Precious Testimonies from Our Listeners
Praise God for all the wonderful saints, their prayers, and the encouragement. Here are some of the email testimonies sent into our Radio Show in the last couple months. Glory to God on High. Thank you all so much.
We covet your prayers. Without them and your encouragement it would be far more difficult to continue this work.
Please Note: These were cut and pasted directly from emails sent into this ministry. Please forgive the typos. God bless you.
Hi brother John.
Thank you for your radio shows. I wish you could have them every day. Thank you too for the business cards. I don’t need any more now, but I’ve been giving them out.
You and Ken make a good radio pair.
Thanks for your fervent prayers on the radio too.
I was going to ask if you could also pray for the persecuted Christians around the world over the radio as they’re being killed every day since all those countries are being taken over by this government.
Keep up the good work for the Lord. May thr Lord richly bless you and your family.
Your sister in Christ,
Hello Pastor John & pastor Kenneth
I’ve been listening to the radio show for some months now (almost a year now I think)
And looking back at the chronicles of my life (particularly the time I started tuning in for the Tribulation-now blog talk radio broadcast) I can see the fragile person I once was when I first embarked on this journey , this voyage, this quest to “Find God”
I was a Christian then(a Luke warm christian or as I call it a “Pretend-doe Christian” )
I was living my life trapped in a black mood,
& I would wander the coldness of my mind shivering violently in every muscle,In every ligament of my corpse,
searching for peace. Searching for it on hands and knees. Yet never finding it. (looking back now I know it was because I still lived in sin) I remember being insecure, having no sense of identity, and enslaved to “depression” ( Depression is such a Bony and naked creature , it’s a slave tender and all who fall pray to “it” become “it’s” SLAVE. )
I had bitterness in my heart, & The bitterness in my heart would contort in anguish at the sight of other Christians getting married and getting ahead in their life ( over facebook)
I would feel this bitterness gush through me like a deadly toxin in the veins,anointing my emotions with madness & jealousy.
I remember being tormented by creatures like laziness and fear( I’m very familiar with these two because they crept in really nasty like in my life and pressed a cold blade against my throat, Paralyzing me and preventing me from growing in Christ)
I had no friends and found it very hard to talk to people.
( to make this short) I was a mess Pastor.
But then… I heard you speak ( on the radio broadcast)
I heard you cover the Anunaki Alien concept like no one I had ever heard before,
you drew me in. I started tuning in to the radio shows more and more
until I was a regular listener.
You see at first I tuned in for the Alien demonic concept stuff you covered, but then my ears where open to your talks about righteousness and putting God first, and witnessing to people and not caring if people think your crazy because one believes in aliens and planet X and stuff. I started desiring to obey God!
And when you spoke everything changed
when you spoke I pictured you drawing a sword
a sword you learned to use righteously
a sword that cut insecure tentacles latched on to me
I started to become more confident ( like being in public with out having to put my head down because I was scared and intimidated by people) its like God was felling me with His Courage.
With fist clenched and unclenched, shaking with excitement I found myself talking to people about Jesus!, talking to them, because you helped me realize that my silence helped no one.
I started passing out tribulation flayers and practicing righteousness ( something I rarely ever effectively did because I had a “willy wonka Golden ticket pass to Heaven so I thought before when I stated this whole thing)
im Growing closer to Jesus now, seeking to left Holy hands before my heavenly father from here on out Pastor, and I just wanted to say thank you and encourage you for all that you do for your listeners , God really does use you in a Big Big way ( you and Kenneth with those advance bible study’s and amazingly deep voice & intense commentary on the tribulation-now broadcast) HaHa So cool. Love you Pastor John and Pastor Kenneth . Your guys are really anointed.
Duke From California
Thanks Brother. God Bless you.
The trib radio show helped me understand I needed to get the sin out of my life and with the help of God I was able to. Of course I will never be sinless but I’m trying to live a righteous and obedient life and pray for strength everyday.
Thanks again. I look forward to your shows each week more than words can express. Hope we can have a trib now reunion in Heaven. Praise The Lord!
Sent from my iPhone
Hey John,
It’s sooo cool. I’m reading Heaven is so Real by Choo Thomas. Awesome book. I decided I wanted to hear the interview you did with her. The anointing is still there! Man, I’m sitting here at work doing my web work and listening to the interview and feeling the Holy Spirit-soooooo COOL.
Just had to share,
Brother John,
My words are not going to be able to express how meaningful your radio programs have become in my life. I am 62 and have been active in many churches for many years, but it was just about a year ago I woke up to what the essence of a relationship with Jesus is and I became alarmingly aware that I was among the foolish virgins.
Sarah Young’s Jesus Calling book became my constant companion for the conversations it initiated between me and the Lord and then after much internet searching I came across Tribulation Now. Your enthusiasm for the Lord became contagious and kept me coming back even though I was continually out of my comfort zone, even though like you my 40 years in church was mostly Assembly of God.
Anyway, I am staggering around now, awake but blinded by all the light and revelation I need to deal with. I am in great health, a self employed CPA and totally dead in the water as what to do with my life. All I seem to want to do is deprogram my old way of thinking and stay in the Lord’s presence. It seems like my personality is draining away and I am becoming a loner, I can not relate to any of my church friends any more, and I now do not enjoy anything the world offers anymore (sports, politics,food,travel, etc). I feel remorse over how many years I have been so carnally minded and have wasted . This brings me to asking your advice on two things that have been troubling me.
First, I have been on the fence about asking you for business cards to distribute. The night you taught on how the workers arriving late to the field were still valuable to the Lord greatly encouraged me, but I have never overcome my embarsement at how much time I have wasted until writing you today. Your words about not approaching my King empty handed ring in my head everyday. The fact that you provide the cards with your prayers and annointing on them is driving me to finally ask you if you would allow me to be a part of your ministry and entrust me with some cards. I am ready to trust the Lord that he will help me place them in the right hands.
Second area of advice needed, I struggle to have enthusiasm for the professional work I do. Devoting creative energy to the financial marketplace assisting people in planning for the future seems so contrary to what I now believe the hour we live in calls for. So my question is, how do you do it.? You give 110% to the radio show every week, yet you are active in your profession with your clients. I want to be able to do this but I feel stuck in the water in this area of my life as well. Something is out of balance and I do not know what to do about it. I am hoping you have been hear before and can help me overcome this as well?
Thank you so much for your time. I will highly value your input.
Thank you for your ministry and I am following the recorded messages on
I have surrendered my heart and life to the Lord for His services.
I have been Christian for 40 years since I received the Lord into my hert at 19 when I lost my dad in a car accident. I was brought up in a staunch Buddhist/Toist family and was the first to become Christian. And my past background helped me to understand and confirm what you are sharing on the web site.
I am now an Australian but travel frequently back to Malaysia to witness to my family (mum, sister and brother) , relatives and I thank God some of my relatives , cousins have received the Lord also.
Please send the card to Australia for now
NSW 2780 Australia
I am establishing bases in Malaysia with cousins etc so together we will reach as many souls as possible for the Kingdom of God and preparing ourselves for the harvest of souls and His second coming.
If possible, we could duplicate the cards (cos in Malaysia the printing costs will be lower) for distribution.
Needless to say I worship and serve in a small local church in Katoomba (AOG). Your messages has impacted on me but I know the Lord will guide me in wisdom how to share with other brother and sisters in Christ including the pastor and his wife.
Please pray for us.
God bless,
Hello, I hope you are having a great day. I love your show and look forward to listening to it every week. You and Kenneth are true men of God and I’m so glad that you are not afraid to confront any topic. Ya’ll make me laugh and sometimes cry and your words of wisdom and insight have really helped increase my faith over the last few years.
I am so thankful that God put you and Tribulation Now in my path. Because of you I listen to Jonathan Kleck (love him), follow Bon’s Blog and Wings of Prophecy, etc. I love your guests especially Stan Deyo and Augusto Perez. Because of you I pray that I will be prepared for whatever is coming, the asteroid, the earthquakes, etc. and the Rapture!
On June 9, 2013 God told me in a dream that “something horrible” was coming. I didn’t know what but I KNEW that it was horrible and that it was going to happen quicker than I thought. I woke up in tears and with a heaviness in my heart. Because of your show I now know that this event is probaby going to be the asteroid hit in Puerto Rico which will cause the 3 days of darkness that will affect the whole world. And thanks to you I know that if I am still here that God WILL take care of us during the 3 days of darkness. God is so wonderful! Praise God! Praise Jesus! (sound familiar?!)
If you don’t mind, please mail me some of your business cards. My address is:
<address withheld>
Hey congrats on the last planet x show, it was incredible.
I was thinking about this whole weird sounds phenomena. I know that you may believe that it could be alien ships, however, I postulate that these weird sounds may in fact be the work being done to create these underground bases… In order to create this type of tunneling/underground area, you probably need large drills and large equipment. This has to make noise and I theorize that who ever works on this probably has to slow down when they create too much noise and do it in short spurts.
I could be wrong, but it may be a possibility considering how many bases are suppose to be created all over the world.
Thank you John.
Your web site is truly fascinating and so inspiring. The prophesy of Jesus’ return and how he is going to use the time of tribulation to win over his last harvest is just wow … I really love your site and have to share your site on my fb. Your rapture prayers are unbelievable I read some but I was at the airport and read it under my breath cause i’m too embarrassed to say it out loud haha yea … I know… not a really good trait but im going to check it out now and say it again. I really thank God for getting our attention in weird and wondrous way and using people like you to reach the world, to reach people like me. Really John thank you for being obedient to our God and our Lord and savior.
What is the name of the Bible u always talk about.. The Kenneth Voice bible ? (Kenneth Wuest) I tried looking for it on Amazon but couldn’t find it..
and last Brother could u include me in your prayers.. I have a 17 year old rebellious son named <name withheld> who is not living at home, living in sin, drinking, drugs, gets in trouble with the law.. I have to pay all the court cost and fines and the law does nothing about his behavior just more fines.. I love him to death and I pray every morning and night and I talk right with him… But I do feel like I have anger towards him and fear that he will give me more trouble… Feel like that’s keeping me from being spot free..
Thank you brother for everything you do brother.. U r helping many out here… I turned a friend on to the show and now Tribulation Now is his favorite thing too listen too.. We r both truck drivers in the oilfield in Oklahoma .. So we got time to listen to every show.. And we do lol.. My friend said listening to the show made him realize he was spiritually lazy…
Thanks again to you and Kenneth… Have a blessed day
Sent from my iPhone
I finally got to listen to the program and oh my WHAT A BLESSING!!!!!!!!!!! Things I have known inside also confirmed, as with you. WHAT AN AWESOME JESUS, WHAT A WONDERFUL FATHER!!
John when I first learnt about Nibiru I was in agreement with God’s coming judgment but also heartbroken about the loss of His beautiful, but now defiled creation on earth, and then out of the blue (and I still don’t know who sent it to me) I got an e mail saying that the Lord had shown him NOTHING WOULD BE LOST..THAT HE HAD SEEN ALL BIRDS ETC ON ANOTHER PLANET ( I don’t know if it was another planet or a level of heaven) AND THAT HE HAD SEEN THE FULLY MANIFEST SONS OF GOD AS BEINGS OF LIGHT FROM THIS EARTH GOING TO OTHER PLANETS AND THOSE BEINGS ON THE OTHER PLANETS WOULD SAY “THESE ARE THE SPECIAL ONES”!
I just wanted to share that John..made A HUGE IMPACT.
Also as a young, but sold out Christian, I had a vision of Jesus holding me by the right hand and we were on a the end of a world, a platform, and we spoke nebulas into being together. At least I think it was nebulas. Anyhow it was decades later that I saw on TV the kind of things I saw in space that we were creating together and I was blown away. Also about the same time I was bemoaning seriously the fact that I don’t have a science and math brain and feeling very dumb and unworthy and the Lord said words to the effect of “WHEN YOU ARE IN HEAVEN. AS SOON AS YOU ASK YOU WILL BE GIVEN UNDERSTANDING, EVEN TO THE CREATION OF THE UNIVERSE AND EARTH” and I got that it would be in instant massive download of knowledge and understanding imparted in a flash. Of course we will have a resurrected mind then and can contain all that in a was imparted “telepathically”.
John, your and Kenneth’s brains and memories are amazing, THANKS BE TO GOD… I AM OFTEN AMAZED AT BOTH OF YOUR KNOWLEDGE AND MEMORY. I am like Job and have gone through much affliction so I am not, and nor is my mind, what it used to be but in, my weakness He is my strength.
South Africa
Hey Jonny!
My name is Steve and I am 24 years old. I just wanted to let you know that I love your show/ ministry. It has absolutely shaken me at my core and continues to encourage/ empower my walk with jesus. I am an avid follower of you, steve quayle, Tom horn, russ dizdar, the hagmans, omega man, rob skiba, rick wiles etc. I lift you guys up in my prayers as often as I can and I am so thankful for people like you, true modern day evangelists, that are out there doing the work and spreading the true word everyday.
I absolutely love researching all aspects of this subject and finding out the truth. I ask you to please pray for me as I am continuing to battle thoughts of lust and overcoming certain addictions. I have been strengthening my walk on the path of sobriety and getting in the word of god as much as possible.
If you have any books you can recommend that I should read that would be much appreciated.
I plead the blood of jesus over you and kenneth, and a hedge of protection over you and your families. I ask that he continues to bless your ministry ten fold. I love you guys and I hope this email inspires you and lights a fire in your heart to know that you guys are truly making a difference in this crazy world. I hope I can get to the point of where you guys are in your walk with jesus.
God bless you in Jesus Christ’s name!
Subject: You Dislay Christian Love
Hi John
I can’t just dismiss what other brothers and sisters in Christ have said ! I trust those people that have come on your show– Sara Traore has come out of a new age background and I wittness that she loves the Lord and hears from Him! Sister Barbara and brother Dan are so sincere! I grieve when I think this is dividing the believers! I really question how much more I can listen to <name withheld> — well the Lord will guide me!
You have always been so kind to answer my emails and I feel your Christian love!!
Thank-you for being there!
Sent from my iPhone
Subject: From a grateful heart
Dear John,
Today when I had a bit of time between cooking and my family arriving I began to think of what I am grateful for and I wanted you to know how grateful I am to God and you and Cathy and Kenneth for all you do and how much you have taught me and how much I appreciate your radio show and all that you do …. you may just go on your day and not pay much attention to this thank YOU note but let me tell you I wont since really really you have made a big impact on my life and I want you all to know that . I love you all … so many thank you’s sent your way … olive tree in chat …
God Bless you all Lindsey
Subject: Pastor Storm Show
Hi John
I just finished listening to your program with Pastor Storm for the third time.
Unfortunately I cannot express in words as to how incredible the show was.
When Pastor Storm related what Jesus said about allowing our Love for God to grow, how our Love must be nurtured and willingly given to God brings tears of joy to my eyes every time I think about it.
For some reason I have the feeling that Pastor Storm was testing the waters, sort to speak, on your show and has much more to share. I pray God willing he will be back again soon.
Take care, God Bless you and have a wonderful Thanksgiving,
Thank you, thank you, thank you for having Howard a Storm on. As you can see here, his testimony has had rippling affects on the Christian walk with those in just in my own family members alone. Praise Jesus! Howard’s testimony and especially the one on youtube titled, The nature of Jesus, which I forwarded ou to a number of friends and family members has made a huge difference in how we register in our hearts that powerful connectedness Jesus has for those who love Him. Powerful does not even scratch the surface of how out Jesus interacts with us in our daily lives. Howard’s testimony (especially the series on youtube) goes beyond anything I’ve even thought about. I sent for his book, and I look forward to hearing from him again on future programs. There are NO coincidences that’s for sure. Also, thank you for your prayers for my daughter .Jennifer. She finally got a job, a good one, very close to her apt. Really likes it, and sends her thanks.
Jon and Ken, wow, what an awesome, awesome God we have in Jesus. His love knows NO BOUNDS, Amen Halaluia!, all praise and honor to the gracious glory of our living God for those who love Him.
I feel His presence ever so strong in my being!
Love you all,
Suzy, daughter Jennifer and daughter in law Denise,
Thank you!
Sent from my iPad
I am new to your site and have found that the show has answered many of my long asked questions. It has also renewed and expanded upon my faith in God and Jesus. Thank you for your excellent show.
Please send me a supply of business cards.
I’ll keep this short.
I’d like to share an experience I had directly related to your broadcast a few weeks ago. I was listening to your recently aired show in which you were conducting communion. I decided to partake in communion for the first time over the broadcast.
I normally engage in communion during Catholic mass but since my recent departure from the Catholic church; I have resorted to partaking in Jesus’ blood and body through your radio show. Instantly after I consumed my piece of bread and water, I felt an overwhelming presence of the Holy Spirit. Truly incredible!
However, 4 hours later I went to bed. During my sleep, I had an encounter with a demonic spirit. I distinctively remember that although I was sleeping, I was not dreaming. It’s difficult to explain but this spirit was trying to enter into my mind and/or subconscious. I had what felt like a physical and metal fight with this spirit. I rebuked it. (said a prayer in the name of Jesus.) It left!!
Now, please understand that this is the FIRST time that I’ve been able to have power of the devil. Prior to this experience, I always struggled with terrible nightmares that would probably scare Stephen King himself. This is my thought on this. I’d like for you to tell me if you think I’m on the right page with this.
My conclusion is that since I’ve been trying to be obedient and working to rid out ALL sin in my life, that the devil does not like this. I view this encounter as an attack…especially after receiving communion with ardent faith and worship. This has been on my mind for the past few days. I went and bought numerous teaching by Curry Blake hoping that I can become a soldier for Christ in the battle of spiritual warfare.
Any other advice? God bless!!
Thank you so much for responding to my emails in the past!!!
A little over a year ago, I was getting close to throwing in the towel and checking myself into a padded prison/hospital, lol.
None of my Christian friends or family were willing to discuss the mysteries of the bible, the lateness of the hour, the state of the mainstream church, etc. They all thought I was losing it. The churches I would attend had the same 5 downloaded sermons and seemed more like a secular hangout than anything else. The Holy Spirit somehow brought me together with Trib-Now & Zen Garcia…What a blessing! What a relief! Turns out there are MANY people who are/were in the same boat.
Not anymore!
We are so blessed, and every single bit of the glory goes to Jesus Christ.
What a faithful and loving God we serve. I love you all.
Thanks Johnny, Kenneth, Zen, brother-Lee and the whole TN ‘behind the scenes’ saints.
Thanks in advance for sending (business cards) !
Hey, you guys do real extensive detective work! I’m so into watching the signs but sometimes I wonder “am I delusional!? Is this all toooooo OTT? Can there REALLY be FEMA camps, body bags, reptilian/fallen angels, Illuminati control and the likes if all this evil agenda!”??
Do you ever just doubt this! Perhaps my mind is full of doubt re many things! There r so any prophecies and denominations and interpretations out there, it’s sometimes hard to sort the truth from the fiction! How do we know what to believe and who to believe?
Also, you mentioned you are 100% obedient to Jesus! I’d LOVE to b so obedient, how to draw the line tho regarding what can my kids watch on Telly (re Disney wing run by illuminati etc) and what to fast for how long, which prophets to listen to! It can all be so confusing with modern technology and internet! Sometimes I’m overwhelmed! Don’t want to be LEFT BEHIND!!!
And hav you witnessed miracle healings, glory drunk on Holy Spirit, signs and wonders? I’m also trying to balance the end times with power of the Holy Spirit which will be here to help us but I haven’t witnessed these things even though I seek to know Him more!
Where is Australia in all the tribulation stuff and Africa? Are there any refutable people I can follow down here re this stuff?
Thanks brother and may His peace which transcends ALL be with you and your brothers and sisters! May god hav mercy on us and may He delight in our ways!
Ps. Sorry about all the questions, I promise that’s it!
Sent from my iPhone
I only got done with the first half of show last night and it was great.
I was speaking with my friend this a.m. since we haven’t talked in a week or more and for the short conversation we had, it was meant to be. By-the-way, she is reading the book you suggested on your program re: rewards and inheritance – she loves to study as well and is finding it an eye-opener.
I mentioned how last night’s show meant a lot to me and how another one had done so as well (think it was 2 or 3 shows ago that I responded to you about). Again, you spoke in love and it was so comforting and thrilled me spiritually to hear. When you speak ‘from the heart’ it’s quite powerful. Wanted you to know that – it’s very uplifting and very much needed. Again, it brought glory to God and His Love and longsuffering towards His people.
THEN, I mentioned how you ‘ate crow’ about a few things…..and don’t feel too badly, we as well wonder about ‘the delay’, as we also talked about this a.m. She’s studying and redeeming the time while I’m just sitting, which I feel bad about and wonder why I don’t have the urge to study like I was. We both came to the conclusion that we aren’t to be too hard on ourselves and He will direct our steps. I was telling her about what you said about ‘rapid succession’ and the Lord brought right to mind “Job”…the fartherist from my mind…he was living as normal, having great wealth and family, and in one day at one time he lost his whole family. The Holy Spirit went right through me, then and now as I wrote it, and that’s how it’s going to be – all of a sudden great losses (in the form of judgments for some (tests and refinements for believers). Job also experienced more losses and there had to be spaces of grieving in-between each one—-which explains there is ‘space’ between judgments, but when one has it’s timing fulfilled, another one comes. “WOW – the book of Job is relevant to End of Days”……wow, wow, wow. What a Revelation! (was also happy to know I was useful to the Lord!!!!) lol
So, when I hung up with my friend, Robin, (who also listens to your show) I told her I had to let you know as well since your show was about it. Praise The Lord….how much He loves His own and cares for even our understandings.
Also, a couple of weeks ago my husband saw the ‘object’ in the sky again and called me out – he gets excited over it. I never told him what I ‘felt’ it was – so I tested him by asking, “Do you feel good or bad about it?”….He said, “good”…… I told him what I ‘thought it might be’ and he agreed that it could be as he didn’t get a bad feeling from it. He also told me it must be as big as a planet…..and I told him that’s what others are saying as well. Praise God the Lord is preparing Bill for ‘tomorrow’s events’……he has changed so much, so quickly, the past couple of months and the Lord is finally really blessing our marriage….almost like living with a different man lately!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…..For now I’m enjoying him more than I ever had in our 42-43 yrs of marriage. Now that I wrote that, it’s spoken out-loud! (I pray protection over my words).
Let’s both pray in agreement that the Lord prepares a table before us in the presence of our enemies – another happening of scripture He has given me signs of lately…..can’t wait for it to come to pass.
I Hope and Pray you are encouraged……you are a blessing in my life.
Love in Christ,,
Thank you John and Ken
… and all the Tribulation Now members for following the Lord’s Will in your lives because He does use us all to encourage one another. I would never have known about the ecclesia had these circumstances, shaped by our loving Father not taken place. I know I will find much joy personally greeting you in Heaven one day! As Steven Curtis Chapman’s nineteen year old son said during a memorial for their daughter that was tragically killed as told by his father in last week’s episode on the 700 Club, and I am paraphrasing and just recalling what his amazing youthful wisdom imparted to me…’when you stand too close to a painting all you may see is confusion and brushstrokes that to the mind offer senseless meaning, but when stepping away, as with time and with God’s perspective, you can see the painting as it was created by the Creator and all will make perfect sense and proclaim His Glory.
Thank you for listening and for each and every week offering an amazing community of fellowship and passionate love and zeal for our Father, our King Jesus, and ever abiding and faithful helper, whom is The Holy Spirit. GOD BLESS YOU ALL!
(The following is how God brought me to the ecclesia and continues to bless me each live gathering!)
Another email from Shelle:
Was too emotional at last writing in looking at past events in my personal life that are so dear to my heart and realized the reading was getting lengthy to complete the numerated ways your faithful ministry and personal walk with our King has helped me in so many ways.
Not to take up much time from your attention to the needs of many globally, but felt spirit-drawn to share in this writing to you a list of the many ways I appreciate the ministry and always choose to be a part of the present gathering as the show airs live.
. Your prayers and personal confessions make such a difference and it is awesome to see the measured growth in others through their own personal struggles and searching for guidance and direction. It’s raw, real, and adds to the collectiveness we share as brothers and sisters in Christ.
. Bringing praise and worship to a whole new level for me. I had no idea the supernatural quality and cleansing properties of praise and I am able to sit down at the piano and use this gift to bust through all manner of unseen barriers, and more importantly that you host the show in such a way we can follow your example. I’d never heard the sound of the Shofar before, actually didn’t even know what it was that heralded in the relative teachings and global events of each show! As I’ve written before, the decided and creative format of TribulationNow is praise worthy indeed!
. Because of your collective ministry, I’ve come into a fuller knowledge of the darkness and the unseen and seen evils of the world. My father struggled with what he had seen for so many years. As a young man a huge UFO hovered before the vehicle he was driving in which there were two of his friends who also were witness to this mind-blowing experience. He struggled with it. He struggled with many things. I’ll never know in this life exactly what happened to him, I only know that he seen himself looking back at him from outside his vehicle. My dad was not a man at peace, but I can offer praise that he gave his life to the Lord before the Lord took him home. So…many a dark movie was watched by us as children in innocence which still causes hair on forearms to stand-on-end as those images return forever imbedded in memory. (MIRACLE: Dad had always wanted to be a pilot but could not pursue this due to his vision. After he died his body was flown back to us and the pilot of the craft introduced himself to our mother and shook her hand. I still remember his words… “Hello Sandy, I’m sorry…my name is Larry Guingrich”. Well, my dad’s name is Larry Dean Guingrich. God does talk to us.)
Through you and Kenneth in your many years of combined research and personal sacrifice, I learned of the entities detailed in the Dulce Papers, the personal testimonies and warnings of the late PhiL Schneider, and obviously as you know, one doesn’t stop there after knowing what you know. (My heart just ACHES for the innocence taken and the HORROR of unspeakable acts where no cries were heard and absolute terror for those affected remain…as the Word states…their blood cries to Me from the ground…I trust the Father to provide as only He can, and I continue to pray for them and want to learn all that I can of the power God expects me to yield as His daughter in His Image!)
During that dark time for me trying to wrap my mind around all these things, my family greatly encouraged me to stop and chose not to follow me down that dark path. I felt it my duty to know what I could and feel this evil agenda has remained concealed far too long. How can society continue to let so many missing children go unaccounted for especially in known areas like New Mexico and around the world. My sister spends 1/2 of the year in TX and just looked horrified when I began to tell her only of the cattle mutilations …..Her and her family are so in love with The Lord and don’t let one event or decision in their lives, meal or morning rise or evening set without giving thanks to the Father and acknowledging Him in all ways. For her, for all my family I am not able to share which releases my own anxiety to have someone to talk to. I get that like-mindedness from your ability to expose your own struggles and efforts. You’ve shared the cost…and that offers brotherly comfort. Thank you!
. Spending eight years in caring for my fiancée as his health both improved and declined as medical attention both helped and hurt him, I can’t EXPRESS enough how VALUABLE a sense of community is offered as an electronic ecclesia or in television partnerships! For all the shut ins out there, in all manner of disability, health condition, or circumstance your leading in the Spirit to provide baptismal services, the reading of the ‘Word of Promise’ and encouragement for us to utilize this dramatic expression of the Word and hosting this faithful and awesome ministry is like a blazing star reaching from across the Heavens throughout the whole world casting influence and brotherly fellowship! Amen
. Kenneth, your bible studies are absolutely the most penetrating and passionate study of God’s heart and purpose that I am simply grasping for that level of appreciation to express what grips my Spirit. I know your days are incredibly full as John so often expresses. I even catch moments where your exuberance almost leaves you in slight moments where a natural yawning escapes, a releasing of a very natural response after addressing a particularly emotional study of the Word. The Spirit breathes life and maybe the respiration of our being directly connects to the inspiration of God’s Holy World!:). I’m currently listening to the six ‘Rapture Readiness’ series and am so thankful for your preparation of it and that it has been archived for as long as God allows us this medium!
. John, you’ve taught me the importance of praying SPECIFICALLY for regions, territories, countries, and nations for the lost. A new level of praying also for me before I would ask the Father to guide all who need to know and be redeemed by You and that would be a manner in which my prayers would be uttered. What a blessing to have The Lord talk to me in this way…and the majesty of it all is that The Lord has His eye on all of us, wherever we are coming together collectively in like manner! Aren’t you just ever so grateful for this awesome purpose in your life that The Lord raised you up for!!! God Bless You!
. Lastly, you have introduced me to so many of God’s warriors and servants through the open discussion that allow you and Kenneth to impact so many and to bring to awareness that which affects us all as children of the King, and our brothers who yet are enslaved as we once were to the enemy. Tribulation Now Facebook always keeps current that which should be our focus of prayer and allows us to partake in both the suffering of humanity and in the redemptive glory which propels us all on…
Your sister in Christ!