
The world’s largest island nation, Indonesia comprises about 17,000 islands sprawling over roughly dual million block kilometres possibly side of a equator. It includes half of a world’s second-largest island, New Guinea, and many of a world’s third-largest, Borneo, as good as imperishable Sumatra and bustling Java. Its particular wildlife includes midget elephants, tree kangaroos and a Komodo dragon; a thespian landscape embraces ancient rice terraces, gross jungle, islands with primitive coral fringed by white sands and lava-spewing volcanoes. And now that inhabitant conduit Garuda has launched a initial approach flights from a UK to Jakarta, a nation’s collateral and ride hub, Britons are usually dual flights divided from flattering many anywhere in a archipelago.

Indonesia’s cultures are as different as a geography. Home to a world’s largest Muslim population, it’s also studded with ancient Hindu temples, and a entertain of a billion inhabitants use 6 strictly recognized religions, as good as a operation of animist rituals.

Swept by a Indian and Pacific Oceans, it’s one of a best diving destinations in a universe – many would disagree the best. Year-round breaks in warm, pleasant waters move surfers flocking to Bali, as good as circuitously Sumbawa and a westerly Mentawai islands.

Like any building nation, Indonesia presents a ride challenges. Litter, utterly plastic, is an issue, while traffic, soil and large inequality can make cities grave places during initial glance. While inexpensive atmosphere ride has non-stop adult good swathes of a nation, it can still take outrageous amounts of time to get from A to B. Java has a operative rail network and Sumatra a handful of lines, yet many journeys will engage inner flights, jarring train journeys, ferries of a operation of shapes, sizes and reserve standards, or, utterly often, all of these. Travelfish.org is a good Indonesia ride formulation resource.

You could spend years exploring Indonesia and hardly blemish a surface. We concentration on a most-visited areas – Bali, Java, Lombok and up-and-coming Flores – with some suggestions for adventures serve afield.


While tools of lush, receptive Bali are text examples of a impact of mass tourism, it remains, in essence, a island that fascinated western artists in a 1930s. A well-rounded outing will embody a bit of beach as good as time in Ubud and a few days elsewhere inland.

Bali in ubiquitous is reduction about a beaches themselves than a water. Pemuteran on a north seashore and Amed on a easterly seashore offer superb diving and snorkelling: don’t skip a stays of a USS Liberty circuitously Amed, one of really few estimable wrecks to distortion in comparatively shoal and ease waters tighten to shore. Euro Dive offers dual dives for £40. Hipster Canggu on a west seashore and a pacific Bukit peninsula in a distant south are surfing destinations. Uluwatu and Padang-Padang on a Bukit peninsula have waves to plea experts. In Canggu, Old Man’s Beach is kind to beginners (expect to compensate underneath £20 for a two-hour doctrine with residence sinecure from any of a guys with residence stands on a beach), while Echo Beach is improved for intermediates and above.

Inland, Ubud, a island’s informative and devout capital, might be touristy yet still offers top-notch food, ancient temples and charming ritual, handicrafts and self-improvement activities from silver-smithing to each kind of yoga on a planet. The annual Ubud Readers and Writers Festival runs from 28 October-1 Nov this year.

The genuine Bali can be found low inland. To a easterly is Besakih, with a Hindu Mother Temple, a dedicated volcano, Mount Agung, and renouned Sidemen for rice margin walks and towering views. To a north and west, Munduk has waterfalls and highland hikes, Bedugul is cold adequate for strawberries to grow, and there’s zero utterly like easing bruise muscles in lakeside prohibited springs after a morning stand of a Mount Batur volcano.

And today, interjection to metered taxis, Uber and a horde of convey services including a new Kura Kura bus with a mobile app, Bali is easy to get around yet braving a chaotic trade or a bemo minibus network.

The stormy deteriorate peaks between Dec and February, bringing high steam and grey days: continue is during a best between Apr and August, nonetheless trade is utterly bad over a Aug peak.

What to eat

Must-try Balinese dishes embody babi guling (roast sucking pig with spices). This is customarily eaten in a mornings or during lunchtime, from dilettante restaurants with low prices and cosmetic chairs. Look out for steep or duck betutu (a smoky, sharp plate creatively served during ceremonies), and sate lilit (lemongrass-heavy minced beef satay) in similar, street-style places that offer them as a speciality. Those with money to dash can suffer excellent dining and cocktails during restaurants such as Locavore in Ubud (Jalan Dewisita 10, locavore.co.id), or in a beach review of Seminyak during Mozaic Brasserie (Jl Pantai Batu Belig, mozaic-beachclub.com/mozaic-brasserie) or Mejekawi (Jalan Kayu Aya 9), a “kitchen and laboratory concept” with five- and 12-course tasting menus (from £37 a head).

Where to stay

Serenity Eco Guesthouse (doubles from £26 BB), is 150 metres from a beach in Canggu, with elementary rooms, pool and yoga studio. In Ubud, Taman Indrakila (doubles from £30 BB) has flattering bungalows on a thespian jungled gorge, and a cliffside pool. Teras Bali (doubles from £32 BB, terasbalisidemen.com) sits amid rice fields circuitously Sidemen with a distinguished swimming pool. Arjuna Homestay (doubles from £21 BB) in Pemuteran creates a good bottom for diving a coral walls off Menjangan island, and has a pool.


More people live on Java than in a whole of Japan, that creates for delayed ride and undiluted cities. Yet this is also a heartland that defines Indonesia: shade puppets, gentle ritual, elaborate dances, smouldering volcanoes and undying landscapes. At slightest until a long-awaited civic light rail complement arrives (perhaps in 2018), a collateral Jakarta, in a west of a island, is a gridlocked mega-city that many people will wish to avoid. The categorical sights during this finish of Java are a volcanic islands of Krakatoa and a inhabitant park of Ujung Kulon, home to a involved Javanese rhino. These are best visited on a debate from a review of Carita Beach: try krakatau-tour.com.

Banyunwangi in eastern Java is reached by an hour-long packet bound from a pier of Gilimanuk in north-west Bali, creation a Ijen plateau above Banyuwangi a healthy outing from Bali. Head here for prohibited springs, coffee plantations, piquancy gardens, ideally conical volcanoes and a overwhelming void lake where locals still cave blocks of sulphur. On a seashore south of here, Plengkung beach has an iconic roller mangle (G-Land), and Red Island is an up-and-coming roller destination.

Further west, brooding Mount Bromo, an Indonesian icon, sits sheer in a black silt desert: a horse-riding Tenggerese people still make live offerings to a volcano during a Yadnya Kasada festival, customarily in Jun (6-20 Jun this year).

In executive Java, a eighth-century Buddhist church of Borobudur, relaxed in a sensuous volcanic highlands, is one of a world’s good eremite monuments: Buddhist pilgrims come here from opposite Asia to applaud Waisak (the Buddha’s birthday, 20-22 May). The well-bred university city of Yogyakarta, one of few Indonesian cities with a recorded ancestral centre, is many some-more than usually a bottom for exploring Borobudur and a temples during circuitously Prambanan. In town, visitors can locate a normal masked dance opening in a Kraton walled city, try museums and a bird market, and check out contemporary humanities spaces like Cemeti and Sangkring.

Trundling past Java’s undying rice paddies on delayed yet not worried trains is distant some-more preferable to sitting on buses in traffic. Most trains are bookable on tiket.com by credit card.

Java’s stormy deteriorate is between Nov and March: around Eid (Idul Adha in Indonesian, 10-11 Sep this year), half of Indonesia heads home for a Islamic holiday. Don’t even consider about travelling in Java around this time.

What to eat

You’ll find a meatball-noodle soup called bakso all over Java, as good as sop buntut (oxtail soup) and mostly kambing gule (delicious goat and coconut curry). In Yogya, a signature plate is gudek, a curry of immature jackfruit and coconut. Head to a city’s categorical drag, Jalan Malioboro, for travel food, or a House of Raminten (Jalan Faridan Muridan Noto 7, +62 274 547 315) for dishes from opposite a archipelago.

Where to stay

The prohibited and cold open swimming pools during Catimor Homestay (doubles from £10 BB, +62 8233 262 8342, no website), a brief travel from coffee farms, some-more prohibited springs and waterfalls, make this simple mark a good bottom for exploring a Ijen plateau. In Yogyakarta, mainly located Bamboo Bamboo Homestay (doubles from £11 BB, mybamboobamboo.com) has dorms, en apartment doubles and a honeyed two-bedroom residence with bamboo bathrooms. Archipelago Beach (doubles from £32 room only) in Carita Beach also has two- and three-bedroom villas in styles from opposite a archipelago. From £80 per night, they’re a good choice for groups headed to Krakatau or Ujung Kulon.


All many visitors to Lombok see of this intriguing island are a contingent of white silt isles famous as a Gilis, off a north-west coast: party-hearty Gili Trawangan, stylish Gili Air and less-developed Gili Meno. Fast boats run directly from Bali to these epicurean hotspots, that are famously giveaway of powered vehicles – a channel is mostly enclosed in a hotel transfer, yet Eka Jaya has earnings from around £34. While there are many improved diving destinations in Indonesia, a Gilis are a renouned bottom to learn both scuba and freediving: try Manta Dive or Freedive Gili ( – a latter is run by British freediving champion Michael Board. Avoid a Gilis during a Aug rise period, when prices can triple.

But Lombok merits a longer stay. It offers world-class roller breaks between Apr and Nov – predominantly a metronomic tub during Desert Point in a south-west, yet also around Kuta in a south. Gunung Rinjani, a 3,762-metre rise that dominates a island, creates for an epic, three-day stand (for a scrupulously equipped; see gunungbagging.com for details). In a foothills are ancient mosques and villages still populated by practitioners of a Hindu-Islam alloy singular to Lombok, as good as flattering waterfalls.

In a south, a seashore around Kuta is a array of gorgeous, white silt bays corroborated by sheer immature promontories – ideal highway outing territory. The Bau Nyale festival, hold around late February, is a three-day jubilee of a rising of seaworms – a inner sweetmeat – from a coral. The Southern (or Secret) Gilis are cluster of west seashore islands reached by boats from a small ports of Tembowong or Tawun. Well off a beaten track, they are full of impression and charm.

The categorical form of open ride on Lombok – besides a horse-carts famous as cidomo, that sojourn really many in use – is short-hop minivans, yet these are wily to negotiate yet time and denunciation skills. Tourist shuttles run between vital destinations, and a airfield has inhabitant and general connections, as good as a convey to a uncommonly avoidable review area of Senggigi. Fast and delayed boats run from Bali to a pier during Lembar.

What to eat

Typical Lombok dishes embody sate pusut (spicy minced satay), and ayam taliwang (fiery boiled chicken). In Mataram, the island’s capital, Dua-Em (Jalan Transmigrasi) is a good place to knowledge these and weirder delicacies. Beachside uninformed fish barbecues are a prominence of a Gilis: Scallywags in South Beach, Gili Trawangan, is a classical choice. Around Kuta, Ashtari has overwhelming views, healthy food and good cocktails.

Where to stay

There is bill accommodation in Lombok and a Gilis, yet nothing of it is really special – improved to dash out a small some-more for somewhere memorable. In Selong Belanak, west of Kuta on Lombok’s south coast, Sempiak Villas (from £80 a night, sempiakvillas.com) has 6 away designed self-catering bungalows above a sweeping, white silt beach. In Senaru in a Rinjani foothills, Rinjani Lodge (doubles from £50 BB, rinjanilodge.com), offers overwhelming views, forever pools and hot-spring tubs. For simple beachfront chic, Madak Belo (bungalow from £26 room only, dorm beds from £13, madak-belo.com) is during Madak Belo Beach on Gili Gede, a largest of a Southern Gilis. It’s value profitable a reward for a still plcae on Gili T: Wilson’s Retreat (classy apartment with outside lavatory from £80) is on a pacific north seashore beachfront.


After Lombok, a mostly Catholic Flores is a many visited of a hundreds of islands that make adult Nusa Tenggara, nonetheless Sumba is increasingly renouned too. Most people fly from Bali to Labuanbajo, a gateway to fantastic diving and a dragons during Komodo inhabitant park, Divers could splurge on a liveaboard such as normal phinisi sailing vessel Moana (from £1,000 for a five-day dive cruise) or usually collect adult a understanding during a harbour. Inland, Bajawa and Ruteng are gateways to fascinating genealogical cultures in a island’s sensuous valleys. Buses run to both from Labuanbajo, or it’s easy to negotiate a automobile and a motorist during a airport. Hotels and guesthouses in Ruteng will be penetrating to deliver we to a guide. Heading on easterly opposite a island, a lunar landscape of Kelimutu, circuitously Ende, houses void lakes so brilliantly phony they demeanour like paint spills.

What to eat

Labuanbajo has a different dining scene, and a outrageous choice of food during a bustling night market: Italian-owned Made in Italy (Jalan Soekarno Hatta) has strikingly good food. Padang food and Chinese-Indonesian specialities – besides dog beef – include incorporate ikan asam manis, a tangy, tamarind fish soup.

Where to stay

Kanawa Beach Bungalows (doubles from £40) on willing Kanawa island, connected to Labuanbajo by one vessel a day (at noon), sojourn a renouned choice. Outside Labuanbajo, there’s small tourist-focused accommodation. An engaging place to stay is Hotel Susteran, indeed partial of a priory of Santa Maria Berdukacita in Ruteng (doubles from £13, no website, +62 385 22 834). Local guides can arrange homestays in a cone-shaped huts of a remote Manggarai encampment of Wae Rebo (details during Flores Tourism .


Of course, there’s much, many some-more to Indonesia than Java, Bali, Lombok and Flores. Sumatra, a world’s sixth-largest island, is home to orangutans, tigers and more. Catch a wildlife in Gunung Leuser inhabitant park, try flattering Weh island, and chill out by highland Toba, a world’s largest volcanic void lake.

With different genealogical cultures, a thousands of islands that make adult Maluku (the Moluccas) are an island-hopper’s mecca. Laszlo Wagner of website East-Indonesia.info recommends starting on a island of Ambon, afterwards relocating on to Saparua, afterwards possibly a Banda islands – a strange home of nutmeg – or a frequency visited Kei islands.

Indonesian New Guinea offers not usually a Raja Ampat islands – 40,000 sq km of sea domain whose primitive embankment creates it a diving breakwater – yet superb jungle adventures. Mikel Leitzinger of Archipelago Explorer recommends guided movement in a Baliem Valley and afterwards a outing by vessel and on feet upland and by swamps to accommodate a treehouse-dwelling Korowai people.

Though vast, jungled Kalimantan (Indonesian Borneo) has been strike tough by logging, mining and palm oil farming, it is still home to animals from midget elephants to orangutans and maintains some untried forest. Lucas Zwaal of De’Gigant Tours recommends a guided movement and riverboat outing by pure jungle from Long Bawan to Tanjung Selor.

The elongated embankment of sprawling, spidery Sulawesi means that, even with inner flights, a island takes longer to try than you’d imagine. A good devise is to start in Makassar, try a karst landscapes of Rammang-Rammang, afterwards conduct to a Toraja highlands. Wildlife lovers could select to fly from Makassar to Manado for a Bitung-Tangkoko inhabitant park, with a huge-eyed tarsiers and singular marsupials, as good as a diving islands of Bunaken and Lembeh.

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