
October iin Boston area - Wakefield, MA

Wakefield, MA

Where I stayed

Wakefield, MA

October 1, 2013- Up by 9 for a change, earlier than our usual time. Breakfast, read the papers, shower and head for the dentist for his cleaning. The dentist trip went well and then we walked to see a friend-Paul owns a printing/public relations store near the dentist-and he wants to publicize Phil's book in a local paper that goes out to over 10,000 homes in the Hyde Park/Jamaica Plains area. We settled, tentatively on Oct 23 for a date to do a signing at his store too. I probably won’t be here then but will try to make it by then. A stop for a sandwich to take to the Arnold Arboretum in Boston. Blue sky day and supposed to be in the low 70s. We ate and then walked for about 2 hours, getting lost once but a nice walk. Only a few trees have turned color this low in elevation, but still a great place for a walk. Back through Boston at rush hour!!!! UUUGGGG. Home for a bit and then Felicia’s for dinner tonight. Good meal and they serve very big meals- looks like we have our Friday night meal covered. Left there and headed home and as we exited the car I discovered I had left my purse!! We called and they had already found it so we drove back and they were closing the place so were all standing outside talking and gave me a bad time about forgetting it! They are a nice bunch of people and we should eat there more often.

October 2, 2013-Tuesday. I cooked Phil an Italian Sausage for breakfast, and I had cereal. He did a lot of phoning today and looks like we may have 3 book signings coming before Christmas!! I may miss one unless I can get all done and fly back here earlier than I had planned. Then off to the beach-It was 80 degrees today! Phil swam and I talked to the gang. Then we all talked until, one by one, all had to leave. We then drove in rush hour traffic to Medford to Kappy’s for wine for Phil and Irish Crème for me. Kristin called to say that Maxie, her father in law, was in the hospital and not sure yet what is wrong. Could be kidneys and he is diabetic who is known for 500+ diabetic readings! A stop at the bank for him and the dry cleaners for me-I had spilled wine, just a few drops, on my lavender dry cleanable sweater. After getting home realized he had not picked up his laundry so I came on in and he went after that. Marie had given me 8 of the tiniest apples I had ever seen, but I was able to make some fresh applesauce and it makes the house smell sooooo good! Finally showers and off to Sabatino’s for our meal. Good as usual and then home.

October 3rd-Thursday- Another sunny day and we will enjoy it. Bob from upstairs called to ask if our gas was off—and when we checked it was. But we won’t worry about it as we are heading for the beach. Some of the guys were there and Phil went swimming. By the time he got out they had all had to leave for one reason or another and I was alone and could read my book in peace! A few came back later. At last over to Pauls building for a potty break and we talked with several people we know and met a couple new ones. We get invited to all the condo parties there! A Pizza and Karaoke coming up soon and they asked us to attend. Marie finally showed up and we headed to Gloucester to the Red Rock Bistro for dinner. They ordered clams in the shell for appetizer, and they were awful—they finally took them back and did not charge us! They were full of sand and not cooked correctly. So what about our dinner?? Well it was great! Took Marie back to the condo, left her and headed home. I had a bad experience coming home though-A man walked out in front of the car and just barely escaped getting hit by us. Sudden and bad flashback for me of the man Charlie and I had hit, and killed, in Las Vegas!! This really shook me up! I can’t stop thinking about it and the one in Nevada! But finally on home to find a paper posted to call the gas company to come out and purge our gas lines and restart the gas. Now we have to just wait-sometime tonight or tomorrow. So we will sit down and have some wine and hope they come soon. Later the guy showed up and took all of 2 minutes to check that our stove would light correctly.

Oct 4th-Friday-Up by 9 and down to GREATEST for our Friday breakfast. So good to see how many customers he has now-I think Graetus is going to make a go of this place! Summer is over—overcast and a light rain today. Not sure what we will do. Well, not much! We stayed home and downloaded a photo a guy wants that is doing a book signing for us. Looked at 3 of Phil’s scrapbooks from the police times and he did a bit on the computer. He had NO patience for it. Later I fixed our spaghetti leftovers for dinner. Later watched the Red Sox and they are ahead in the game too. And they won game #1 against the Rays!

Oct 5th-Saturday-Up late and hung around on this dark and overcast day. Decided to walk around the lake later and then do shopping, but once outside realized it felt like rain so just shopped. We were out of all the food essentials. Went to bank and a few other errands and home. It is sprinkling just a bit now. Later Phil went out for a Pizza to eat during the second baseball game with the Rays—and we won again. It was a good game. Changed our clothes and headed to Sabatino’s for salad for me and Minestrone soup for Phil. Talked to a few people we know and home to talk and have some wine.

October 6th, Sunday. A nice breakfast of blueberry pancakes and bacon. It is raining out so not sure what the day will bring. Here it is, almost 7pm and we are still in our pjs – we have read, talked, used computer-another lesson for Phil and he found a site on the Combat Zone (see his book) and some of the 'ladies’ are on the site talking about those days! Interesting. We had tomato sandwiches for lunch and I just had a hot chocolate on this dreary and rainy day. I ordered tickets for us, and Saul, to go to the annual Tea Party Reenactment (Dump the Tea into the Sea) in December. BostonTeaPartyShip.com/globe Around 8:15 we decided to go to Sabatino’s for a late dinner. I had the soup and it is good. Two guys sitting near us, one was a cop who knew Phil back when, and the other one had a dinner bowl that they were sharing. He asked if I liked spicy food and then put some on my bread plate—and it was good-I wrote down the name and will try it next time. I think it is too spicy for Phil though. Back home for wine and talk and finally off to bed to read—I didn’t last very long-about 4 pages!

October 7, 2013-Monday-Another rainy and dreary day! Phil talked with Lanny – He is in charge of all the condos here—about the letter everyone just received asking for a vote on a NO Smoking issue; some lady in one of the other building, not as good of construction as this one, insists she can smell smoke from ‘somewhere’ and she want it banned in ALL the buildings, including inside your own condo! Lanny does not think it can pass as 75% of the owners have to respond and that never happens. Phil did a bit more on the computer. We went to the movie and it was a good one. GRAVITY. Sandra Bullock was great. As usual. Go see it! Leaving there we headed to Mt Vernon for dinner, and to watch the baseball game. We met a great young man while there-baseball got us to talking and then we just kept on going! Name is Drew Pierce and he is in computer software, but to make ends meet he also does painting and house repairs. He had a carryon bag with paint roller, pan, a gallon of paint and other needs for a paint job that he carries all the time. A very industrious and good looking guy! We left in the middle of the game-watched the rest at home. This win could have given the Sox the title but they lost by one point! Two more games to go so we will hope for the best tomorrow.

October 8th-Tuesday-A busy day-Around noon we took laundry in, ran a few errands and drove to Middlesex Fells for a hike. It is a bit cool today, but the sky is blue. We walked about 3 ½ miles, some hills, and some level. Saw 2 snakes and a gray squirrel. We ate our tomato and cheese sandwich sitting on the rocks at one of the lakes, then continued on walking. At one stop something caught my eye and I walked about 15 feet to a medium sized downed log and leaned over it and there was a geocache! Wow! I just had a feeling that this is where I might hide one. So signed the log and on we went. Up the hill to the Second Tower (we had gone to Wright’s Tower last week) and off to the exit but walked some extra cause one of us didn’t quite know where he was!! Leaving Sheepfold Parking and decided to see if Mary and Ralph I were home, and found Mary sitting on the front porch. Talked for a bit and she suggested we go for Pizza. Ralph and a meeting that evening and he does not like Pizza so she seldom gets any. We headed to East Chelsea looking for the Brown Jug Pizza and Tavern. I finally spotted it. It had moved since they had been there last. One of the wait gals hugged Phil and was glad to see him. He used to frequent this place, at its old location. Not sure of her name but he calls her Tinker Belle. She called the owner, that knows Phil well, and since he was not in tonight he told her to give us a pitcher of beer! This is one of the best pizzas I have had and they both agree with me. We have to go here more often! Took Mary home and we went home. Tonight was game 4 of the Red Socks vs the Rays and we have 2 wins and they have one. This was a great game –no score at all till 6th or 7th inning and then we were behind till 8th—and after midnight it was finally over and we are the winners-score was 3-1 and we win the series and advance to the next league. Finally off to bed!

October 9, 2013-Wednesday—After breakfast we decided to hike a new, to me, area called Virginia Woods and it is part of the vast Middlesex Fells forested area. There are several large and small lakes and it adjoins at least 5 towns. This is one of the smallest sections of the Fells. At one time there was a town of Haywardville in these woods but all is gone now and you cannot even imagine where the town might have been. A stone bridge where the water wheel once was is the only sign of a ‘once’ fairly large village. http://melrosemirror.media.mit.edu/serv let/pluto?state=30303470616765303037576 56250616765303032696430303437343731 Very pretty there and I finally got my iphone geocaching app to work and we found 2 caches. Phil is always amazed when I do find one! After the couple of mile walk and arriving at the car found the caretaker Keith, who lives in the huge house there at the entrance. What an interesting fellow-not too old, has wife and a couple of kids. But, the government, in its usual wisdom, has declared that he cannot get money from 2 agencies (working for the forest and caretaking a house so they are kicking him out of the house. No one will live there now and this did not work once in the past-the house was totally vandalized. Keith did a lot of work to make it livable and now that will all be lost. They lived on the second floor and the parks used the lower level for storage. We talked with him a long time and enjoyed it all. Then off to do chores, bank, groceries, pick up photos, get some OTC meds, pick up laundry and finally home. Phil emptied the car of the beach things-I guess summer is really over-and takes the car for a much needed wash job. We then relax for a bit before going to Sabatino’s. As usual there are people there that we know and talk with. A guy was sitting by me and I heard him having problems with his beer order-not much English. Later we started talking with him and he does speak English but not well yet. He has only been in the US for two weeks. He and his wife and 2 kids left Iraq for whatever reasons, and are very happy to be here. He was a business man there and not sure what he can do here, but does have people he knows in the area. He was interesting and maybe we will meet him there again.

October 10, 2013-Thursday-It was a French Toast morning! We were late getting up and not sure what we will do with the day. Does not look like any good movies so maybe another walk. It was blue sky when we first were up, but soon turned cloudy, windy and cold so I guess a hike is out for today. Later in the afternoon we headed to the movies-saw ‘Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs’. It was much better than I expected, actually well done. I had seen something on Facebook this morning about The Hilltop Steakhouse closing after 50 years and Phil said he and family had been going there for many years. He and I had planned to go several times but other things always got in the way. So we decided to go after the movie. Since it had come out on Facebook and not in the morning newspaper we thought we could get there before the crowds wanting one last meal there. Phil says in the past the wait could be well over an hour with lines several hundred feet long! Maybe a bit of an exaggeration! Well, we did not count on the evening TV! Long lines when we arrived and about 1 ½ hour later we were finally shown to a seat. Normally we would never wait that long, but decided this was worth it. We were waiting by an interesting guy and family. He was a fire fighter and the guys talked the entire time. Finally in and it was a good meal. We were served by a waitress who had worked there for 46 years!!!!! Channel 5 TV was there following her and interviewing her and we were in several of the video shots—will it be on TV tonight?? http://www.bostonglobe.com/metro/2013/1 0/10/hilltop-steakhouse-saugus-landmark -close/U5HJ0FXkNW59NgiBuYzimM/story.htm l It was late when we arrived home, but a nice day.

October 11, 2013-Friday-Phil was up at 5am-I was not! He and 3 guys had to go to Chelsea Court to take care of a ticket they had gotten for sitting on the sidewalk and obstructing the sidewalk. This is by an obnoxious State Cop who harasses people on the sidewalk at Revere Beach. The sidewalk there is 21 feet wide-yes, 21 feet! They were taking up 5-6 feet against the sea wall. All up and down the beach walk people are doing this-sometimes groups of 15-20 and they do cause some congestion, but these guys were not- Sometimes the group swells to maybe 6 or 7 for a short time but they always stay close to the wall. Other cops has come by occasionally and never had a problem and some of them even commented on the officer in question. Anyway, Phil just called from the court and Office B did not show up-Phil says his commanding officer probably would not OK overtime for such a trivial thing! The bailiff really got a laugh out of the summons and the Magistrate could not believe it. He also had his laugh for the day. He did say that Office B gave out a lot of these tickets but most just paid the fines or ignored it. These 4 were the first to force it to the courts. They had some laughs over all of this and before they left the Magistrate was buying Phil’s book! Word travels fast in the policing world and this will be all over shortly-just what the guys wanted to happen-to humiliate the guy! Now he is off to the city hall here in town to straighten out something about his house taxes. That is not concluded, yet. We were going hiking but it is another lousy day. Ended up at home till late and then out to Caffe Italia for salad. Friends were there so spent some time talking and then home.

October 12th-Saturday. A busy day. We took off in the afternoon to drive south and visit Phil’s wife Peggy’s cousin Ed B who has Lou Gehrig’s disease and is in a nursing home-about a 30 mile trip. He was awake and alert and seemed like a very nice guy. He cannot talk well though and we struggled through and made a good visit out of it. Then he said another cousin of Peggy’s was also in the same place so we went to Visit Kevin B. He remembered Phil and was happy to have company. He has been in this home for 12 years, flat on his back. Back in 1962, when a young man and a football player, he had been slammed on the head by a leg! It pushed his neck/head down into his vertebrae and severed enough to make him a quadriplegic! He lived at home for a while and then with a caregiver and 12 years ago came here to live. He is in good spirits, surprisingly, and was fun to talk with – An Irishman’s Irish and you can’t help but love him!! Leaving there went back towards Boston to Watertown where daughter Bernadette lives. She was fixing spaghetti and big meatballs from scratch for us tonight. I had not seen them or Seamus and Veronica since I got here—they are growing soooo fast. She is in second grade and he is in pre school (4 yrs old). Talked with them a while and headed home. On the way decided to stop at Sabatino’s for a drink and maybe a salad and watch some of game 1 with Red Sox and Tigers. Turned out that 3 couple we know were there and so we enjoyed the evening. The game was still tied 0-0 in the 6th inning when we headed home to watch the end—but—could not find it on any station! Apparently it is blocked out here on local TV! I did find a place on computer that we could watch a score board, but that is not what we wanted! But that is all we got! Final score was Tigers 1, Red Sox 0.

October 13, 2013-Sunday. Today is the Columbus Day Parade in the North End and we had decided to attend it. We were at the train station at 11am and in Boston North Station not long after. I love riding the train into town-and from North Station we can either walk or catch a bus, so we can go anywhere we want. We walked around and found the beginning of the parade and talked to a few people. Then more wandering around and into North End. A stop at Marie’s Bakery for an Italian snack and coffee and then back to the corner to wait for the parade to come by. We talked to a few people and watched a cop who was so good with the people and so enjoyed what he was doing. A bit later we had opportunity to talk with him, and he recognized Phil, he is younger and Phil did not know him but by the time they finished the ‘who do you know’ game they were great friends. I took a picture of the 2 of them and he asked me to send it to him so will do that tomorrow. We spent a lot of time with him, and then his Captain came by and Phil did know him so more talk. One of the politician’s in the parade spotted Phil and came over to talk for a bit too. Of course we also talked with several other parade viewers so had a good time. After parade we wandered into town hoping to see Johnny Shoe, but he had just left moments before we arrived! Stopped by Strago’s and talked to a guy Phil knew also—A busy day. We had missed the 3pm train home so walked the pier area and had some very good clam chowder at one place, walked some more and ended up about 20 minutes early for our train home. It is dark now, we relaxed a bit and then out to Sabatino’s for a snack and a wine. We watched the first of the Red Sox game and when we left, 4th inning, score was 1-0 Tigers. Again could not get it on local TV or Fios so just turned TV off.

October 14, 2013- Up to sunshine- but how long will it last. Got the newspaper, and the Red Sox had pulled off a great 8th inning! All bases loaded and they hit a homer- grand slam!!! Won 6-5!!! Finally decided to drive to the beach and walk for a while. On the way I mentioned that there was a parade in Revere today but Phil dismissed that-I was concerned with a traffic tie up, not wanting to attend it. Well, as we reached the last turn to the beach there it was—traffic tie up and BIG detour, all the way to Suffix Downs and back. We sat with Paul an Joe for a while, then walked north for about 1 ½ miles on the sidewalk and then back on the sand, Lots of Asian people picking up live clams for dinner tonight. We saw something Phil had not seen before-a seagull was eating on a live crab. When we approached the bird picked it up with his beak and walked away carrying it. Leaving there and heading home we ran into the same roadblock – must have been a long parade-and had to turn around and take the long way home, through LOTS of traffic and tie-ups also. A rest and then out to Mt Vernon to meet Butch, Ann Marie and their daughter Linda for dinner. They arrived just before us. A good dinner and a fun talk evening. Linda teaches school, 4th grade I believe, and she is great for the kids. I was amazed at some of the solutions she had for the problems of some kids. Every parent would want her for their kids teacher. She gave me some hints on my new phone and I shared geocaching with her. Finally home to relax a bit.

October 15, 2013 - Up early so Phil could go to the city hall on business and maybe get his driver’s license renewed. It’s overcast and cloudy and cold this morning. The person he was to see was not in today so city hall business not complete, so we drove to Wilmington to the Registry of Motor Vehicles to renew his license. I had completed his paperwork online and they wanted him to come in for an eye test and new photo. When we arrived they gave us a number and we sat down to wait. After about ½ hour Phil went to inquire how much longer and they gave him a new number! Seems we missed the call of the first number, because, if you have filled out forms online you go to the head of the numbers when you arrive! So while we were finding a seat his number had been called and we had not heard it as we were not expecting it so soon!! So we waited another 42 minutes till he was called and the whole thing took about 3 minutes! That was done. Back to Wakefield with stop at post office, cigar store, the bank and then home. Game 3 of the Red Sox is today at 4 and finally we were able to get it on the TV! Later: We WON-a great game-1-0!!!!! Off to Caffe Italia for dinner and we met at terrific couple. Fletcher, a State cop, and she knew the insane cop that gave the citation to the beach guys. Her friend was Ernie, an Armenian, who was a character inn his own way. http://www.mass.gov/eopss/agencies/msp/ archived-stories/2005/marion-fletcher.h tml

October 16, 2013-Up early to another cloudy day. Decided to get appt for haircuts on Sat before the American Italian Awards dinner but Anita was not available on Sat so had to get them today. Mine is shorter than usual and with a bit of a ‘wedge’ in the back. I like it but hope I can fix it by myself on Saturday. We had met Pat, the owner of the flower store next to Melissa’s, while at hair place so stopped to check her place out. Then next door to that was the Stoneham Theater so stopped there to get tickets for next Saturday to see the Dr Jeckel and Mr Hyde play. When I checked my mail found this from son John. woke up in hospital yesterday and don't know what happened. Laura was fixing dinner and found me on couch slumped over could not find a pulse she called 911 . i don't remember any of it just waking in hospital. says i peed my pants and all. will find out more today when she stops by to check on me. Laura is his elderly neighbor, not to swift, but she does check on him and they share food some days. I read Dr Jeckel and Mr Hyde today to familiarize me with the story-been a long time since I had read it! Later off to Sabatino’s for a good dinner and to watch the start of the Red Sox game. The score was their favor 0-5 when we left and we did not even turn it on at home!

October 17, 2013 – Another dreary day! And the Red Sox lost 3-7! Another game tonight. We hung around the house today and Phil did some more getting familiar with his computer. He is making progress and he stays in his office with it and me in the kitchen area so he is not tempted to ask for help till he really needs it. We talked about going for a walk but it just was not a nice day out. Later we went for groceries and then to Melissa’s for dinner. As usual lately, she was not there. We watched the beginning of the Sox game there and then home to see the rest of it. It was a good suspenseful game! It was not decided for certain until the end of the 9th inning! And we won—4-3. If they can win the next one they will have the pennant!

Oct 18th-Friday-It was a blue sky this morning. Phil had to make an early phone call so I slept in till after 9. Around noon we decided to go to the beach and walk the beach. When we arrived the weather was starting to change to wind and clouds. We talked with the two Pauls- they have not spoken to each other for well over a year because of some little disagreement, but there they were –sitting on the beach wall talking. I commented to Paul H that I was surprised to see him with Paul F and he said he was too! So do not know what got them together. Paul H left and then Spuckie arrived, and then Joe F, and Phil went to the little shop by the condos for hotdogs for all of us. We left for our walk but within a couple of blocks decided we didn’t like the sand blowing in our faces and went to the car. Maybe we could go to the woods and walk. So of to the wine store and then the woods but by then it was too late. We wanted to be at the Movie place at 4, and we barely made it with all the traffic. We saw Captain Phillips and it was a very well done move. As we left there Phil noticed he had a message from Paul F----saying Phil had taken his house keys with us—he had borrowed them when he went for the hotdogs- and now it is getting complicated getting them back to him! Stay tuned! I fixed us leftovers for dinner and depending on what Paul decided to do we MAY go out later for salad. I was dressed to go out and meet Paul at Caffe Italia but he came here instead. So the keys are returned. Only took about 4 confusing phone calls. Would have been so easy for us to just take them to his condo and leave them with the desk!! So after he left we did go to Italia for a drink. I have discovered a good one! Called an Espresso Martini –vodka, Kahlua coffee liqueur, Bailey’s Irish Cream and espresso with a bit of cinnamon/nutmeg sprinkled on top!!! Totally good! Back home to relax and bed.

October 19, 2013 Saturday – Up at 9 and off to GREATEST for breakfast. He was too busy to talk today—the place is really doing well and we are so glad to see him succeed. His mother was helping out today also, and we like her. I showed Phil how to pay his Marriott fees online – a first for him. We hung around here the rest of the day and then started getting dressed up for the MA Italian American Police Officers Association Awards Banquet night. Phil was recipient of this one year - The order of Michael the Archangel Medal of Honor, the most coveted of their awards. He has to wear his medal to the event each year. It was a great night! And I have never felt so secure and safe – about 350 cops and their guests. I am guessing from the tables that there were over 700 people there, and of course, Phil knew a great many of them. I met so many people that I can’t keep them straight! They honored a lot of police tonight, from all over the state and through all the various police types. There were a lot from the Marathon bombing that were honored also. Especially sad was the one for Sean, the MIT cop killed during the hunt for the bad guys! His parents and siblings accepted the award for him. Everyone had tears in their eyes by the time they finished talking about him. We had finger foods plus the snacks the servers were passing around while we were talking, rolls, a big salad, a main course of a huge prime rib – rarer than most people wanted and NO steak knives-green beans and roasted potatoes, then spumoni ice cream for dessert. All was good, and while we were eating they did some of the program to speed up the evening. It worked well that way. We talked to more people after the function and then headed home, but did not go straight home. We detoured to Sabatino’s for a drink and to watch the end of the Red Sox game. Felix was back! He had been off work for over a year after an elbow operation that did not heal correctly and it was great to see him! The game was in the 6th inning and they were ahead by 2-0. We came sooo close to some scoring but just couldn’t do it—till the 7th inning when they had a grand slam and that was the last scoring in the game!!!! 5-2 - for the Red Sox! What a great game! It was after midnight when the game was over and we stayed up till almost 1:30 watching the aftermath of the win! Wednesday starts the World Series games!! This was a great day – the awards dinner and the BIG win!

October 20th Sunday-Up fairly early considering what time we went to bed. The sun is shining and it is 56 degrees out at 10:30. Not sure of days plans but we do have to be here at 4 for the guy who is going to do something on Phil’s TV. We finally decided on Quanapowitt Lake, a three mile walk that would get us back home when we needed. There was a benefit walk going on also so lots of people on the walk, but the weather was fairly warm with lots of wind! The guys came to fix the TV-Seems that last year Phil somehow lost his remote control-we think he threw it down the garbage chute with other garbage!! He has Bose sound hooked to the TV and that complicates things—the regular TV clicker doesn’t like that addition and causes continuous problems and then nothing works. This spring he bought the new one and we could not program it so had to have a guy come out to do that. It took some time for him to figure it all out but eventually everything is now working and it takes about half the clicks to work. After they left we dressed for dinner and back to Sabatino’s – we seem to go there more and more – it is easy to get to and good food and very friendly place. Home to relax and a reasonably early bedtime.

October 21, 2013-Monday—Doris was over before we had even gotten dressed! She is back from a Florida family trip. After she left we read the paper and talked and finally decided to walk Spot Pond. First stop was at the Butume House for maps of the entire Middlesex Falls. Then a bit further on to visit with Tony. He still has not gotten his new boots -the toe areas of his old ones are completely gone and not attached for a couple of inches back. We keep offering to take him for a new pair but he is very stubborn- says he is waiting for a sale!! After our visit we headed around the lake—It is 4.7 miles. It is a cool day but not cold and the leaves are really out now. The trails are covered with leaves and I like to walk in them. We sat on a huge rock that juts out into the lake for our lunch of Swiss cheese and tomato sandwich and enjoyed the view, then on around the lake. Over half of the walk is along the highway and is boring and NOISY! Finally at the end and came home in the dark. Later changed clothes and off to Mt Vernon to eat.

Oct 22 Tuesday- We had to get up early as Stevie D was coming to change out the fire alarms. We can’t do it because the ceiling here are somewhere between 10-12 feet high-Never have measured them. He arrived on time and now we have 3 new updated alarms and Doris also had hers changed. We spent the rest of the day here. Phil had all the new filters to put in his unit that takes the smoke out of the room, so he can occasionally smoke in here, so we followed the directions to fix it- there are 5 pieces that have to go in in a certain way and when we finished and plugged it back in it would not work at all- no reason, it just refused to turn on. Three calls to the company with 3 different helpers and after taking it apart 2 more times they decided it was defective. Now we have to package it and mail it to California. It was weird that it quit after we unplugged it, put in new filters and then plugged it back in. So now it can be smoke smelling in here, probably for several weeks! We read some and napped and finally dressed for dinner. Went to Caffe Italia – I had soup, the best beef barley I have had in a long time and Phil had Haddock and mussels. Tue is Giovanni’s night to work so we will try to get here on Tue’s. He is from El Salvador and a very nice guy, a real ‘Go-getter’ and very smart and personable.

October 23, 2013 Wednesday- Up early as the phone woke us. Phil’s brother in law that we visited recently had died this morning. Not the kind of news you like to wake up to. Then he was out of his little cigars and had to get to the store for some this morning. Back home and he could not find them, so back to the car, and then back to the store, and then – found them in his pocket! We decided to go to Home Depot to look for a kitchen/dining area ceiling lamp. Put the address in Nuvi and he knew better than her where we were going so followed his own route, and 6 miles later we were at the Home Depot-about 1 ½ miles from home!!!! The way she wanted us to go! We did find the perfect light fixture and will call Steve to put it in for us. Back home and later out to pick up Kenny D, a friend of Phils’ – he is about 38 and slightly retarded, and until last year he was stifled by his grandmother. She died last fall and he is now doing great-has a full time job and gets there by himself. She would not let him walk any place alone. We ate at The Brown Jug Pizza and I still think it is the best pizza around. He ate one and we shared another plus 2 pitchers of beer. Back home and Phil cannot find his cigars and is back at the store again!! We watched game 1 of the World Series and we won!! 5 runs in the first inning and we won 8 – 1! Great game! Before bed I checked my phone and there was a message from Utah. It was Johns neighbor Laura. She has not seen or heard John since Sunday. Even his TV/computer is silent and he does not answer door or phone. Not having the electronics on worries me as he has them on 24 hours a day. After a long talk with her the three of us decided she should call the police to check on him. It was too late in the day for any help from the office, such as a master key to enter. That was at almost 1 am here in Boston. I had a terrible night sleeping – had the phone right by my head and all kinds of bad things running through my head! But no calls.

October 24, 2013 Thursday-- None this morning either, but I will impatiently wait till it is a decent hour in Salt Lake and then call her. I don’t like scares like this and then no word at all. She finally called around noon our time to tell me that last night she had seen a light and he was on the computer. So maybe he was just avoiding her?? Anyway- we had a bad night worrying and so upsetting that she did not call back when she found all was ok – she had not called the police either as she told us she would do, so doubly glad he was OK. We went to Brothers for beef stew about 5pm, after about an hour at the library. What a night this was in Wakefield downtown area! It is the merchants Halloween time! There were hundreds of kids and parent, grandparents and just people trick or treating into all the commercial stores and the library. This is a big deal and everyone turns out from 4 to-8pm. So much fun watching the kids and seeing the thoughtful and the wild costumes they had come up with! We had to be somewhere by a bit after 6 but we walked and watched till the last minute. I didn’t get any kid pictures, but the library, with its big wide concrete steps was the focal point of the evening. All, or nearly all, of the kids had carved a pumpkin and brought it to the steps. I took many pictures but they do not show the full extent of the lighted pumpkins! Then off to the World Premier of the new show LAST VEGAS. Since we have a Showcase Cinema card and we go to lots of shows we were asked to attend the premier. We wanted to be there early and arrived a bit after 6. By 6:30 we were sitting in very good seats. This show is a riot! Good laughs, well executed, may innuendos for the adults-actually I don’t think many young people would ‘get’ what all it is about. Just a great story of 4 old guys going to Las Vegas. GO SEE IT! Leaving the theater we headed to Sabatino’s for a wine and to watch the ball game.. We did go home before it was over and watched the end from there, We lost -4-2. A busy and fun day.

October 25, 2013 Friday-It was sunny when we got up but soon turned cool, and turned out to be the coldest day yet this fall, and so we did not go on the walk. Around 4 we left and headed to Wellesley to Ed Buckley’s wake. It is 20 miles away and took us over 1 ½ hours to drive with the traffic!! Everyone there was complaining about the traffic backup! I knew quite a few people there from the summer parties we had gone to. Bernadette and Gabe were there too. I met lots more from Peggy’s side of the family and enjoyed (if that applies to a wake) the evening. I would have to describe it as a family reunion without any food! We were going to take Bernadette and Gabe for dinner but they decided to get home to their kids instead, so we drove home, in about 25 minutes, where I fixed Italian sausages and beans for a filling and warm meal on this cool night. We also watched the interview of Charles Krauthammer. Very interesting. I did not realize he had been paralyzed since his early 20s!

October 26, 2013 - Saturday- It is noon and just 50 degrees with a breeze. Our plan today is to do nothing till early afternoon when we get ready to go into Stoneham to the Stoneham Playhouse. We have matinee tickets to see Dr Jeckel and Mr Hyde at 3pm. I re-read the story last week so I would be up on that is happening. Now to read the Sunday paper before it is time to go. The play was good, the set was ultra-simple—just a door that they moved around as needed. There were only 6 actors and they doubled as other people in the play- Quite interesting concept they used. An enjoyable time. From there to the bank and home. Much debate over where to eat and finally drove to Malden to a Chinese place-where we were the only non-Chinese there-Ying had taken us to this before and it is authentic Chinese! Our waiter was Ricky who has been in the US 2 years, came speaking NO English and now is very proficient! He and his family live in Braintree, about 25 miles away, on other side of Boston. A long drive and in traffic usually takes him 1 ½ hours! He has high school education only but is very bright and willing to work very hard to take care of his family. He wants to get a diploma but does not see how he can with family to care for. We had a long and interesting talk with him and hope to see him again. Back home to watch the end of the game, which was marred by what still seems to me a misuse of a rule. If you fall reaching for a ball and the runner has to navigate over your body that should be just a part of the game. To lose a game for this is stupid. What about the 2 guys that collided a couple of games back?? Ok, I’m off to bed.

October 27, 2013 Sunday- Up and had Italian sausage and French Toast for breakfast. Today we are going to Plymouth to see Phil’s cousin Dickie, who is now in a nursing home and not happy! He was just more than Mary could handle at home, and now he wants to go home for her to take care of him. She cannot do it and he is not happy. He has Parkinson’s. It is about 30 miles to Plymouth and we arrived right at 2pm, as we predicted. Dick is not looking too good but was sitting up-he is barely able to talk, and Mary looks worn out. She is 83 years old! Their son Michael arrived and we all talked and then we left. His son, Phillip Michael, is walking the 2600 mile Appalachian Trail. He started at the Maine end and is now in Virginia. I just read a book, ‘AWOL on the Appalachian Trail’, and this makes it easier for us to see what he is doing and where. He woke up this morning in Virginia to snow, freezing weather and just plain cold!! Leaving Plymouth we decided to stop in to see Saul-called and he was there so drove to the Y. He was working at the desk, but took an hour to dinner with us. Five Guys Burgers---mmmm good. We talked about his school and he is not applying himself and he knows it and we don’t know how to motivate him. Walked him back to the Y and headed home to lax. Tonight is the 4th Red Sox game in the World Series and Phil wants to go to bed early as he has a very early hearing aid appointment tomorrow. I stayed up to watch us win and tie with ‘them’ for the series. A good game. They are really well matched teams.

Oct 28th-Monday—Phil went into town around 6:30 am so he could park at the Y and take the trolley to the VA for his hearing test, then walked back to the car and came home. No game till Wednesday so everyone should get some sleep. Steve cancelled due to illness and will come tomorrow. So we headed out to a movie – one we were not sure we would like but gave it a chance-Bad Grandpa – It wasn’t too bad and actually funny in many places. Then to Mt Vernon for dinner and home.

Oct 29th-Tuesday-Another French Toast morning. Phil took his laundry in and I did house things. We stayed home and did some chores. Around 1 we went to CVS for a few things, on to the grocery and then the bank. We should be set for a few days now. Home just before 4 as Steve is coming then to install new light above the table. I use it for computer and there is not enough light so this should fix that problem, and look good also. Steve came on time and only took a few minutes to install the light. It is really nice to not have to use the tiny battery operated light to see the keyboard!! In fact, it is too bright so his next trip here will have the dimmer switch installed. When he left we dressed for dinner and headed to Felicia’s where we were meeting friends (LONG time friends for Phil) Vinnie and Sherry. I did enjoy the meal with them and we talked the entire time – I like her and hope sometime we can do something together. Ying called but we missed her call, but do not have time right now to get with her. I leave here on Nov 9th. Back home and relaxed for the evening.

Oct 30th Wednesday. An over cast, cold and rainy day. Do hope it clears before tonight’s game 6 of the World Series – it will be played here at the Fenway. We are hoping for a win tonight so they will not have to play game 7 on Halloween night. To complicate things Obama is coming here to rally for his healthcare and will not leave till around 7, and heaven forbid he should try to go to the game! Security would be 100% more complicated and total mess will ensue! Let’s hope he has enough sense to stay away from the game!! I had gotten James tickets to fly to see me when I am home in November, and today got our shuttle tickets to and from the airport. I am looking forward to a few days with him. We spent this entire day at home as one of our ‘pj’ days! Leftovers from last night for dinner – more than enough – the plates are full! And then we will settle down to the World Series-If they win tonight that will be the end and they will be World Series-if not, another, last, game tomorrow night! WOW!!! Great Game – we were on edge all through it, but the Sox pulled it off!!!! 6-1 score and Ortiz is MVP! Vinnie and Sherry were there – so was Jesser! It was a great night, suspenseful and exciting.

Oct 31st –Thursday-Halloween – Happy Birthday Sharon- A slow day and we just hung around the house till afternoon when we went to the movie. Saw ‘Enough Said’ and it was not worth the time. It had 4 stars, but did not deserve them. A stop at the library to browse the books a bit, then home to change and go to Melissa’s for dinner. She was actually there tonight! And in good spirits. New cook and no waitpersons tonight-Just Melissa. Cannot believe how fast she goes through help! Well, yes I can. She is very ******* them and many times not warranted. Little Freddy came in and we had fun with him tonight. Sometimes he rubs people the wrong way. His father owns Felicia’s where we ate a couple nights ago. Big Freddy was in a car wreck the night of the Marathon Bombing, April 15th, and was just last week released from the hospital. He was totally crushed from the waist down, and died twice before they could stabilize him. The city was in lock-down from the bombing and they had to get special permission to airlift him to Mass General. Lots of health problems but to put it short, he had 2 hip replacements, 2 knee replacements, femur bone sticking out of skin, 7 operations and months of hospital and rehab. He is in wheelchair now and his usual happy self. Phil had visited him in rehab in August. He went there expecting to see a guy who was very depressed, and what he found was a guy happy and moving forward – Phil left feeling that Freddy had made Phil feel better about life. Oh-the wreck was caused by a lady driving on the wrong side of the road-Freddy pulled onto the roadside when he saw her and she (accidentally?) hit the gas instead of the brakes and both cars were doing about 35 mph as they hit head on. The medics had to cut hole in the top of the car to extract him. Back home and watched a bit of news-we haven’t turned it on lately.

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