UNESCO Rice Terraces at Batad - Banaue, Philippines
Banaue, Philippines
Early start at the Yoghurt House for our usual then packed and managed to jump on the 8am jeepney to Bontoc which was leaving late. Once there we got cash from the only ATM and got very lucky with a van leaving to Banaue, which was just waiting for 2 more travellers! Unlink our last 4hr wait this time we were off after a brief 10 min wait. Chatted to a few Singaporeans who were also on the van and were in Banaue by 11:30am, amazing! Given our good time we decided to go all the way to Batad in the day so hired a tricycle to take us up to near the Batad junction where the road is too rough to drive. From there it was a 42 min uphill hike to the saddle where we refreshed with a coconut before descending the 40 min walk to Batad. Although much more touristy then when Tom went 9 years ago it still had the breathtaking rice terrace amphitheatre that Tom remembered. We tried a few lodges however most of the good rooms were taken, it was actually busy! Finally a friendly old guide showed us to Ramons Lodge where they had a traditional straw hut available. We decided to go for it despite the basic (no shower/power!) facilities. After lunch overlooking the great view we hiked down the rice terraces to the village and then back up to the other side, before a long series of steps down the valley to the waterfall. The gentle rain had set in and Jen had the umbrella out like the locals, whilst Tom got wet! There was an impressive view at the waterfall and we made tracks back to our hut as the light was fading fast. Had a terrible vegetarian pizza (almost inedible!) but the chips got us through at Batad Pension. Then navigated a tricky decent with one light down slippery steps to our hut where we called it a night. Stayed at Raman's Native Style Hut, Batad [T&J Rating: 0.5/5]