
Without nepotism, the world would have never known the brilliant acting career of Jaden Smith, the enduring wit and music of Paris Hilton, or the oiled-up butthole of Kim Kardashian.

It’s an understood tradition for powerful people to find jobs for their relatives, no matter the type of creepy things that work might entail.

However, there are certain jobs that are too inappropriate, such as hiring your cousin to be topless in your new movie or getting your son to stand in on one of your fashion shoots while you grind your butt into his crotch.

And in case you think we just made up those examples …

6. Vince McMahon Creepily Exploits His Family on National Television for Two Decades

Any discussion of creepy nepotism in pop culture has to start with legendary wrestling promoter,failed football promoter, and legendarily failed bodybuilding promoter Vince McMahon, who would no doubt want at least one of those three achievements carved into his headstone for all eternity.

McMahon has been casting his family members in prominent roles in the WWE for decades, and he selects each role with the surgical precision of a drunken shotgun blast. For starters, Stephanie, his daughter, has been sexually assaulted in enough wrestling storylines to fill an entire season of Law & Order: SVU.

From getting stripped in the ring, to getting tackled to the ground and kissed by opponents while she thrashes helplessly.

… and often being knocked unconscious so a series of things can be done to her that don’t involve consent:

To be fair, it’s not like Vince has singled out his daughter for this kind of treatment — he also got his son, Shane, a job as a pro wrestler, despite the fact that Shane has the physical prowess of the Pillsbury Doughboy, and immediately spent every subsequent pay-per-view event trying to kill him. A typical Shane McMahon wrestling match involved the prince of the McMahon empire getting mutilated beyond belief in what looked more like a garbage truck collision than an athletic competition. Shane has been beaten with sticks, dropped off steel cages, thrown through panes of glass, and occasionally a Yahtzee-like combination of the three.

Being turned into a sex object or a cripple on national TV by your father would be a low point for any child, yet those aren’t the worst things his family has had to endure. Not even close. That honor belongs to his wife, Linda, who was the last member of the McMahon family to become an on-air personality, though non-wrestling fans may know her as the woman who wasted $97 million on two failed Senate campaigns. Luckily, her time in the WWE had adequately prepared her for public humiliation.

The story begins perhaps the only way it could, with Vince publicly admitting to cheating on Linda in a Howard Stern interview. This gave him the novel idea to write a big wrestling storyline wherein he cheats on his wife with WWE Diva and ludicrously attractive fitness model Trish Stratus. This is another way of saying that Vince scripted a series of televised events in which he got toferociously make out with a supermodel in front of his wife, who in the storyline was in a coma.

Vince heroically continued this storyline through the 1990s and well into the 2000s, making sure he never missed out on a chance to grope and tongue kiss the WWE’s most attractive young women right in front of his wife on national television.

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The post 6 Famous People Who Did Creepy Things to Their Own Family appeared first on Trini Lulz.

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