
It's Friday, a day for winding down, for looking forward to the weekend. It's a great time to share a laugh and a giggle, so on Fridays I like to share something funny with you, and I hope you'll join in the fun.

So, the idea is to share anything that is humorous. It can be a funny post you've written in the past or present, a video you've found, a joke you've heard, a funny picture...anything that tickles your funny bone.

I've shared Michael McIntyre's comedy with you before, but he is just so hilarious that I had to share this newer clip with you. It's about when Michael met the Queen (Warning: Coarse Language).

I don't know about you, but I think the Friday Funny is an excellent way to kick off the weekend! I get such a kick out of searching the internet for funny bone ticklers, I could do it all week long, but then nothing would get done around here (Please, no comments from my husband, who thinks that nothing gets done around here anyway, at least not in the housecleaning department).

So, if you want to link up, here are the rules:

If you're new here, follow Tropical Mum via RSS Feed, email subscription or Google Friend Connect.

Share your funny on your blog and link up below.

Don't forget to put the Friday Funny badge on your side bar or in your blog post.

Visit some of the other bloggers who've linked up and spread the comment love.

It's that simple.

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