
It's Friday, a day for winding down, for looking forward to the weekend. It's a great time to share a laugh and a giggle, so on Fridays I like to share something funny with you, and I hope you'll join in the fun.

So, the idea is to share anything that is humorous. It can be a funny post you've written in the past or present, a video you've found, a joke you've heard, a funny picture...anything that tickles your funny bone.

This week, I'd like to share with you an amusing moment we had this morning.

MasterSix came up to me earlier today and showed me the façade of a house he was building with Lego. This is quite an accomplishment for him, because he tends to struggle with creative endeavours. He is our academic and his big brother is all things to do with building and creating.

I ooh-ed and ah-ed, and he went away for a little while and came back with another house added to the board. He said, "I only need to make two more and then it's a hotel."

I didn't think anything of it at the time, until he came back to me with another house on the board and he said again, that he only needed to make one more house.

I asked him why it had to be that number of houses, and he replied, "because everybody knows that four houses equals a hotel."

I think someone has been playing too much monopoly.

Oh, and because I couldn't include the creation of one child and not the other, or rather because I got caught with camera in hand, here is MisterEight's masterpiece:

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