
our 5 days in London! - London, United Kingdom

London, United Kingdom

Where I stayed

Giana and Worth b&b

What I did

Museum of Brands, Packaging and Advertising London

The London Eye

Tower Bridge London

Tower of London

harry potter studios

We spent 5 days in London with Giana and Worth and we did a great many things, from the touristy (London Eye, Harry Potter studios) to the particular (a rather brutal game of spoons, a lecture about Guinness branding strategies over the years). - Susan

On more important information. I GOT MY HOUSE OF HADES. YYYYAAAAYYYY! I love this book. I'm actually scared to finish it. I'm scared Rick (the author) is going to end it on another cliff hanger. I will die if he does. Do you know what he said at the beginning of the book. And I quote

'To my wonderful readers: Sorry about the last cliff-hanger. Well, no, no really. HAHAHAHA. But, seriously, I love you guys.'

IM SO CONFLICTED! I want to slowly kill him like he did to all of my favorite characters, but I also want to hug him tight and thank him a million times. Anyways sorry about not updating guys I've been busy (reading) so here is a small update ^.^ ~




~ Haven \(*~*)/

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