
Doctor Who is a British television series of fiction produced by the BBC since 1963. Starring Time Lords, that an alien time traveler, who calls himself simply The Doctor. The Doctor explores the universe aboard the TARDIS, a sentient machine capable of traveling in space and time through the so-called temporal vortex (Vortex Time). The external appearance of the TARDIS is that of a blue box of the British police, commonly seen in Britain in the sixties, when the series was broadcast for the first time. The Doctor is almost always accompanied by fellow passengers land, with whom deals with enemies, save entire civilizations and helps those in need.

In 1989 the program was closed and in 1996 there was an attempt, unsuccessful, to restart the series with a pilot episode as a movie for television. In 2005, the writer Russell T. Davies brought up the series with success, producing it in Cardiff by BBC Wales.

The series, with its 51 years of programming (ongoing from 1963 to 1989 and revived in 2005 ) and more than 800 episodes (made in color from 1970 ) holds the record for the longest running science fiction television series in the world and the most successful in terms of television ratings, sales of books and DVDs and traffic on iTunes. For these reasons it is cited in the Guinness World Records . The program is considered a significant part of the popular culture of the United Kingdom and has become a cult series.

The series has received many accolades from critics and audiences. He won the 2006 award BAFTA for best drama series and for five consecutive times (2005-2010) under the National Television Award as executive producer Russell T. Davies.  In 2011, Matt Smith was the first actor in the series to be nominated for a BAFTA for Best Actor for his performance of the Doctor.

The series has generated several spin-off , among which the pilot episode K-9 and Company (1981) and the four-part series PROBE (1994). From the new series resulted Torchwood (2006) and The Sarah Jane Adventures (2007), both designed by Russell T. Davies, and K-9 (2009). In addition there are many parodies of both the character of the series.

Thirteen players have so far played the role of the Doctor . The transition from one actor to another, with all the changes that it brings, is described in the plot as a regeneration, a vital process of the Time Lords through which the Doctor continues to live in a new body, different from the previous but that also involves a change in personality. Despite the changes in nature and the different interpretations, you can see the common aspects of the same character. The Doctor is interpreted in 2014 by Peter Capaldi , who took over from Matt Smith after his last appearance in the Christmas special of 2013, the time of the Doctor .

Doctor Who made ​​his first appearance on screen November 23, 1963 at 17:16:20 GMT, eight seconds fee from the schedule, the BBC , after a year of discussions and projects. The program included a weekly broadcast, to last about 25 minutes. The director, head of BBC drama series (head of drama) the Canadian Sydney Newman , was the main responsible for the development of the series, together with the head screenwriter Donald Wilson and CE Webber.

Writer Anthony Coburn, editor David Whitaker and producer Verity Lambert also contributed significantly in the development of the series. The series was originally designed for a family audience, as an educational program with the aim to explore scientific phenomena and important moments of history through the expedient of time travel. The musical theme of the securities was made ​​up of Ron Grainer and realized by Delia Derbyshire of the BBC Radiophonic Workshop, is one of the jingle longer remember, much to end up as a compound in the famous song by Pink Floyd One of These Days .

The July 31, 1963 Whitaker Terry Nation commissioned a story with the title The Mutants . In the original script, the Daleks and Thal were the victims of an alien attack by a neutron bomb but then eliminated Nation aliens and gave the Daleks the role of aggressors. When the script was presented to Newman and Wilson was immediately rejected because they did not want the program to contain the bug-eyed monsters . The first episode had been completed and the BBC believed it was crucial the success of the next, but the only screenplay was ready to The Mutants and then was used.

According to Verity Lambert "I did not have much choice - we had only the episode Dalek on to develop. We were in a crisis of confidence because Donald [Wilson] was adamant in rejecting the script. If we had had another hand definitely we developed ". The screenplay of Nation became then the second episode of Doctor Who, The Daleks also known as The Mutants. The Dalek later became antagonists most important and popular of the series, and led to the first major development of the merchandising of the BBC.

The BBC produced the series for 26 seasons, broadcast on BBC One. Due to the lowering of the number of spectators, a decrease of public interest in the series and a less effective production of the stories the series was suspended in 1989 by  Jonathan Powell , then head of BBC One. Despite the the fact that the series was not formally canceled, it was actually with the decision not to produce the previously planned twenty-seventh season, the BBC continued to repeat that the series would return.

While production in England had ceased, the BBC hoped to find an independent production company to revive the show. Philip Segal was contacted by the BBC and the negotiations leading to the creation of a television film in co-production between Fox, the Universal Pictures, the BBC and BBC Worldwide. In 1996 it was then produced what was to be the pilot episode for a miniseries, a television movie titled Doctor Who, with a new doctor, the Eighth, starring Paul McGann, the market for US.

Once the cause of the television series, the production of novels and stories recorded , initially on cassettes and then CDs, carried on the stories of the Doctor and his companions. The canonicity of these productions was eagerly discussed by fans until the special miniepisode The Night Of The Doctor in 2013, the Eighth Doctor mentions some fellow members of these works, thus confirming the canonicity.

The television program was abandoned until 2003 in September of that year the BBC announced the domestic production of a new series after several years of unsuccessful attempts of BBC Worldwide to realize the idea of a film. The paternity of the new version of the series is the producer and scriptwriter Russell T. Davies together with Julie Gardner , supervisor of the evaluation of series of BBC Wales . The first season of the new series premiered with the episode Rose on BBC on March 26 2005 and was followed by eight more seasons (the eighth season aired August 23, 2014 and over twenty special episodes episodes between Christmas and mini-episodes.

In 2010 Steven Moffat has replaced Davies as executive producer and director of the script. On 23 November 2013 the special for the 50th anniversary of the series (The day of the Doctor) was broadcast on several national television and in theaters live simultaneous with some countries.

Doctor Who has a large number of fans, even among celebrities, with fans the best known include, among others, the Queen Elizabeth, Tom Hanks, Johnny Depp, Robert Downey Jr., the father of The Simpsons, Matt Groening, who has honored several times, Patrick Stewart , Craig Ferguson, directors Steven Spielberg, George Lucas and Peter Jackson , who admitted he would not mind to direct it, and Professor Stephen Hawking.

The series tells the adventures of a time traveler and space known as The Doctor. He is a Time Lord, alien race from the planet Gallifrey. Like any Time Lord, moves on a TARDIS (Time And Relative Dimension In Space, Time and Size ie Relative Space), a vehicle able to keep together the different levels of reality (the interior is extremely large, while ' external can have different features and be smaller interior, thanks to the superposition of two different dimensional planes inside / outside) and to travel in space and time (thanks to the ability of the TARDIS, which feeds on radiation storms sliding along the stream of the time, and moves in space tearing the fabric of space-time at a point, probably in deference to M theory , and joining it to another, in which reappears). The Doctor moves on an old TARDIS, Model 40 (a museum piece, compared to subsequent TARDIS, but an invention inconceivable for its high level of technology and science from all non-Lord of Time).

The Time Lords, originally, were similar to the human race. Their moral and scientific evolution has led them to understand some of the processes intrinsic mechanisms of time and space. The presence on their home planet Gallifrey a temporal vortex allowed them, by giving off radiation, the mutation of the physical structure and energy storage time or energy regeneration, allowing the regenerative cycle, then become a genetic factor. The vortex is a point of tangibility of the time, like a glimpse of a parallel dimension consisting of events past, present and future energy physically visible as a continuous flow of energy.

The Time Lords, wise creatures, cheat death because they know the true nature of things and in particular of the time. I'm sort legendary universe in which the Doctor is moving: their extraordinary technology (which allows the overlap size or relative size in space, the building and the breeding of the TARDIS, the same regeneration) and understanding of the nature of ' universe puts them in a position to be individuals with top-speed, even for the highly advanced civilization that are found in the known Universe.

The regeneration, or regenerative cycle, is a process by which, in case of an injury or a disease that would be fatal, can rewrite the cellular structure through the use of a large internal energy source to their immune system, call precisely regenerative energy, thereby obtaining a new body, changing their physical appearance and, minimally, their personality. The regenerative cycle of a Time Lord provides for a maximum of 12 regenerations, employing a growing level of energy rewrite and therefore a maximum of 13 different versions of a Time Lord. A Time Lord is not immortal and can also be killed before its natural end, because if he is wounded a second time during the regenerative process, he can die like any human being. The protagonist of the television series, the Doctor (the Doctor, in the original language) is the only lord of time to have reclaimed more than twelve times, thanks to the intervention of his peers, who presented him with gratitude for regenerative energy.

Roughly between 1967 and 1978 much of the older material BBC stored on magnetic tapes or content in video stores were destroyed or were simply erased for reuse. They went so lost many old episodes of Doctor Who , regarding especially the first two doctors: William Hartnell and Patrick Troughton.

Following a work of cataloging and recovery archives were fully restored only from where it went from black and white to color, that is, when Jon Pertwee became the new Doctor - although some episodes that played have required considerable restoration and recovery. One part was recovered only as black and white film and the only other color copies survivors are old NTSC tapes recovered in North America (some are home recordings on tape Betamax and low quality). In all, 106 of the 253 episodes produced during the first six years of the program are no longer present in the archives of the BBC. As far as is known, at the television network in 1972 there were still almost all the episodes filmed so far, and is since 1978 that the practice of the tape erasure was abandoned.

For the process of retrieving the BBC has used the first recordings made by fans Color and spectators from around the world, as well as songs movies using video cameras to 8 mm or aired within other programs. Of all the lost episodes we have recovered only audio versions, thanks to recordings made at the time by the viewers.

In addition, there are photographs taken during the shooting by the photographer John Care , used by the various productions of the network to document many of their programs during the fifties and sixties. These photographs were used in reconstructions of episodes produced by fans and tolerated by the BBC, because not marketed for profit and distributed with VHS low resolution.

One of the episodes lost most coveted is the fourth part of the last series starring William Hartnell, The Tenth Planet , which ends with the transformation of the first Doctor in the second: it is a unique piece, made ​​up of a few frames in 8 mm without sound and of poor quality, showing just the few seconds of the regeneration scene, as was shown by the program Blue Peter .

With the approval of the BBC, efforts are underway to rebuild the majority of episodes can be made ​​using the existing material. Starting at the beginning of the nineties, the BBC began to make available audio recordings of losing bets on cassette and CD, connected through the narrator of former actors of the series. Reconstructions "officers" are also sold by the BBC on VHS and CD and as an extra in some DVDs. The BBC along with the study Cosgrove Hall has reconstructed the missing episodes 1 and 4 of The Invasion (1968) through animation, using the audio tracks and original screenplays: are included in the DVD of the series entered the market in November 2006. The Cosgrove Hall had expressed an interest for the animation of further episodes lost, then similar reconstructions have not been heard from since the beginning of 2007 and April of the same year the announcement that this type of project He was suspended indefinitely.

In April 2006, the youth program Blue Peter , broadcast on CBBC, has issued a challenge to find these missing episodes giving away the complete model of a Dalek. Other 11 old episodes were recovered in 2013 (9 of which were gone for 45 years) at the agency or television Ethiopian ; refer to the story The Enemy of the World (1967-68), and The Web of Fear of which is still missing an episode. The episodes found (some of which have been restored and partially reconstructed with stills and original audio) have been made ​​available by the BBC to pay.

As of May 2015, are "lost" 97 episodes from 26 stories. Most of the missing episodes comes from seasons 3, 4, and 5, which have in total 79 episodes lost. Of the 26 stories included in seasons 3 through 5, only five ( The Ark , The Gunfighters and The War Machines of the third season, and The Tomb of the Cybermen and The Enemy of the World of the fifth season) exist in complete form in the archives BBC, leaving incomplete 21 with at least one missing. By contrast, the seasons 1, 2, and 6, have only 18 missing episodes of a total of five stories, with 19 of them complete.

All but three of the stories have lost at least a few clips survivor of variable length, only for Marco Polo , Mission to the Unknown , and The Massacre of St Bartholomew's Eve there is no movie. While the period of Patrick Troughton is the one with the highest number of missing episodes (53 against 44 years of William Hartnell), there are more stories of Hartnell completely lost (6 against 4). The stories highlighted in pink have all the missing parts. The stories highlighted in yellow have more than half of the missing episodes. All other stories listed have at least one missing.

The mysterious Doctor ( Who in English means "who") is an alien from the planet Gallifrey . It's a Time Lord ( Time Lords ) that performs space-time travel on board the TARDIS driven by a thirst for knowledge and curiosity about the vast universe.

His real name has never been revealed, Doctor is a fictitious name tied to a promise made; humans often presents itself as '' John Smith ''.

Although human form, has two hearts and mental powers superhuman, like all Time Lords. Not carries weapons, only a sonic screwdriver , which does not separate if not forced, which it uses for various functions, such as opening doors, analyze data or the environment. The latter does not work on wood or objects too rudimentary.

At the beginning of the new series it seems to be the last survivor of his planet as a result of ' Last Great Time War , but after the special for the 50th year of the series it turns out that the latter, Gallifrey , was not burned as believed but it was locked up in a pocket universe, frozen in a single moment in time. Currently the Doctor he is seeking.

The Doctor is usually travel with one or more companions mostly terrestrial and female; his latest "girlfriend" is Oswald Clara , played by Jenna Coleman , who was accompanied by the Lord of Time in 2013. In the new series have accompanied the Doctor Rose Tyler , Martha Jones , Donna Noble , Amy Pond and Rory Williams . The first "companion" to join the Doctor was Susan Foreman , his nephew, and his teachers Ian Chesterton and Barbara Wright.

With their faces many kinds of enemies, generally aliens or robots. The TARDIS (Time and Relative Dimension in Space), deliberately ambiguous is the vehicle sentient the Doctor; outside it has the appearance of a phone booth of the police of the 60, because the Doctor has never repaired the Chameleon Circuit, the mechanism that can alter its appearance. It is built to be driven by six people, but the Doctor him driving alone.

The typical noise when the TARDIS lands or appears, is due to the handbrake that the Doctor leaves always activated, because he believes that the sound will bring hope in the hearts of those who hear. The TARDIS though not a simple machine: the Doctor says that in fact the TARDIS were "bred".

The TARDIS also has a special feature, namely that of being greatest within. This allows the doctor to take a full time machine in a common phone booth blue. The TARDIS alongside this quality has the ability to: translate all the languages ​​spoken in the universe (except Gallifreyano, the language of the Time Lords), become invisible, people carry with them when in contact with the outer surface and to own its internal gravity.

Inside the TARDIS has only one room (the room of the console), but also a library, a swimming pool, a large wardrobe and numerous salt bed. In the tenth episode of the seventh season ( Journey to the Center of the TARDIS ) you become aware of the capabilities of the TARDIS can freely edit existing rooms, or of being able to create an almost infinite number.

In the final part of the first season of the new series we talk about the fact that the TARDIS has an "own will" and in the fourth episode of the sixth season of the new series (The wife of the Doctor), we learn that the TARDIS has a ' soul and sentient He chose the Doctor as a "means" to explore the Universe.

The television program Doctor Who Confidential , aired from 2005 on BBC Three , deals with the behind the scenes of the TV series, documenting the work of the cast (and crew) of Doctor Who and intervistandone components.

The project was closed in 2011, after 87 episodes. It was replaced by Behind the Lens. Torchwood is the first spin-off derived from the new series of Doctor Who , broadcast since 2006 by the BBC and starring John Barrowman as Captain Jack Harkness. Starting from the fourth season the production moved overseas and the first vision is by the US Starz.

The Sarah Jane Adventures is the second spin-off, played by Elisabeth Sladen in the fourth Doctor's companion Sarah Jane Smith . It was sent for four seasons between 2007 and 2011 by the BBC. K9 is the third spin-off the air since 2009, it focuses on the adventures of the robot K-9. As well as The Sarah Jane Adventures points to a more youthful audience.

In 2007 it was produced an animated series entitled The Infinite Quest . The characters are voiced by David Tennant ( Tenth Doctor ) and Freema Agyeman (Martha Jones). In 2009, output Dreamland , miniseries of six episodes of twelve minutes each, always with the tenth Doctor voiced by Tennant and the new character of Cassie Rice voiced by Georgia Moffett .

In 2010 , the BBC has completed its fifth season with four interactive episodes, published online for free in the UK and can be downloaded from the official website. Products from Moffatt, Wenger and Willis with Anwen Aspden and Charles Cecil, the video games are developed by Sumo Digital and written by Phil Ford and James Moran . Matt Smith and Karen Gillan are dubbed by themselves and are both playable characters. Each episode provides about two hours of play. October 31, 2011 came out the first episode of the second series, The Gunpowder Plot .

Since 1979 in England comes a magazine dedicated to the official Doctor Who entitled Doctor Who Magazine (commonly shortened to DWM ) which contains articles and cartoons dedicated to the world of the Doctor, produced officially by the BBC . Initially the magazine was called Doctor Who Weekly and was published by Marvel Comics . The first issue was published Thursday, 11 October 1979 with a cover date of October 17 at a price of 12 pence .

The magazine went from weekly to monthly with the number 44 in September 1980 , becoming Doctor Who (A Marvel Monthly) with a cover price of 30 pence. The title became Doctor Who Monthly by the number 61 and The Official Doctor Who Magazine in February 1984 with the number 85. It becomes then The Doctor Who Magazine at 99 April 1985 , and just Doctor Who Magazine from 107 (December 1985) to date, with the exception of the number 397 (June 2008 ) when the cover appeared subtitle Bad Wolf later episode Turn left .

Despite the classic series Doctor Who was completed in 1989 , the magazine continued to be published, providing new adventures in the form of comics . The series resumed in 2005 , offering a new generation of fans that the magazine sought to attract.

DWM is now published by Panini Comics , which acquired the title along with the rest of the catalog Marvel UK, in 1995 . Panini has started to digitally restore and reprint old comic DWM in paperback. Twelve volumes have been printed so far: two adventures with comics of the fourth Doctor, one with the adventures of the fifth, two with the sixth Doctor, one with the adventures of the seventh Doctor, four focused on the eighth, and two with the tenth Doctor. Panini has also published, in 2006 , a full reprint of the strips of the ninth Doctor, and most of those of the Tenth Doctor and Martha Jones in 2008 .

On the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the first broadcast is published Prisoner of Time , comic story of twelve episodes, one for each Doctor, written by Scott and David Tipton and published by IDW Publishing .

Currently Comics Doctor Who is published by Titan Books in the US, which in 2014 published the thematic series on the tenth, on the eleventh, the twelfth Doctor, and a miniseries about Nono. Since 1965 they have been published numerous novel episodes of Doctor Who televised. Since 1991 began the publication of unpublished stories by Virgin Books. Following the release of the 1996 film were written a series of stories featuring the Eighth Doctor, with resumption of the series of 2005 were written novels about the new series, and later to the fiftieth anniversary was published a series of 12 ebook each starring a different Doctor named 11 Doctors 11 Stories , and a novel set in the time of war time starring the War Doctor, entitled Engines of War.

Altogether they were published more than 200 novels and short stories of Doctor Who, as well as numerous non-fiction books on the television series or franchise connected.

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