
PDF Association board significantly expanded - Buffalo, NY

Buffalo, NY

Berlin, Germany, 8th July 2014 PDF Association has significantly expanded its board of directors. The now ten-member-strong committee is composed of representatives from leading forces within the PDF industry, five from Europe and five from North America, increasing the PDF Associations clout as an international specialist association for PDF standards. Olaf Drmmer and Duff Johnson have been confirmed as the chairman and vice-chairman of the board respectively.

Our newly-elected board brings together ten of the worlds leading minds in the field of PDF technology, most of whom are also active on a global scale within and alongside their companies. This puts us in the best possible position to once again significantly expand our activities in Europe and especially in North America, said Olaf Drmmer.

The PDF Association board in detail:

Olaf Drmmer, callas software GmbH and axaio software GmbH

Duff Johnson, project head of the ISO working group for the PDF standard

Nora Calvillo, Adobe Systems Inc.

Peter Duff, Adlib Information Systems Inc.

Franois Fernandes, levigo solutions GmbH

Carsten Heiermann, LuraTech Europe crystal reports bursting GmbH

Andrew Holmes, Nitro Software Inc.

Hans-Joachim Hbner, Satz-Rechen-Zentrum (SRZ)

Matt Kuznicki, Datalogics Inc.

Dr. Bernd Wild, intarsys consulting GmbH

About the PDF Association:

First established as the PDF/A Competence Center in 2006, today, the PDF Association is an international organization promoting awareness and adoption of open standards in digital document applications using PDF technology.

The association facilitates education, networking and communication, and the sharing of expertise and experience with interested parties worldwide. The current membership includes over 100 enterprises and numerous individual subject-matter experts from more than 20 countries.

The management board includes industry leaders from Adlib Information Systems Inc., Adobe Systems Inc., callas software GmbH, Datalogics Inc., intarsys consulting GmbH, levigo solutions GmbH, LuraTech Europe GmbH, Nitro Software Inc. und Satz-Rechen-Zentrum (SRZ). The associations chairman is Olaf Drmmer, CEO of callas software GmbH. Duff Johnson, ISO Project Leader for ISO 32000, the PDF Standard, is the associations vice-chairman.

For further information please contact:

PDF Association

Thomas Zellmann

Neue Kantstr. 14

D-14057 Berlin

Phone: +49 30 39 40 50 - 0

Fax: +49 30 39 40 50 - 99



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