

Free Beer and Hot Wings discussed an article on Cracked that revealed ways you can trick your body into working better. The guys thought the tricks were pretty much hit or miss, but did agree on a few of them.

Hot Wings was convinced that the eavesdropping trick worked (see below), noting that it was especially effective when paired with a cup pressed up against a door. “You can hear everything,” he said.

Here are the four tricks that they guys discussed:

Drink a Cup of Coffee Before You Take a Nap

The guys were surprised with this one and none of them associated coffee with naps. Hot Wings thought it could work if you had only one cup of coffee.

Don’t Stretch Before a Workout

This was another one that was out of left field. Zane was sure that the conventional wisdom was always to stretch before physical activity, but everyone agreed that you should always stretch after a workout.

Use Your Right Ear To Eavesdrop

The guys learned that, while the difference is only slight, the left ear has evolved to be better at hearing music, while the right ear is better at hearing speech. Oh, and don’t forget the cup trick!

Reset Your Sleep Cycle by Fasting

Free Beer taught everyone that if you really wanted to reset your biological clock and alter your sleep cycle, you should stop eating between 2PM and 6PM the day before, then eat well when you get up early. He went on to say that this was why he always has to eat early in the evening and lamented that it probably isn’t that fair for his wife since she doesn’t get up at the same time he does.

Make sure to check out all of the tips in the article and see if you agree or disagree with Free Beer and Hot Wings. Do you have any weird tricks you’ve learned over the years that make your body work better? Leave a comment below and let us know!

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