Bronchitis is called inflammation and irritation of the bronchi that presents cough and expectoration, divided into acute and chronic.
The respiratory system is a sophisticated workshop central to human life. Its operation has resulted in the proper supply of air, producing fresh oxygen that is sent to the heart, and then spreads throughout the body. The respiratory system has also resulted in the elimination of waste substances away from the body.
This simple description makes clear the importance of a healthy respiratory system. Furthermore, diseases have increased in recent years because of air pollution and harmful human activity. Chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases, asthma, bronchitis, emphysema, tuberculosis, and pneumonia are just some of the health results.
However, nature has already benefitted the respiratory system as well since in her pharmacy, we can find a wide variety of herbal remedies. Many herbs in nature’s pharmacy have developed expectorant and antitussive actions while others are for fighting infections of the lungs, asthma, inflammation, and other related diseases.
The best herbs in these cases are the so-called chest (thoracic) herbs, which combine expectorant action to clean sputum as well as emollient properties that soften and soothe inflamed tissue.
The Best 5 Herbs That Help To Treat Bronchitis
Coltsfoot Tea
The Latin name of coltsfoot is Tussilago farfara, meaning persecutor of cough, and the Greek physician Dioscorides recommended inhaling the smoke of coltsfoot against cough and asthma.
Coltsfoot has styptic, expectorant, anti-inflammatory, expectorant, emollient, antitussive, and diuretic properties, and acts as a respiratory disinfectant.
Coltsfoot can be used for chronic or acute bronchitis, irritating cough, whooping cough, and asthma. Its soothing expectorant action makes it useful for most respiratory problems, including chronic types of emphysema.
Infusion: Pour boiling water in a cup with 1-2 teaspoons of dried coltsfoot flowers or leaves. Leave the mixture to sit for 3-4 minutes, and then drink up to three times a day as hot as possible.
Caution: After researchers discovered the toxic pyrrolizidine alkaloids in coltsfoot, patients have been alerted about its liver health concerns.
Coltsfoot raises blood pressure and should be avoided by people taking drugs, or those that suffer from hypertensive disorders. Coltsfoot should also be avoided by pregnant women, nursing mothers, and children.
Eucalyptus Oil
Eucalyptus is one of the oldest and tallest trees in the world, and it is measures around 90 meters tall with small oval leaves.
Eucalyptus originates from Australia and Tasmania. There are over 700 different species, but only 500 of them can produce essential oil, and 50 of them grow on the beaches of the Mediterranean countries. The essential oil used in aromatherapy is only crafted in Australian eucalyptus.
The leaves of eucalyptus contain essential oil that is considered to be an important antiseptic and potent antibiotic. It soothes acute and chronic bronchitis, asthma, and sore throat, and heals wounds and mild burns.
Eucalyptus essential oil has antibiotic activity against respiratory infections, and it is also used against tuberculosis.
Bath: Prepare a hot bath and pour in 5-10 drops of eucalyptus essential oil. Breathe in the steam for 10-15 minutes to relieve chest congestion. Use it 2-3 times daily and up to two weeks.
Caution: Use and dosage of eucalyptus essential oil should be with care because it can irritate a sensitive respiratory system or kidneys. It is advisable to also be careful not to contact the insoluble essential oil with skin.
Ingestion of net or concentrated eucalyptus oil is hazardous! If one drinks 3-5ml eucalyptus oil, he/she may suffer nausea and epigastric pain or even die.
An internal digestion of eucalyptus oil in large doses may stimulates the kidneys. People with high blood pressure problems should not use eucalyptus and eucalyptus essential oil.
Horsetail Tea
Horsetail has survived since prehistoric times, and it existed for 390 million years.
The fossils showed that horsetail has remained unchanged since the time formed the earth-coal layers. The botanical name comes from equisetum “Equus” (horse) and “Sacta” (hair) because its reeds are hard as horsehair.
Horsetail has blood staunching, mild diuretic, tonic, astringent, and soothing properties.
Infusion: Pour boiling water in a cup with one teaspoon of horsetail. Leave the mixture to sit for 3-4 minutes, and then drink very slowly up to 2 cups a day.
Caution: Make sure you gather only fresh horsetail because there is another species of horsetail called Equisetum Palustre that is poisonous, you should never consume that form of horsetail.
Horsetail may drop vitamin B1 (thiamin) levels in the body, especially if you consume horsetail on a regular base. In this case, take a B complex supplement daily.
People who have heart or kidney disorders, diabetes, gout, low potassium levels, or take diuretic medicine should not consume horsetail.
Horsetail should be avoided by people who take drugs to get rid of body lithium, are taking drugs for high blood pressure, or for congestive heart failure.
Horsetail should be avoided by pregnant women, nursing mothers, and children.
Be sure to drink enough water and other fluids when consuming horsetail.
Plantain Tea
Plantain has been used since antiquity and is considered to be a significant and respected plant, even today.
Plantain has anti-catarrhal, expectorant, astringent, and diuretic properties.
Plantain helps with respiratory tract disorders, bronchitis, pneumonia, gallstones, bladder infections, liver disorders, colds, bronchial asthma, whooping cough, lung phlegm, and lung tuberculosis.
Infusion: Pour boiling water in a cup with one teaspoon of plantain. Leave the mixture to sit for 3-4 minutes, and then drink very slowly up to 3 cups a day.
Caution: Plantain is a powerful coagulant, and should be avoided by people taking blood thinner drugs, drugs for blood clots, or those who are prone to blood clots.
Plantain should be avoided by pregnant women and nursing mothers.
Based on a German study, using a combination of thyme and primrose, cough and mucus production was reduced by over 60%.
Thyme contains calming bronchitis, pertussis, and is used in cases of severe coughing. It has been known about for centuries for its healing properties, as is a plant with a strong smell, and it contains essential oil and has a many astringent and antibiotic substances.
Thyme contains Thymol, up to 40%, that it is used against respiratory diseases, in gargles, chronic bronchitis, tuberculosis and whooping cough.
Thyme was used in the 16th century while the Roman soldiers used to bathe in water with thyme believing that they would thus gain energy.
Infusion: Use one teaspoon of fresh thyme and add boiling water. Allow to sit for 4-5 minutes, and then drink up to 3 times a day.
Caution: Large amounts of thyme can have an affect on menstrual cycles.
Thyme should be avoided by people who are taking drugs that weaken their immune systems, by pregnant women, and nursing mothers.
Tea Mixture With Plantain And Thyme: Pour boiling water in a cup with one teaspoon of fresh thyme and one teaspoon of plantain. Leave the mixture to sit for 4-5 minutes, and then drink very slowly up to 3 cups a day.
Final Note
Often, the consumption of dairy products may cause bronchitis and other respiratory disorders. For the better treatment of bronchitis, the user should totally avoid milk and milk products.
A great nutritional regimen for bronchitis recommends using cayenne pepper because it believed that it helps to relieve congestion of the lungs. Furthermore, chicken soup, fruits, and vegetables are preferred.
Vitamins A, C, E, B complex help to strengthen the immune system, and can also protect the body from further infections. Juices are recommended because they are rich in antioxidants, strengthen the immune system, and help to fight inflammation.
Cough and difficult breathing, in the case of bronchitis, are not easy, especially when someone suffers from chronic bronchitis and must address these problems all the time.
Natural remedies with herbs and essential oils have been used for centuries and are still beneficial as they can help us to cope with a severe health problem.
I wish for you to be always healthy.
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Warm welcome!
Dimitra Nasiou lives in beautiful, sunny Volos, in Greece, and she is the creator and editor of Her greatest pleasure is helping people and she does just that, drawing upon the immerse resources that she has gathered over the years in her unquenchable thirst for knowledge.
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References List
- Dr. Wighard Strehlow & Gottfried Hertzka, M.D. (1988). “Hildegard of Bingen’s Medicine”. Rochester, Vermond, Bear & Company, Inc.
- Priscilla Throop, translated from the Latin (1998). “Hildegard of Bingen’s Physica”. Rochester, Vermont, Healing Arts Press.
- Kostas Mpazaios (2011-43th ed.). “100 Herbs 2000 treatments”. Greece, Mpazaios Publishing.
- Porfira. “The ABC of Herbs”. Greece, Porfira Publishing.
- “Herbs” (2006). Kalokathi Publishing.
- Maria Treben, translated from the German (2009-2nd ed.). “Health Through God’s Pharmacy”. Austria, Ennsthaler Verlag, Steyr.
- Maria Treben (1988). “Health from God’s Garden: Herbal Remedies for Glowing Health and Well-Being”. Rochester, Vermont, Healing Arts Press.
External Links
- Jaime A. Heidel,, (2013), “Natural Treatments for Bronchitis”. Information source:
-, “Bronchitis natural remedies for”. Information source:
-, “Using herbs to treat bronchitis”. Information source:
- Steven D. Ehrlich, NMD,, (2009), “Bronchitis”. Information source:
-, “Evaluation of Efficacy and Tolerability of a Fixed Combination of Dry Extracts of Thyme Herb and Primrose Root in Adults Suffering from Acute Bronchitis with Productive Cough“. Information source:
- Sarah Terry,, (2013), “Herbal Bronchitis Cures”. Information source:
- Luise Radicio,, (2010), “Herbs for bronchitis”. Information source:
- Sakis Kouvatsos,, (2011), “Bronchitis and herbs”. Information source:
- Sakis Kouvatsos,, (2011), “Tussilago farfara”. Information source:
-, (2012), “Fighting bronchitis and respiratory congestion with herbs.”. Information source:
-, (2014), “Bronchitis”. Information source:
Learning to use herbs is a healing journey and a preventive way of living; nonetheless, herbs are not meant to take the place of your family doctor.
Herbs can be helpful allies in maintaining good health, but they can be powerful medications that should be treated with the same caution and respect as drugs, precisely, because herbs DO work.
Many herbs do have dangerous interactions when paired with prescription drugs; while others are contraindicated for individuals with certain health conditions.
The information contained herein is not presented with the intention of diagnosing, treating, curing, or preventing any disease. It is not to be used as medical advice and is offered only for use in maintaining and promoting health in cooperation with a physician.
Always check with your doctor first before beginning any health program.
The post Treat Bronchitis Naturally Using Top 5 Herbs appeared first on Treatment Herbs.