
Ppppppatagonia - Buenos Aires, Argentina

Buenos Aires, Argentina

I know, I know… I'm late updating the blog. Again… But I’m here now, so cut me some slack, okay?

And, in all honesty, I should probably insert some kind of disclaimer to warn you against any future tardiness on my part. Maybe something along the lines of "Cinthia’s having too much fun living her dream to go look for a decent Wi-Fi connection. Good luck waiting for the next update."

No? Too harsh/honest? Fine, I’ll keep working on it. Maybe I’ll even add it to the list of “Important things to think about while traveling the world”. So far, the list includes life questions such as Should I buy a family pack of snickers bars?, Why isn’t it March 6th yet? (My fellow Con Crazies will know what I mean) and Is my right ear bigger than my left?!

The answer to that last question is No by the way. It only took me six month to figure that one out. But enough about life’s great conundrums! On to the real reason you are sticking with my highly amusing blog. Aside from the lame jokes, that is… And no, the blog still doesn’t include mature content! Try the next blog over, you pervs ;o)

Alright, now that we’ve scared off the lurkers… Let’s begin! The last time we “spoke”, I was celebrating New Year’s Eve in Ushuaia. Since then, I’ve been travelling around quite a bit, hopping the border between Argentina and Chile fairly frequently: Tierra del Fuego NP, Torres del Paine, El Chalten, Camerones, Puerto Madryn (the Argentinian version of Benidorm), Monte Hermosa and Buenos Aires.

Some of my absolute highlights include Torres del Paine National Park and El Chalten. The latter is this tiny, tucked-away little town, where hiking trails are plenty and definitely worth exploring. Make sure to leave early in the morning as you’ll encounter some of the most amazing wildlife, save one: homo sapiens. Mind you, some of the trails are challenging, bloody steep and quite treacherous, but it is all worth it in the end.

As for Torres del Paine, there are simply no words… The entire National Park is absolutely stunning in its diversity and hosts an incredible selection of wildlife. Seeing the glaciers, climbing the Condor Trail, taking on the W and finally, after hours and hours of hiking and climbing, seeing that picture postcard of the 3 towers… Absolutely breathtaking – though that might just be from physical exertion as well. Oh, and one small warning: Patagonia is windy as ****, so pack a small parachute in case you get blown off a cliff.

With regards to Puerto Madryn, I wouldn’t recommend it, unless you’re into mass tourism and crowded beaches Benidorm-style. If not, keep heading a few miles north along the Atlantic coast. Plenty of places to camp, barbecue and just enjoy nature. If you’re as crazy as me, myself and I (and Lin & Ellie), you might consider going snorkeling (and no, we’re not complete idiots; we wore a winter wetsuit). Chances are you’ll be joined by a few sea lions, which, when popping up unexpectedly, are scary as heck… I may or may not have squealed like a little school girl when a big male just swam up to me and started barking.

After my close encounter with a group of sea lions, I decided to keep heading north and try my luck with the Magellanic Penguins. While travelling between Camerones and Monte Hermosa, we stumbled upon the biggest colony I have ever laid eyes on: 9000 (!) penguins all getting ready to nest. Definitely a sight to behold (the noise is just insane) and a memory I will forever cherish.

The things I have been able to see, experience, taste,… on this trip have been mindboggling to say the least and I still have a few months to go. So far, it has been an absolutely humbling experience, where I’ve learned so much about different cultures, political systems, religions, nature and, crazily enough, myself. And even if I don’t notice the small changes in me or always realize the new ways in which I look at the world, I am starting to comprehend just how much of an impact this trip is having on the person I am today and my understanding of the world. So my message to you all? Get out there and see just how big this planet truly is!

As for my next stop? Well, I’ll be heading to the good ol’ US of A in just a day’s time and I couldn’t be more excited! Not only because I finally get a change in wardrobe (Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!), but because North America is such a diverse, fun and beautiful continent to explore. Oh, and did I mention I am meeting up with 2 of my very best friends: Zhe Tanya and Rhia Boo? No? Well, let’s just say I’m a little excited about that as well… Okay, a lot excited! Just thinking about it makes me hum at a higher frequency!

Not to worry though, I promise to keep you posted on my future adventures. And yes, I do solemnly swear to update a bit more regularly. The Wi-Fi should be 100x better where I’m going. No promises though on whether that will actually incite me to sit down and post anything, but hey, it probably won’t hurt the creative process either.

Alrighty, that’s it for today, folks! I hope you enjoyed reading these crazy ramblings of a mad woman. Stay tuned for more!

Trust me: the best is yet to come ;o)

This month’s songs:

My chemical Romance – Na Na Na

Amy Winehouse – You Know I’m no Good

Vance Joy – Great Summer

Blue October – Fear

Foo Fighters – All my Life

Walk the Moon – Shut up and Dance

Linkin Park: Papercut

As usual, a few words for my loyal readers:

Rhia, Tanya: Vegas, baby!!!

Tanya: How many more weeks? And don’t be afraid to use decimals… You know you want to!

Fellow Con Crazies: Just a few more months till we meet again!

Poupouske: How’s life in Belgium? Miss me yet?

Rebeccaaaaatje, mi querida hermanita: Get to work on S5… and be prepared for Ladies’ Night when I return. (P.S.: we need to play that game again!)

Die Oudjes: Don’t miss me too much. I’ll be back before you know it.

Iris & Frank: Have fun in Venezuela!

Sbingetje: See you soon, lievelingszuske!

Hanneke: How’s my favourite Dutchie doing?

Lin & Ellie: Miss you crazy ladies already. What’s the verdict on our next travel destination?

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