
Today, 29 August, is appointment with the first of three Supermoon during the full moon of 2015. The other two are expected on September 28 and October 27, 2015. All with the nose to admire an extraordinary sight. A regal in the August sky, just today. Particularly fascinating that on 28 September to coincide with the long-awaited eclipse.

It will be a full moon visible at perigee closest point of approach between the Moon and Earth, to be built shortly after sunset, setting at sunrise. Supermoon the most anticipated is that of 28 September, when the Moon will just 356,877 kilometers away from Earth which, coincidentally, will be on the night of the eclipse of moon. August 29th, will be visible at the same time throughout the world, exactly at 18:35 Utc, while the maximum peak approaching Earth / Moon will take place on August 30 at 15:24 Utc.

The Moon does not have a circular path around the Earth but has an elliptical orbit, just like that of the Earth around the sun. As you know, the point closest to his home planet, the Moon is 356,410 km (perigee), while in the most far this distance reaches 406,740 km (Apogee). The term Supermoon is not strictly astronomical.

It was, in fact, coined on the website American astrologer Richard Nolle, a supporter of the theory that the moon affects our lives in 1979. Nolle called the event so: the new moon or full moon that occurs when the Moon is on the or near (within 90%) to the point of minimum distance from Earth in a given orbit. In fact, the adjective "super" does indicate simply that the moon, in the eyes of a common but fascinated spectator Earth, closer, bigger and brighter than usual.

In scientific language it is correct to speak of perigee moon, while the term Supermoon is a vulgar way to allow everyone to understand what will happen in one term. The apparent size of the Moon, in fact, vary depending on the distance that it has towards our planet. This is because our satellite follows an elliptical path and not perfectly circular, varying by approximately 50 thousand kilometers the its distance. So, full moons that occur at perigee of the orbit of the Moon seem bigger and brighter. As to precisely tonight. The sky is clearing from any type of cloud and then from all regions will be able to admire the extraordinary spectacle. Enjoy everyone!

Great show in the sky in this final of August with Supermoon. Today in the evening we will have the expected astronomical event of the full moon at perigee.

Since time immemorial, man has been fascinated by the mysterious moon, trying to see, in its waxing and waning, influence and deeper meanings. There 'who believes the champion of good wine, who mistress of crops, but these are myths that are rooted in the distant past, in which the agricultural rhythms were marked by natural ones ... myths that, with the advent of the methods Modern cultivation, no longer have reason to exist.

The Supermoon is not conducive to the phenomenal growth of the hair, does not increase the fertility (births and conceptions, according to statistics are distributed evenly throughout the entire lunar cycle). With Supermoon there is no increase in incidents of aggression and violence and it does not affect the mental disorders (flu from which derives the term lunatic). Although the belief that the moon affects the psyche is still quite widespread (there are obvious examples, werewolves, the phenomenon of lycanthropy), no scientific study has managed to relate the phases of the moon with psychiatric disorders. The Moon, the traditional concept conceals mysteries, offers answers and new puzzles like lunar Illusion, a fact that for many stems exclusively from our minds. The colors, the size, the distances of the Moon from our planet, seem to have originated from an illusion of the brain.

It was the psychologist Mario Ponzo to show, about a century ago, as our brain can judge incorrectly the true size of an object based on its background. The famous Ponzo Illusion, would be produced by the knowledge that distant objects appear smaller than their actual size. Just as a train on the tracks that the further away from us and the more it seems small, so the Moon, compared to its position with the Earth, will appear larger or smaller, although its size is always the same. Another experiment, known as Ebbinghaus illusion, can make objects artificially large by their juxtaposition with the smaller objects ... consideration, this, that sailors and pilots do not take into account, because their horizon is completely free of a reference point.

Leaving aside any explanation that does not concern her deceptive beauty, the moon does not trigger earthquakes, is not linked to the menstrual cycle, it is not responsible for disasters, although some want to impute even the sinking of the Titanic and to fuel the panic, however, with no check Scientific evidence, was the terrible earthquake , followed by the devastating tsunami that hit Japan a few days before Supermoon of March 2011.

As often happens to astronomical phenomena, even the Supermoon are linked to legends, rumors and folktales. It is said to affect the behavior of animals, although there is scientific evidence of this, but if science does not help, legends depopulated. An Indian legend, for example, said that on a full moon night a wolf began to howl desperate for the loss of one of his pups and that was when the moon grew larger to illuminate the landscape, allowing it to regain its small.

Since then all the wolves howl at the full moon to thank her. The Supermoon also does not affect the mood of people, it is not linked to phenomena of vampirism, alcoholism, suicide, stabbings, gunshot wounds, domestic violence etc. The only real its consequence is the presence of the tide a bit 'higher than usual . On very rare occasions it can also occur the so-called solid tide , where in addition to the sea, to get up to a few centimeters is also the earth's crust. But the event is too weak to trigger earthquakes, caused instead by the sliding of tectonic plates What is certain is that the Moon, described by Shakespeare, through his Juliet That liar, fickle, turning that changed the face every time ago by frame a thousand love stories, always managing to attract million looks upon himself.

A Supermoon is indeed the coincidence of a full moon with the shortest distance between the Earth and Moon. A rare phenomenon but not too much happens on average five times a year.

The effect is an increase in the apparent size of the Moon as seen from Earth. That is, the Moon seems slightly larger and brighter than normal. The term Supermoon is a term not exactly astronomical, as the scientific definition for the moment of closest approach of the moon to the Earth's lunar perigee .

In this month, the perigee will be Sunday, August 30, at 11 am (15 GMT), 18 hours after the full moon. So to be precise, there will be a very close coincidence in terms of time between full moon and perigee. However one can speak of Super Moon as our satellite, the time of the full moon, it will be next to the perigee. And the show will be favored by the heavens serene widely and the visibility of the moon, you will see immediately after sunset until dawn tomorrow morning.

Next month, the full moon will come Sunday, September 27 at 22:51 EDT and the perigee only 51 minutes before: it will also be as close as 2015, since it will be positioned at 356,877 kilometers from the earth. In this case we will have a beautiful lunar eclipses.A supermoon is when the moon or a new moon or full moon is closest to Earth in a given year. Since the super moon is closest to Earth, it looks bigger and brighter and may appear up to 14 percent bigger. The next round of the Supermoon is already set for August 30, 2015, with a brilliant full moon that will steal the scene of the shooting stars.

The so called supermoon, a term that makes purists cringe, introduced not by scientists but by astrologers at the end 70s and a few years entered into common parlance to denote the full moon during the perigee the closest point to Earth in its elliptical orbit. Despite what you might think, it is not a rare event and our satellite reaches perigee coincides with a full moon phase of more or less every year. The latest super moon was May 6, 2012, the next one will be August 10, 2014. Expect then a large but not a huge moon.

Although the distance of Earth and super moon changes every year due to various slight fluctuations of the lunar orbit (Sun is 356,990 km from us), the results are more or less always the same, the super moon seems about 15% larger and up to 30% more brighter than when it is at its farthest point from the Earth called apogee. In short, hardly the naked eye would you be able to tell the difference between a super moon and a full moon, but it is still a good chance the best, in fact to enjoy the spectacle of the full moon and take some suggestive pictures.

While it is true that, especially in summer, the Moon is covered at dusk and dawn with a slight reddish aura an optical effect due to the Earth's atmosphere and accentuated by the heat of summer. The misconception stems from the term Pink Moon, traditional name used to describe the full moon of June and that has nothing to do with the actual color assumed by the Moon in the sky.

A similar confusion of colors is done more or less in every Blue Moon which is in fact the name used to describe the second full moon of the month or the fourth full moon of the season. Again, the actual color of the moon in the sky has nothing to do. This does not preclude, however, that are periodically published on blogs and often also on newspaper websites, photo bootleg or obtained by any filter passed off as true.

The attraction is obviously too strong, perhaps because Blue Moon is in turn a famous song. The Full Moon, and in particular the super moon then wakes up once in a while a sort of scientific hoax. How persistently circulated in 2011 when the idea of some correlation between the earthquake in Japan and the super moon of that year.

Or as in 2012, when it was inevitably the turn of the Maya could never be a super moon does not cause at least a super catastrophe. Also this year will go smoothly, the full moon at perigee will be felt only in the tides and you can enjoy the tranquility of the sight of the full moon bigger and brighter than 2014.

Some already speak of apocalypse. On September 28, the moon should turn red. The phenomenon is called blood moon and will occur because around 2 am, between Sunday and Monday, the moon will approach particularly to the land. At around 3 am the moon will be obscured by the earth and in line with the sun and this will give the color purple which some see as a harbinger of doom. At around 4.30 the moon will be visible again the color with which we have always seen, consequence-free, according to scientists. Some people talk about conspiracies and instead of end of the world, as reported by Metro . The scientific explanation did not convince many people and networking is spreading the belief that something will happen that night of mysterious and dangerous.

After the full moon of July 31, the phenomenon will be repeated for the second time in the same month and this time it will be Blue Moon. That occurs twice in a month, the phenomenon is possible because of the full moon takes 29.5 days to return the same stage. So it is not a rare phenomenon. The last time there was Full moon twice in the same month happened in August 2012, while reviewing the same process you will have to wait for January 2018 or, to observe it again in July, we will have to wait until 2034. Complex and legendary is instead why it is called Blue Moon. Ancient sayings and legends chase, but the Moon will really be Blue on 31st night? Maybe, but that's what explains NASA Science.

If you say to man the age of Shakespeare once in a Blue Moon, says Nasa Science, this person would not think at all to an astronomical phenomenon, but in something rare and absurd. Yet, since then, the meaning has changed. In the Maine Farmer's Almanac, the Almanac of American farmers, in 1940 he tried to explain , a little twisted definition of Blue Moon, so twisted Nasa Science experts that astronomers did not understand anything. They were brought into play Christian dates as Easter and Lent or mysterious tropical years.

Aiming to explain blue moons to the layman, Sky & Telescope in 1946 published an article entitled Once in a Blue Moon. The author James Hugh Pruett, born in 1886 and died in 1955, he quoted the words of the Maine Farm Almanac of 1937 he had just talked to Blue Moon interpreting so that "the second full moon in a month is called Blue Moon. Of course, NASA Science emphasizes, it is not correct, but at least it seemed clear and the definition remained. As it were, the modern definition of Blue Moon was born. It is a different scientific.

Most Blue Moons Nasa Science explains look gray and black, just like the Moon we see every night and, although there is a full moon twice in a month, the second does not change its color. However, scientists warn, on rare occasions the moon can really become blue, but depends on volcanic eruption. In 1883, for example, there was a Blue Moon almost every night after the Indonesian volcano Krakatoa exploded with the force of a nuclear bomb by 100 megatons. Ash plumes rose up on the atmosphere and the Earth's moon is turning blue.

So why was the ashes of Krakatoa. Some of the plumes, stresses NASA Science, were full of particles of a width of one micron, about the same wavelength of the red light. The particles of this size special scatter light strongly red, while allowing the passage of light blue. In short, the clouds produced by the eruption of Krakatoa have acted as a blue filter. Blue moons were observed in 1983 after the eruption of the El Chichon volcano in Mexico and reports of Blue Moon also came after the eruption of Mount Saint Helens in 1980 and Mount Pinatubo in 1991.

But, experts warn of the Nasa, also forest fires may do the trick and a famous example was the massive fire in September 1953 in Alberta, Canada. And the July 31st? Just go out at sunset and watch the sky, cut short by Nasa Science.

The following table shows the dates of the last and next supermoon.


Moon phase

Moon phase now

Perigee now

Distance (km)



Sunday, June 23

Full Moon





Wednesday, January 1

Moon Nuov




Thursday, January 30

Moon Nuov




Sunday, August 10

Full Moon





Monday, September 28

Full Moon




Lunar Eclipse


Thursday, April 7

Moon Nuov




Friday, May 6th

Moon Nuov




Sunday, October 16

Full Moon




Monday, November 14

Full Moon





Wednesday, September 13

Moon Nuov





Friday, July 13

Moon Nuov




Solar Eclipse

Wednesday, October 31

Moon Nuov





Monday, January 21

Full Moon




Lunar Eclipse

Tuesday, February 19

Full Moon




Friday, August 30

Moon Nuov




Saturday, September 28

Moon Nuov




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