
Photos inspire travel.

Follow enough people on instagram and you’ll soon discover the “everyday” all over the world. Whether at home or on vacation instagram does exactly what it promises; it provides an instant image easily shared to anyone with an account (privacy settings aside).

Before instagram, I could “control” my inspiration. I could look at books or websites specific to places I knew I wanted to visit. Since I started using instagram a few months ago, I’ve noticed a shift in my own travel desires. I want to go everywhere. Yes, I’ve always wanted to do that, I know. But, now I REALLY want to go everywhere. Some places I never even knew existed have jumped on to my want to-do list.  I’ve reaffirmed the reasons many places were already on the list. And, oddly enough, I’m growing nostalgic for places I’ve already been.

By the way, these photos are also pretty educational. Because it’s so easy to share images people upload a lot. And you can’t help but learn more about a place after viewing a lot of everyday photos taken there.

Food inspires travel.

A common theme in instagram is definitely food. I’ve learned a lot about food all over the world by watching what the people I follow eat and instagram. And I’m not to embarrassed to admit that it’s because of these food photos that my “to see” list has shifted so much. (Really, it should be called a “to eat” list.)

When I was looking through my own photos, I noticed that I also take a lot of photos of food. Here are instagram food photos I’ve taken in Germany. In just these few photos I feel that I’ve already started to give a good representation of food in Germany – and that’s just one instagrammer!

(You will find the originals on my instagram account.)

This typical German festival food: french fries with mayo! Would I have taken this photo if I didn’t have my phone on me? Probably not.

Anywhere in Germany, you will find Currywurst (sliced sausage covered in a curry ketchup) with french fries. There’s even a currywurst museum in Berlin! Pizza is also a popular meal (of course), so why not combine the two? I wouldn’t have taken this picture without my phone because I was in such a hurry. And I had to upload it to IG because the box is a square. (By the way, I didn’t really like the pizza.)

In high school our family went out for ice cream a lot. One of our favorites, spaghetti ice. It’s vanilla ice cream “spaghetti” and strawberry sauce with white chocolate “cheese”. In high school this was the only variety I ever saw, but these days you can get any combination of ice cream and topping for Spaghetti Eis.

And the reason I do it all. My favorite thing about using instagram is that it’s so easy to capture my kids. As I mentioned when I uploaded it, I took this picture because in this moment my son looked so grown up to me. He sat there patiently with this cake in front of him. I thought that he’s really embraced the coffee and cake culture in Germany. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and snapped a photo. However, within about 10 seconds of this photo, my son grabbed a fistful of cake and shoved it in his mouth.

Popular Food Hashtags

If you want to find food photos on instagram, check out Food Hashtags Explained. 

This post is part of the new Instagram Travel Thursday linky hosted by Skimbaco Lifestyle, Destination Unknown, Child Mode, Hines Sight Blog, Live.Do.Grow., House of Anaïs, Luxury Travel Mom. Click on any of those links to access all Instagram travel posts.

The post Instagram and Food: Travel Inspiration appeared first on Travel Turtle.

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