
If you are planning to run your own blog, consider Blogger as one of the platforms you should look into. Blogger is a popular blog-publishing service which was bought by Google in 2003. Generally, the blogs are hosted by Google at a sub-domain of blogspot.com. Most people who have used Blogger find it to be remarkably easy to use with a simple navigable dashboard. It has free domain hosting – 1G of free photo space through Picasa which is a good thing. If you are new to blogging and you’re just starting to learn the ropes, you can try Blogger as a springboard to more complex web publishing media. It is easy to create your blogger Blogspot – actually you will be blogging in no time and without spending a penny.

You will have a lot of competition from thousands of other blogs. Therefore, you need to have a great looking blog and have high quality content. This way you will have a better chance at getting your visitors to share your blog and keep coming back. Fortunately, you can choose from a sizeable collection of templates that you can use customize your Blogspot. Choosing the right template, however, is a difficult task. You have to spend some time looking for best Blogger templates and try them out for yourself. To make things easy, we are rounding up some of the best Blogger templates available now. Some of these templates are free, and some are paid. Either way, these are all beautiful themes for different niches. The matter of making the right pick for a theme thus depend on your needs and your personal preferences.

Advertisement Disclosure: Please note that some of the links below are affiliate links and I will earn a commission if you purchase through those links (at no extra cost to you). I recommend that you do your own independent research before purchasing any product or service. This article is not a guideline, a recommendation or endorsement of specific products.

Best Blogger Templates Roundup

We hope this article will help you find one the blogger template you need for your blog. If you find this article useful please help spread the news to your friends so that they can choose a good theme too. Happy blogging!

Radja – Responsive Blogger Template – DEMO

Radja is a masonry style blogger theme with responsive layout. It is designed to work perfect for magazine or portofolio websites. It has good features and color combinations.

Quickly – Responsive Blogger Template – DEMO

Quickly, is an elegant Blogger template with responsive layout. It is great to use as a portfolios and photo blogs.

Adamz – Responsive Blogger Template – DEMO

Adamz is a cool blogger theme that comes with mobile friendly responsive layout. It is a magazine template with attractive color combination and it has many useful features.

Grid Spot – Responsive Blogger Template – DEMO

Grid Spot is the premium responsive blog and magazine template for Blogger fans. It has Responsive design, Auto generate logo, Slider feature, Subscibe box, Auto read-more, Professional pagination and more.

Eclipse Blogger Template (Free) – DEMO

This is a cool template with big background. It features: WordPress Look, 2 Columns, 4 Columns Footer, Right Sidebar, Featured Content Slider, Fixed Width, Social Widget, Dropdown Menu.

Sandal Jepit – DEMO

SANDAL JEPITis an unique and easy minimalist Blogger template. Showcase your lifetime work or blog like you never blogged before with this insanely great portfolio Blogger template. SANDAL JEPIT is a good choice for a variety of purposes, although focused towards Photographers and those using Portfolios to display their past and present work collections.

Wilderness Blogger Template (Free) – DEMO

This is a nice free template that features: WordPress Look, 2 Columns, Right Sidebar, 3D Slider, Fixed Width, paper-wood background, Dropdown Menu, Page Navigation Widget.

Sinjai Blogger Theme – DEMO

Sinjai is a clean and impressive portfolio Blogger template, perfect for photography based blog, portfolio, blog and more. The strength of this Blogger template is its simple and clean design which combined with attractive jquery. Sinjai Blogger template is very easy to use, easy to customize and has a lot of features. You can easily change the background, some colors, and font via Template Designer.

GameMix Blogger Template (Free)– DEMO

This is a cool free blogger template for game sites. It features: 2 Columns, Right Sidebar, Games, Magazine, Featured Content Slider, Fixed Width, Dark Background, Dropdown Menu, Page Navigation Widget.

Point Of View (Blogger Template) – DEMO

Point of View is a clean and elegant portfolio Blogger template, perfect for photography based blog, portfolio, showcase, blog and more. The strength of this Blogger template is its simple and clean design which combined with attractive jquery. This Blogger template is very easy to use, easy to customize and has a lot of features.

Project 10 Blogger Template (Free) – DEMO

Project 10 is a modern blogger template with good features: WordPress Look, 3 Columns, 4 Columns Footer, Right Sidebar, Fashion, Featured Content Slider, Fixed Width, Gray Background, Social Widget, Page Navigation Widget.

The Firestorm – Personal Blogging and Photography – DEMO

“The Firestorm” was done for Blogger CMS and serves as a good platform for personal writings and photographs. Layout fits any screen resolution, written in HTML5 and has several well-styled native Blogger widgets + variety of custom features.

Accord Blogger Template (Free) – DEMO

This is a cool grid based template that features: Pinterest Look, 3 Columns, Right Sidebar, Fashion, Featured Post Slider, Fixed Width, Gray Background, Social Widget, Header Banner, Dropdown Menu, Page Navigation Widget.

Sevida – Responsive Magazine Blogger Template – DEMO

Sevida is the premium responsive blog and magazine template for Blogger fans. This template shows you how cool and flexible Blogspot magazine template can be.

Festzeit–Responsive HTML5 Template – DEMO

“Festzeit” is a clean, wide layout, accurate template done for Blogger CMS, written in HTML5 and features wide spectre of CSS3 values. It offers native Blogger Mobile View as well.

Excelencia Blogger Template - DEMO

Excelencia is free blogger template. Excelencia blogger theme is very good for Blog, Elegant, Magazine, Modern, News, Personal, Photography, Travel websites. Excelencia have some features like 1 Left Sidebar, 2 Column, Breadcrumbs, Built in support for Social Bookmaking, Built-in Social buttons, Built-in Widgets, Cross Browser Ready, Custom Menus, Custom Widgets, Drop Down Multi-Level Menu, Magazine-styled, Modern layout, related posts, Responsive Design, social bookmarking icons, Threaded Comments Support.

Lepores Fabulas–HTML5/CSS3/Jquery Blogger template – DEMO

Lovely, all purpose Blogger template with 3 columns orange-black-white narrow layout.

Viper Blogger Template – DEMO

This is a cool template featuring 1 Sidebar, 2 Columns, 4 Column Footer, Adapted from WordPress, Elegant, Featured Section, Fixed width, Fresh, Grey, Magazine, Red, Right Sidebar, Slider, Top Navigation Bar, Web 2.0, White,

MusiMag Blogger Template – DEMO

This is a stylish music template that features: 2 Columns, Right Sidebar, Music and Magazine styke, Featured Content Slider, Fixed Width, Blue Background, Dropdown Menu, Page Navigation Widget.

VideoBox Blogger Template – DEMO

This template features: WordPress Look, 4 Columns, Right Sidebar, 4 Columns Footer, Portfolio, Featured Video Slider, Fixed Width, Wood Background, Dropdown Menu, Header Banner, Page Navigation Widget.

FitnessMag Blogger Template – DEMO

This nice fitness template features: WordPress Look, 3 Columns, Right Sidebar, Magazine, Featured Content Slider, Fixed Width, Gray Background, Social Widget, Dropdown Menu, Header Banner, Page Navigation Widget.

MatrixOne Blogger Template – DEMO

Matrix One is a free Blogger template for personal blogs. The template has 2 columns and 3 other columns in footer, lot of place to put your widgets. It has a professional and serious appearance.

GrayAbstract Blogger Template (Free) – DEMO

Gray Abstract is a free, full of color Blogger template. It has 2 columns and 3 other columns in footer, lot of place to put your widgets. This is a three mix color template and has space for everything you want to share. The background is grey with some white on it and some line of orange color.

Sensational – A Responsive Blogger Template (Free) – DEMO

Sensational is a Responsive blogger template with a nice minimal design.

MetroMinimalist (Free) – DEMO

MetroMinimalist is a free blogger template with 2 columns, right sidebar, minimalist, exclusive design for Blogger, footer columns, social bookmarking icons, posts thumbnails, breadcrumbs, threaded comments ready and simple look.

Canyon Blogger Template (Free) – DEMO

Canyon is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns, right sidebar, ads ready, footer columns, slideshow, posts thumbnails, drop down menu and neutral colors.

Olympia Blogger Template (Free) – DEMO

Olympia is a free template with 1 Sidebar and 2 Columns It is adapted from WordPress and it has a Featured Section, Fixed width. It has a fresh landing page style, Tabbed widget, Top Navigation Bar

Do you have a comment about these Best Blogger Templates?

Author : Sonny Day

Sonny M. Day is a passionate SEO and web design enthusiast who loves photography, mountain climbing, snorkeling and dirt bike riding.

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