
Every Thing You Need To Know About E-Cigarettes - London, United Kingdom

London, United Kingdom

is a funny product, one of those products which are sold extensively
and is more readily available than most of the life saving drugs and
medicines. Most of the people are aware of the fact that smoking
cigarettes is extremely dangerous and there is a strong probability that
a person who smokes more than 20 cigarettes in a day will end up at
death bed even in their 30s and 40s. Then there is this huge warning on
the cigarette packets which says, Smoking kills! Yet this product sells
like hot cakes and cigarette companies pump in top dollar to push it in
every market across the globe. I mean buying this dangerous product is
like inviting yourself to your own suicide. Worst part is that, if a
person is hooked to cigarette then despite their best efforts and
intentions, it becomes really tough to kick that butt.
Over the years, Electronic cigarettes
has emerged as a much lesser harmful option for the smokers, who can
get their kick without inhaling tobacco. Here the prefix letter “E”
stands for electronic. Let’s try to understand what is so electronic
about these cigarettes. For this first we have to look into what
actually an electronic cigarette is and get an idea of how it actually
E-Cigarette is an electronic device, which heats up a
flavored liquid solution and creates the effect of actual cigarette
smoking. This liquid solution is heated up by a small power system
consisting of a battery. Let us do some past dwelling to find out how
this electronic device came into being? This all started in 1963 when
Herbert A. Gilbert patented the concept of heating nicotine solution and
producing hot moist air which can be inhaled by a smoker. Though lots
of companies wanted to produce this product on a mass scale but not much
headway could be made and this product fizzled out after couple of
years. But in the year 2000, this concept woke from the deep slumber
after a Chinese pharmacist Hon Lik actually created the first electronic
cigarette. This product first came into Chinese market in the year
2004 and was known by the name Ruyan. This Ruyan is forebear of all the
modern electronic cigarettes.
Electronic cigarette mostly consist of
three parts, Cartridge, Atomizer and battery. Here cartridge is the
storage part of the device, where the flavoured liquid is kept. A
cartridge is mostly made of plastic, glass or metal. It is kept opened
from both the ends, from one end liquid is passed to the atomizer part
of the electronic cigarette and the other end is used by the smoker to
inhale the smoke. Special care is taken by the manufactures so that no
liquid gets leaked into smoker’s mouth and only smokes goes into the
Atomizer part of the electronic cigarette occupies the centre
most part of the entire device, with cartridge at one end and the
battery at another end. Atomizer consists of a simple filament coil.
This coil when heated up through battery vaporizes the liquid in the
cartridge and generates vaporized smoke. In some recent models,
cartridge and atomizer are joined with each other to form something
called cartomizer. http://www.efagz.co.uk

Battery forms the power system of the device; it is entirely
responsible for supplying power to atomizer so that the filament coil
heats up and atomizer in turn vaporize the liquid in the cartridge. In
case of some devices, there is an electronic switch which can be used to
start the battery and in quite a few models, an electronic air flow
sensor is integrated with battery, which automatically switches on the
power system when somebody tries to inhale the cigarette.
these electronic cigarettes have become hugely popular, you can buy them
from retail stores and those who find it hard to locate such stores in
their cities can even opt to buy e-cigarettes online. So all those who
are finding it hard to give up smoking must try out this wonderful
alternative. Find More

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