.

Side Quest: 1+1=1

Characters needed:Ralph

Ralph: That’s why it’s important to sit on every egg you see. Otherwise a Tooth Fairy dies.

In order to complete this task, you need to have unlocked the Wiggum House at level 26 along with Ralph. Now make Ralph collect Easter egg count for the next 16 hours. He will give you 30 eggs and 200 XP which can now can be repeated throughout the event. A bonus of 250 eggs and 10 XP will be rewarded after the first time.

Four-Day Weekend For Our Sins. Part 5.
Characters needed:Homer

Homer: Dad, that’s great, but I’m kind of busy right–

Grampa: We were pushing through the underbrush, in search of a 12-point bull rabbit the indigenous people called “El Guapo.”

Homer: Teddy Roosevelt died before you were born, “El Guapo” is Spanish, and “12-point” refers to antlers, which rabbits don’t have. Now, I really have to–

Grampa: I spotted El Guapo up ahead. He was leaning casually on the rim of his rabbit hole, chomping a carrot and giving me the old “What’s up, Doc?”

Homer: That’s a cartoon and –

Grampa: I snuck up to him, but just before I shot, the wascally bandit informed me that wabbit season had just ended, and that it was now duck season.

Grampa: Imagine my shock!

Now make Homer endure one of Grampa’s stories for 24 hours. You will receive a bonus of 250 eggs and 10 XP. Nelson will now unlock a side quest, giving him an egg collecting task. Apu is needed for the next part.

Side Quest: Cutting Out the Middle Man
Characters needed:Nelson

Nelson: I’m going straight to the source!

In order to complete this task, you need to have unlocked the Muntz House at level 21 along with Nelson. Now make Nelson raid bird nests for the next 16 hours. He will give you 30 eggs and 200 XP which can now can be repeated throughout the event. A bonus of 250 eggs and 10 XP will be rewarded after the first time.

Four-Day Weekend For Our Sins Pt. 6
Characters needed:Apu

Lisa: A few days ago this store was stuffed with Whacking Day supplies. How’d you switch to Easter so quickly?

Apu: You think it’s so difficult getting plastic junk in a hurry?

Apu: That said, this is, of course, only the highest-quality plastic junk.

Apu: Sold at a very reasonable markup of 6,000%.

Apu: And still they buy. How I weep for my adopted homeland.

Now its time to send Apu to stock the Kwik-E-Mart for 8 hours. He will then earn 250 bonus eggs and 10 XP upon completion. Homer will kick off the next part when Apu finishes.

Four-Day Weekend For Our Sins. Part 7.
Characters needed:Homer, Ned

Flanders: Not to niptick, Homer, but Easter is actually about the resurrection of our Lord.

Homer: Really? How come I’m just hearing about this?

Homer: You can’t be serious. You go to church every Sunday. Has literally none of it sunk in?

Homer: I like the part where we all shake hands and wish each other well.

Homer: It’s fun because sometimes you shake the hand of a dude you hate, and you can God-bless them in a sort of Clint Eastwood-style voice.

Homer: Like, you say “Peach be with you,” but what you really mean is “I’ll see you in hell.”

Homer: And if that’s all I take from religion, well, that’s enough. It truly is.

Flanders: Homer, I… I have to… go… now.

Now its time to send Flanders to prepare Easter dinner for 4 hours. He will then earn 250 bonus eggs and 10 XP upon completion. Lisa will kick off the next part when Ned finishes. You will also need to have Cletus’s Farm.

Four-Day Weekend For Our Sins. Part 8.
Characters needed:Lisa, Cletus’ Farm, Witch Marge (if you have her)

Cletus: I beg ta differ, little pointy-haired girl.

Cletus: As an expert on crossbreeding and inbreeding of all kinds, I know genetic oopies like this happen every day.

Cletus: There’s several Spucklers what lays eggs. You never tasted such delicious yolks. Ain’t no egg like a person egg.

Lisa: You’re saying these rabbits might have been genetically engineered to lay eggs? But who would do such a thing? And why?

Cletus: I reckon that’s for later missions. Right now, I need to grow some carrots for our little friends. For all I know, they’s kin!

Now its time to send grow some carrots in Cletus’s Farm. They take 4 hours to grow. It will then earn 250 bonus eggs and 10 XP upon completion. Lisa will kick off the next part when the crop finishes. Make sure skinner is free too.

Also note: Witch Marge can shorten the time by half with her “speed up crops” task. And this task has been unlocked too, which means you can now grow carrots as many times and whenever you wish to during the event to get an additional 12 eggs, however if you have to many rabbits in your town, they won’t appear, voiding the appearance of eggs.

Four-Day Weekend For Our Sins. Part 9.

After tapping on Lisa
Characters needed:Lisa, Skinner

Skinner: Well, our funding has been drastically cut back. But we did recently acquire some mid-eighties L.L.Bean catalogs.

Skinner: Quench your thirst for knowledge on those.

Skinner: And while I realize that the latest fad theories in education would dispute this, I’ve never really felt that girls and science are a good fit.

Lisa: Principal Skinner!

Skinner: I shouldn’t have said that, should I?

Lisa: Please, I’m just trying to determine if rabbits can be bred to lay eggs.

Skinner: Ah, yes. Well good luck with your worthy inquiries. Me, I plan on enjoying the free eggs while they’re here.

Skinner: Mother never let me go on an egg hunt. She said it was a waste of good food that I’d never find anyway…

Now its time to make Skinner search the school for eggs. The task takes 24 hours and he will earn you 45 eggs and an extra 250 bonus eggs, plus 10 XP upon completion. Homer will kick off the next part when Skinner finishes.

Beware: Homer’s task will be instant, so be sure to keep Lisa free too.

Priming the Pan
Characters needed:Homer

Frink: Well, now you can! With my new, state-of-the-art egg-generating technology!

Frink: I give you… The Frink-thetic Egg Generator!

Homer: That’s a lot of blinking lights.
Frink: They do nothing, but they scream “high tech.” Idiot customers insist on them.

Homer: Do we ever!

Frink: Go ahead, give it a whirl.

Now, place the Frink-thetic generator and you’ll receive an extra 250 bonus eggs, plus 10 XP for completing the task. Lisa will continue.

Lisa: Professor Frink, I don’t mean to pry, but why do you have all these bunny- and egg-related devices on hand?

Frink: Just what are you implying? All my research is highly ethical, notoriously unsuspicious, and infamously intrigue-free!

Lisa: That was… an odd way to phrase that.

Frink: Good Glayvin! I think I left a bunsen burner on back at the lab! Must go!

Lisa: Professor Frink! Wait!

The Frink-thetic generator will now earn you a bonus 75 eggs and 30 XP every 12 hours.

Four-Day Weekend For Our Sins. Part 10.
Characters needed:Lisa

Lisa: Hmm, an email in my inbox. From a “D.E. Machina.”






Lisa now needs to be sent to “Follow the eggs”. She will take 1 hour and earn an extra 250 bonus eggs, plus 10 XP upon completion.

Homer will kick off the next part when Lisa finishes.

Note: To speed up the next task, send Moe on his hunt bunnies with prejudice task now as it takes 36 hours and he will be needing to do that for the next task.

Four-Day Weekend For Our Sins. Part 11.
Characters needed:Homer, Moe

Barney: Why’s everyone so excited about hunting magical bunnies around town? I’ve been doing it for years.

Moe: Yeah, but these bunnies aren’t drunken hallucinations, Barn. They’re real.

Barney: Oh. Hey, that IS exciting!

Moe: Yeah, well it don’t hold a candle to Whacking Day. There’s something about killing defenseless little animals that just warms a creep’s heart.

Moe: Wait — what am I saying? The only reason people ain’t killin’ bunnies is because they’re squeamish. But there ain’t an ounce of squeam in me!

Now it’s time to send Moe to hunt for bunnies with prejudiced. The task takes 36 hours and we’ll both award you with an extra 250 bonus eggs, plus 10 XP upon completion. Lisa will kick off the next part when Moe finishes.

Note: If Moe is already on this task and he is waiting to be released, don’t release him until after you have got the task. This will ensure an instant completion rather than waiting for an additional 36 hours.

Four-Day Weekend For Our Sins. Part 12
Characters needed:Lisa

Milhouse: Anything for you, Lis. So long as it in no way conflicts with my being a word-class chicken.

Milhouse: Or involves breaking any rules of any kind, even rules I know to be stupid and/or unenforceable.

Lisa: Come on, Milhouse. Live a little.

Milhouse: I’ve made it ten years without living. I’m not about to start now.

Lisa: I’m trying to track down where the eggs go after they’re redeemed. I need you to buy an Easter Box from the mysterious stranger.

Milhouse: If you help me out, Puppy Goo Goo gets invited to every tea party I throw from now on.

Milhouse: I can’t deny that Puppy Goo Goo’s anaemic social life is the greatest concern of my life. Very well, Lisa, I’m in.

Now it’s time to make Lisa investigate the Easter boxes for the next 12 hours. You will earn an extra 250 bonus eggs, plus 10 XP upon completion. Lisa will continue the next part when she finishes and it’ll be Milhouse’s turn to snoop around.

Four-Day Weekend For Our Sins. Part 13
Characters needed:Lisa, Milhouse

Milhouse: Like he’s behind every single evil plot Springfield has ever faced?

Lisa: Yeah, this town could use another villain. But first, we need to break into the nuclear plant. How good are you at climbing fences?

Milhouse: Coach Krupt has called me “the most disappointing physical specimen ever to grasp a dodgeball.”

Lisa: Compared to my P.E. assessment, that’s a compliment. Looks like you’re the man for the job!
Now it’s time to make Milhouse sneak into the control building for the next 8 hours. You will earn an extra 250 bonus eggs, plus 10 XP upon completion. Milhouse will continue when he finishes.

Lisa: Wait a second, if Mr. Burns can produce his own eggs, why is he buying up everyone else’s? It doesn’t make sense!

Milhouse: I’m sure Hubert Wong could figure it out.

Lisa: Well, he hasn’t been added to the town yet. And anyway, I’m smarter than Hubert Wong.

Milhouse: …

Lisa: I am TOO smarter!

Keep Homer and Bart free when Milhouse finishes. Homer, will continue the next part however, his task is instant so Bart will follow.

Fun Fact: Milhouse mentions a boy named Hubert Wong. Hubert Wong is a smart student in the same grade as Lisa and first appeared in the Treehouse of Horrors XX. Since then he has appeared in three of the episodes.

Four-Day Weekend For Our Sins. Part 14
Characters needed:Homer

Bart: Snap out of it, man! Quit letting a randomized outcome rule your life.

Homer: Oh, it’s not random. There’s a pattern, I’m sure of it. Just like there’s a pattern to how we walk around town… I assume.

Bart: Maybe you should just go to work. Then you could earn enough money to buy the things you want outright.

Homer: What’s the point of that? There’s no drama, no delectable tension. Besides, Mr. Burns told all his employees to take the month off and collect eggs.

Homer: Which I find in no way suspicious! Now shut up.

Homer: According to an online forum post I just read, the next Easter Box I buy is guaranteed to pay off big! Guaranteed!

Now go and get another Easter box.

They cost 500 eggs and you’ll earn an extra 250 bonus eggs, plus 10 XP upon completion. Bart will continue when you have got your box and won your prize.

Four-Day Weekend For Our Sins. Part 15.
Characters needed:Bart

Lisa: Follow the eggs… follow the eggs, he said…

Bart: Oh my God, it’s got my sister, too.

Bart: Well, as the only non-zombified person here, I owe it to the town I love to embark an a massive crime spree. To the spary paint store!

Lisa: Wait! Bart, an anonymous whistle blower is emailing me clues about the scientific origins of the bunnies. I have to find out who it is.
Bart: To catch a geek, hire an even bigger geek.

Now send Bart to queation Comic Book Guy for four hours. You’ll receive a bonus 250 eggs and 10 XP upon completion of the task. Comic Book Guy will continue…

Bart: That’s a pretty lame handle for a cyberwarrior.

Comic Book Guy: What can I say — FREAKZILLA1 through FREAKZILLA47 were taken. Anyhoo, typety-typety…

Comic Book Guy: “D.E.Machina” appears to be originating from a server that goes by the name “Sax on the Beach.”

Lisa: *gasp* “Sax on the Beach” is the title of Bleeding Gum Murhpy’s only album!

Bart: If this mystery involes jazz in any way, I vote we let this whole town go to hell.

Comic Book Guy: Seconded! Horrible, horrible music.

Lisa: For your information, jazz is America’s–

Comic Book Guy: –only indigenous art form? Yes, we’ve all heard that argument before. And yet the music still blows.

Now keep Lisa free and she’ll continue to the next part.

Four-Day Weekend For Our Sins. Part 16.
Characters needed:Lisa

Bart: Listen to jazz? I’d rather die. Seriously. That’s not an expression. I honestly, rationally choose death over jazz.

Lisa: I really don’t understand this hatred for America’s–



Bart: Sorry. Look, you’re my sister. And despite that fact, I like you. On rare occasions.

Bart: But don’t ask this of me. If I hear lick one, I will literally vomit to death.

Now send Lisa to listen to a Bleeding Gums Murphy album for 12 hours. You’ll receive a bonus 250 eggs and 10 XP upon completion of the task. Lisa will continue part 17.

Four-Day Weekend For Our Sins. Part 17.
Characters needed:Lisa

Lisa:In fact, the only obsession I recall him having was for Faberge Eggs…

Bart: Eggs? As in Easter Eggs?

Lisa: But Farberge eggs are crazy expensive. You’d have to be fantastically wealthy to acquire even one.

Lisa: As wealthy as… MR. BURNS! It all fits!

Lisa:It’s time for D.E. MACHINA to come clean.

It’s now time to send Lisa to contact the whistle blower. After

the task is complete, you will receive a bonus 250 eggs and 10 XP. The computer will continue…







Lisa will now finish the quest line when you tap her. Note, you will also need Burns free in the final task.

Four-Day Weekend For Our Sins. Part 18.
Characters needed:Lisa, Burns

Frink: It’s true. I gave life to these adorable abominations. Sooooo fluffy, sooooo cursed. Glayvin.

Lisa: But why reach out to me?

Frink: Because I knew it was wrong. My delicate nerd bones crumple under the weight of a three-pound backpack, let alone a half ton of guilt.

Frink: Burns’ farm is enormous, and those rabbits breed like overly libidinous


Frink: It was inevitable a few rabbits would escape into the wild.

Lisa: And Burns doesn’t want to lose their eggs! That leaves only one question left to answer.

Ok, its time for the final task, send Lisa to confront Mr. Burns for 8 hours. When she is finished you will receive a bonus 250 eggs and 10 XP. Lisa will now finish the walkthrough.

Burns: And it easn’t easy. You have no idea how difficult stealing from Russian oligarchs is. “Paranoid” doesn’t begin to describe those guys.

Burns: But there’s one kind of Faberge even THEY don’t have. A naturally-occurring one.

Burns: And so I hired Frink to create a creature that just might someday lay one.

Lisa: So that’s why you needed every single egg. On the off chance that one might contain your prize.

Homer: Ha! I guess even the super-rich are powerless against the endless, unquenchable urge to collect things they don’t need.

Burns: Of course! It’s universal. A fact for which all of us in this digital town should be very grateful.

Homer: Hmm, I guess if people weren’t suckers for collecting, EA would have no reason to keep updating this game.

Burns: Exactly. So stop pointing out how useless this whole endeavor is, you idiot! We need these people!


So, thats where the walkthrough ends. Now you can buy the faberge egg for 100 donuts or hope that you’ll get really lucky and win it.

For me, I felt that the story got better as it went along however, I experienced many glitches which caused delays and just like the good prizes, the “chance” of getting the faberge egg is very slim. I personally think EA needs to go back and look at both last years Whacking Day and Halloween and compare those two events of working hard to get prizes as opposed to luck. I personally think they should remove the whole “chance” system. It’s not about hard work as Whacking Day was last year but luck. Overall, I enjoyed the story, a little overworked in the beginning but it improved as it involved more characters.

Feel free to comment on you thoughts for the walkthrough. And although I’m late in saying this, Happy late Easter and good luck in getting all of the prizes.

Happy tapping


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