
Hi to All.
I was a new beginner after many many years out of the hobby. I and around 27th December2013 my daughter wanted to get her small fish tank up and running after it was originally purchased for the breeding of hamsters as a normal hamster cage the babies would get out somehow. She just wanted two goldfish to start with, now more than +-R7800-00 later here I am. I now have 4 tanks running two hot and two cold. Her original two fish died and I converted it to warm water tropical tank.

Now as for my big 1.2m Sun Sun HRPC1200H tank here goes. I have had a battle with my DARO 3ft tank to get it cycled and just when I thought all is coming right the bottom glass cracked and ended that tank. I set out to buy a new tank better than the last one, I ended up with the Sun Sun HRPC1200H 1.2m at 280-295L. I am really happy with this tank and stand now. It was a battle to get it there as I spent big bucks on water changes and the chemicals added each time as well as petrol each time visiting the LFS to buy different chemicals, testing the water and buying different test kits to help check the water. I did just about everything to get the tank cycled and settled, but failed to a point. I lost many fish, I thought I had everything OK with my set up, .............WRONG far from that ............Then How ...........:frown::frown::frown:

This week I got the tank cycled and settled. How did i do this with the help of Koi. Now some would ask how is this possible or work. I called a friend that has a 36 000 Litre Koi pond and got water out of his Koi pond used a filter to filter out the algae and dirt as the Koi pond gets top dirt as well. I filtered it twice through some Floss. I did a 50% water change the first time it did not work for me and my set up. I then did a 100% water change and that worked 100%, all readings are normal and NO more Ammonia problem for me. I have happy fish again and I now have and can add a few more as I lost many of them. I also went to my LFS and double checked my findings on the water just to be safe ............... All Clear and OK. The Koi pond water did the trick for me, If any of you have a friend that has a Koi pond try this it worked for me !00%, but I would not go as far as using the LFS Koi water as this could be a problem in the end. Use someone that you can trust 100% and know that they care for the hobby. Also buy yourself a Seachem Ammonia Alert as in the pic I have also put a SERA test pic backing up what the SEACHEM Ammonia Alert indicated.
Just my take on this that worked for me.:D:D:D:D

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