Organic Tobacco doesn’t cause Cancer and is Non-Addictive.
Commercial Cigarettes contain arsenic, formaldehyde, lead, hydrogen cyanide, nitrogen oxide, carbon monoxide, ammonia and 43 known carcinogens, as well as added and enhanced Addictives. They make it Cancerous, and then they make it addictive!
Anatomy of a Cigarette
Conventional Cigarette
Note: This virtual cigarette does not represent a particular brand but describes the structure of many of the most popular brands of cigarettes on the market.
Conventional cigarette
Only a portion of the tobacco inside a cigarette comes from the leaf of a tobacco plant. A significant amount of the shredded brown innards of most modern cigarettes is a paper product called “reconstituted tobacco” or “homogenized sheet tobacco,” which is made from a pulp of mashed tobacco stems and other parts of the tobacco leaf that would otherwise go to waste. Manufacturers spray and impregnate reconstituted tobacco paper with nicotine and other substances lost during the process, along with as many as 600 chemical additives. These include several that may come as a surprise, such as ammonia, which aids in the delivery of nicotine, and chocolate, which masks the bitter taste of tobacco. Finally, the ‘recon’ is sliced to resemble shredded leaf tobacco.
In addition to reconstituted tobacco, cigarette companies pack cigarettes with so-called puffed tobacco (also called “expanded tobacco”), which allows them to produce more cigarettes per pound of tobacco grown with lower levels of tar particles in the smoke. Manufacturers saturate this tobacco, which they make from the leaf of the plant, with freon and ammonia gases and then freeze-dry it. This process expands the tobacco, increasing its volume to at least double its natural state.
Paper wrap
Though seemingly innocuous, cigarette paper is largely responsible for the rate at which a cigarette burns and the amount and density of the smoke it produces. The paper displays a pattern of concentric circle striations called “burn rings.” The burn rings correspond to two different thicknesses in the paper, which serve to precisely control the speed at which the cigarette burns, slowing it automatically when the smoker is not inhaling in order to prolong the cigarette’s consumption and speeding it up as the smoker takes a drag so as to maximize smoke intake. In addition, like the tobacco, the cigarette paper contains a host of chemicals, among them titanium oxide, which accelerates and maintains burning so the cigarette does not go out and the smoke is delivered evenly with each puff. These chemicals have contributed to many cigarette-caused fires, a problem that some manufacturers have not addressed until recently.
The filter cigarette was a specialty item until 1954, when manufacturers introduced it broadly following a spate of speculative announcements from doctors and researchers concerning a possible link between lung diseases and smoking. Reacting to smokers’ voiced fears and sudden reduced cigarette consumption, cigarette companies, by altering the filter’s structure and materials, began making competing claims about how low their brands’ tar and nicotine levels were.
Some cigarettes today boast the inclusion of a “charcoal filter” in addition to the more common dense, synthetic fiber filters seen in almost all filter cigarettes. Manufacturers claim that charcoal filters, which contain bits of charcoal embedded within the fiber filters, reduce certain toxins in the smoke. But no evidence exists that these cigarettes are significantly less dangerous for the user.
Most filter cigarettes also bear ventilation holes punched around the circumference of the filter tip. (Regular cigarettes might feature one ring of ventilation holes, while light and ultra-light cigarettes of the same brand might have two or more rings.) These tiny holes, which you can see by holding the unrolled paper up to a bright light, can allow enough fresh air into the smoke that such cigarettes can test quite low in tar and nicotine levels when smoked by machines, which do not cover the holes. However, smokers’ fingers or lips often cover some of these holes as they puff, giving them much higher doses of tar and nicotine than advertised. According to critics of the tobacco industry, the holes create a flexible dosing system that allows addicted smokers to maintain the tar and nicotine levels they crave while believing they are receiving lower, safer doses.
The Shocking Ingredients in Cigarettes
Melissa Breyer
November 6, 2011
If you think cigarettes are simply dried tobacco leaves rolled in paper, you’re about 597 ingredients off. The tobacco industry has become master mixologists with the additives. Some ingredients are added for flavor, but research has shown that the key purpose of using additives is to improve tobacco’s potency resulting in increased addictiveness–and the additives they choose to use are dreadful.
I remember hearing something about “the list” back in the 1990s when tobacco companies first started being taken to task for their dastardly ways, but seeing the list again now that I’m educated about chemistry and health, I am absolutely staggered. It’s amazing this isn’t in the news everyday. It’s bad enough that many of these ingredients are approved for use in food–but that they haven’t been tested for burning? When burnt, the whole mess results in over 4,000 chemicals, including over 40 known carcinogenic compounds and 400 other toxins. These include nicotine, tar, and carbon monoxide, as well as formaldehyde, ammonia, hydrogen cyanide, arsenic, and DDT.
You know it’s bad when the Phillip Morris website has this posted on their homepage: Nearly 5,000 chemicals have been identified in tobacco smoke to date. Public health authorities have classified between 45 and 70 of those chemicals, including carcinogens, irritants and other toxins, as potentially causing the harmful effects of tobacco use.
According to Dr. and Mrs. Quit, also known as Lowell Kleinman, M.D., and Deborah Messina-Kleinman, M.P.H., from the Quit Smoking Center, cigarette flavors have gone through many changes since cigarettes were first made. Initially, cigarettes were unfiltered, allowing the full “flavor” of the tar to come through. As the public became concerned about the health effects of smoking, filters were added. While this helped alleviate the public’s fears, the result was a cigarette that tasted too bitter. (And filters do not remove enough tar to make cigarettes less dangerous. They are just a marketing ploy to trick you into thinking you are smoking a safer cigarette.)
The solution to the bitter-tasting cigarette was easy–have some chemists add taste-improving chemicals to the tobacco. But once they got rolling they figured out they could really maximize the whole addiction part, what a hook. They found that a chemical similar to rocket fuel helps keep the tip of the cigarette burning at an extremely hot temperature, which allows the nicotine in tobacco to turn into a vapor so your lungs can absorb it more easily. Or how about ammonia? Adding ammonia to cigarettes allows nicotine in its vapor form to be absorbed through the lungs more quickly. This, in turn, means your brain can get a higher dose of nicotine with each inhalation. Now that’s efficiency.
For a start, here’s the who’s who of the most toxic ingredients used to make cigarettes tastier, and more quickly, effectively addictive:
Ammonia: Household cleaner.
Arsenic: Used in rat poisons.
Benzene: Used in making dyes, synthetic rubber.
Butane: Gas; used in lighter fluid.
Carbon monoxide: Poisonous gas.
Cadmium: Used in batteries.
Cyanide: Lethal poison.
DDT: A banned insecticide.
Ethyl Furoate: Causes liver damage in animals.
Lead: Poisonous in high doses.
Formaldehyde: Used to preserve dead specimens.
Methoprene: Insecticide.
Maltitol: Sweetener for diabetics.
Napthalene: Ingredient in mothballs.
Methyl isocyanate: Its accidental release killed 2000 people in Bhopal, India, in 1984.
Polonium: Cancer-causing radioactive element.
For the whole list of 599 additives used in cigarettes, see the BBC Worldservice page: What’s in a Cigarette.
Acetone – A flammable, colorless liquid used as a
solvent. It’s one of the active ingredients in nail polish
remover. The tobacco industry refuses to say how
acetone gets into cigarettes.
Ammonia – A colorless, pungent gas. The tobacco
industry says that it adds flavor, but scientists have
discovered that ammonia helps you absorb more
nicotine – keeping you hooked on smoking.
Arsenic – A silvery-white very poisonous chemical
element. This deadly poison is used to make
insecticides, and it is also used to kill gophers and rats.
Benzene – A flammable liquid obtained from coal tar
and used as a solvent. This cancer-causing chemical is
used to make everything from pesticides to detergent to
Benzoapyrene – A yellow crystalline carcinogenic
hydrocarbon found in coal tar and cigarette smoke. It’s
one of the most potent cancer-causing chemicals in the
Butane – A hydrocarbon used as a fuel. Highly
flammable butane is one of the key ingredients in
Cadmium – A metallic chemical element used in alloys.
This toxic metal causes damage to the liver, kidneys,
and the brain; and stays in your body for years.
Formaldehyde – A colorless pungent gas used in
solution as a disinfectant and preservative. It causes
cancer; damages your lungs, skin and digestive system.
Embalmers use it to preserve dead bodies.
Lead – A heavy bluish-gray metallic chemical element.
This toxic heavy metal causes lead poisoning, which
stunts your growth, and damages your brain. It can
easily kill you.
Propylene Glycol – A sweet hygroscopic viscous liquid
used as antifreeze and as a solvent in brake fluid. The
tobacco industry claims they add it to keep cheap
“reconstituted tobacco” from drying out, but scientists
say it aids in the delivery of nicotine (tobaccos active
drug) to the brain.
Turpentine – A colorless volatile oil. Turpentine is very
toxic and is commonly used as a paint thinner.
When you inhale, these toxins are drawn into your
lungs, through the porous lining of your lungs, and
directly into your blood stream. From your blood
stream these chemicals are delivered to every cell of
your body.
The most likely disease that you will then develop is
cancer. This is because cigarette smoke contains some
of the most carcinogenic (cancer causing) compounds
known to man.
January 18, 2010
Are you people as stupid as your postings are showing? How many Native Americans have you known that have died of lung cancer or any other cancers in the past?….None. Not until the white man entered their lives. Now if you were a multi-billion dollar industry and wanted billions of more wouldn’t you have your scientists conjur up some chemicals to make addicts of folks and keep them smoking your products at any cost? Of course you would. So, centuries of Native Americans smoking good’ol non-chemical laced tobacco has led to how many deaths in the 1,000 of years past? Probably none. So, how can natural and organically grown tobacco be harmful, except for the nicotine (gee might as well have a good cup of Joe) be harmful? Plus the nicotine concentration isn’t even close to that of commercial cigs (since they add more to them). Good God people. Enjoy your smokes. Stay away from the Tobacco Giants who poision people for money. Smoke natural, organic tobacco, pot, or whatever you desire. G.D., anyone who spends money on corporate giants to poison themselves is an idiot anyways. The corporate giants aren’t going to change business and come up with a less addictive and dangerous smoke. Use your freaking heads. Everyone out here is a G.D. armchair scientist. Live your lives your way. Do what you choose to do.
#32 devere
January 19, 2010
Natural American Spirit is owned by RJ American, parent company of RJ Reynolds (Big Tobacco). The tobacco that they use are in fact processed from genetically modified hybrid leaves with an ultra-high nicotine content that the American Indians had never traditionally used in any of their ceremonies. And if that weren’t enough NAS is said to use urea instead of ammonia in order to further inhance nicotine absoption. Sequoia (re: Cherokee alphabet) is one person that very possibly did die from his smoking habit.
#33 Jack
January 29, 2010
American spirit is owned RJ Reynolds but is not a corporate creation of the parent company. Althought many will state without proof or convincing argument that RJ Eyenolds has alterd the original formula on American Spirit cigs, I believe that cigs are the same as it was prior to RJ’s buyout. Historically Americans have been smoking for more than 200 years, yet 90% of all smoking related deaths have all come in just the last 45 years. Life long smokers have been around since the revolution yet we do not find a huge population in our past with smoking related issues on a wide scale. The amount of americans that smoked back in the day was much much higher than today. The human body can take a cigarette for life, its already been proven in our history. What it CAN”T take is people smoking toxin laced cigaretts with a dilapted immune systms. This is why some life long smokers die at 40 while others at 60 and still others of just old age with non tobacco related illness.
#34 electronic cigar
February 2, 2010
Okay, so the tobacco is organic, but are they still adding the thousands of other chemicals? Probably, seeing as it is owned by RJ.
Now, if they had a 100% Organic Cigarette…I might go for that, but for now, I’ll still with my electronic cigarette.
#35 Electronic Cigarette
February 2, 2010
Sorry for the double post…
The reason there are more smoking deaths within the last 45 years is the addition of all the chemicals and carcinogens to the cigarette. Some to make it burn slower, faster, more evenly, etc. If the companies took those out, we’d have a completely new cigarette.
Oh…wait though….then the pharmaceutical companies would probably suffer a major financial drop and we couldn’t let that happen. (Cynicism noted.)
Smoking small amounts of Non-chemical organic tobacco is healthy, contrary to what you are told. Consider if you are a smoker and are trying to quit, the reason why you’re having trouble is the chemicals added by Major tobacco companies.
I’ve read a number of posts here, talking about when smoking organic cigs, the posters smoke way less. I’m finding when I smoke, I smoke only for relaxation and thoughtful interludes.
Natural tobacco is a herb. Nature proviides the medicines we need. Small amounts of the smoke from this herb does have benefits. I haven’t had a cold for 3 years now. If I do feel one coming on, I’ve noticed countless times after smoking, the phlegma just starts coming up in big chunks. I remember when I stopped for awhile, I’d get the usual tickling in the throat, and kept trying to fight it, but always got that damned cold. (I was Fear mongered by the mass media and those ridiculous “truth” commercials into qutting, then ran across some interesting online articles about chemicals in tobacco, and experiemented with organic tobacco.)
Do a tobacco or smoking search on Dr. Sutters. He’s chock full of of info about the lies of the present Modern medicine infrastructure.
Good luck.
(Btw- To Moderator. Can I make the suggestion to change the Forum title to Addiction- Chemicals in cigarattes ?)
No solvents, no heavy metals, organic, vegan, no animal testing
Re: Switch to Organic tobacco. Small amounts healthy. by Suzee1
I have been smoking organic tobacco for over 10 years.
One thing I do use it for is to bring phlegm up out of my lungs, just like you said. I rarely gets colds, a sniffle now and then.
Re: Switch to Organic tobacco. Small amounts healthy. by dsr 5 year 6,329
My I ask where you 2 are getting your organic tobacco from?
thank you
Re: Switch to Organic tobacco. Small amounts healthy. by katstump 5 year 6,202
I likes to smoke me an occasional American Spirit Organic Cig (red box). Tobacco shops usually carry ‘em.
Thank you – confirms what I’ve long suspected. I like Dr. Wassell.
Great find. Spells everything out. by all cures exist 5 year 6,264
Great find, vulcanel. In one letter it spells everything out. Modern medicine seems to be moving further and further into the dark ages, due to an intense For Profit system. I really like the part where he spells out that cancer is a symptom, not a disease.
Re: Great find. Spells everything out. by UserX 5 year 5,982
Indeed, not all are prepared to receive such knowledge. Glad you were.
Right, as katstump posted, American spirits makes organic tobacco.
Weird side not: Due to living next to the Port of Oakland, at this point in time, (moving this weekend) I have a hard time smoking the organic, due to the excessive Diesel exhaust from the Port. It’s extremely pure tobacco, and is a jolt to my system because of all the carcinogens from the Port. I end up smoking their Natural brand, which is also okay. No additives.
As soon as we move away from this toxic area, will go back to organic. I could write a book about our experiences with the journey of finding out about living next to major Ports.
Re: katsup is correct. Side Note: by katstump 5 year 5,980
You know you’re smoking a real cig when you have an American Spirit Organic. I only puff ‘em if I’m having some sort of fermented beverage.
I’m with you on port living! In my youth, it seemed like I always lived at or near a major or industrial port – ptooey! Won’t ever happen again. Congratulations on your escape! And thanks for posting about organic tobaccy!
Ever notice that after smoking those, you don’t wake up with aching lungs, as what happens with tobacco that has chemical additives ?
Oh, yes. Also, I don’t have a smoker’s cough; can go days betweeen puffs; and am able to run several miles every day. I love the flavor of real tobacco and also the nice little nic kick provided. I’d never smoke the chemical sticks.
It’s a good plant. I grew about 20 of them back in 2003, up to six feet tall.
Re: Switch to Organic tobacco. Small amounts healthy. by Ocean Blue 5 year 6,126
dsr, If you google Natural American Spirit their Website will tell you stores in your zipcode that sells them just about anywhere. I switched from chemical cigs to these a few years ago. I don’t smoke any less however with these than I did with chemical cigs, but you really notice a difference with Organics. If you find yourself “borrowing” a chemical cig from another you can’t smoke it. Your body immediately feels the “burn” of the chemical in your throat and lungs to the point that after the 1st puff you throw it away. And the company is environmentally conscious. The cigs are grown in New Mexico and are partnered with the Native Americans in the area. I like thier personal relationship with me, they give out coupons, they sent me a beautiful lighter unsolicited and 2 weeks go send me a beautifully crafted birthday card. Pricey, but worth it…
Re: Switch to Organic tobacco. Small amounts healthy. by all cures exist 5 year 6,182
Suzee. Believe it or not, it actually is also a painkiller. Whenever I’ve gotton a toothache, I smoke right where the tooth is, and the pain went away. (I’m convinced the toothache’s came from my proximity to Major pollutants from the Port of Oakland.)
Next time you have a small toothache, try it sometime. Strange experience….
Re: Switch to Organic tobacco. Small amounts healthy. by #103667 5 year 5,862
THANK YOU! I had never heard of this!
I am a smoker, have been off and on since I was 18, now 33. I have tried and tried to quit hundreds of times, once for nearly 3 months, but after that my quit time was always shorter.
I am going to look into locating these in my area, because if I can do anything to alleviate the affects of the chemicals in smokes, i know at least it would be taking a positive step.
I still want to quit, but it hurts to keep failing. I have tried chantix, and cold turkey, patches, and gum… Chantix was a joke.
Anyway, thanks again!
1) Organic Tobacco – Certified
2) Natural Rolling Paper – 100% Natural Hemp or Rice Paper
3) Natural Filter – Cotton (100% Biodegradable)
NOTE: If you can find a Natural Cigarette Tube with a Natural Biodegradable Filter, there are many cigarette Injector machines that can whip out a pack of (RYO) Roll Your Own cigarettes in about 5 minutes.
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