
Bangkok - before Hong Kong. - Bangkok, Thailand

Bangkok, Thailand

Wednesday: After being on the train the whole night, with a slow and tedious journey we were very glad to be back somewhere we knew. The hostel, Asok Montri, was a very homely place. We had become very comfortable in the area of Bangkok. I think mainly due to being able to relax for very little, eating and sleeping cheaply, and just being able to keep ourselves entertained. With a few hours to spare before checking in, I was in need of freshening up from about 2 hours of sleep on the train. The feel of being fresh lasted only a short amount as we wondered around the shops and grabbed some lunch. We headed back to the hostel and got checked in, whilst Ed headed for the showers and couple of episodes of Top Gear, I took the chance to get some sleep. I wasn't allowed long, but that was good as I didn't want to mess up my sleeping pattern however when I woke I was very much looking forward to getting back in to sleep. We planned on going to the MBK centre, it's a massive shopping mall which to me looked like a run down market. However I needed some nice looking cheap flip flops and this seemed a good place, also they had a free Thai Boxing match on at 5pm so we thought we would go check it out. We ventured around the shops, and I could only seem to pick shoes that were expensive. Mainly cause they were the only descent ones I liked. We carried on and finally came across a shoe shop that had some good looking prices, and I found some that were great. I put them to the side and looked in a few more shops. I'm not really a fan of carrying on my search through bags of plastic over sparkled shoes, so I gave up and went back to what I knew, and for £6 for a tidy pair of flip flops you can't go wrong. We looked some more, and soon ran out of interest and got hungry, so we went to the food courts. One of which looked great but was 3 times the price of our usual eat and the other, well we didn't eat there so it speaks for itself. Whilst our bellies spoke we completely forgot about the boxing match, jumped on the sky train and got some food. We walked up to the cinema to have a look at show times but I knew I would fall asleep whilst watching a film so we made the right choice and turned in early. Thursday: After a much needed catch up on sleep, breakfast coffee, shower. We were finally up and sort of ready to start out day. It was very warm here, and in a big city it's twice as hot as it should be. As we walked along the road, we passed an "Irish bar" that advertised cider at a cheap deal. So to treat ourselves, after months of not having it due to prices, we agreed to stop by in our walk home. A few minutes later, with a Burger King in front and flyers being handed out we ignored the first woman and carried on. After that a guy handed us a flyer each and told us free ice cream, we asked how and he simply told us with the flyer. Free ice cream, amazing! So we joined the long line of people in Burger King cooled by the A/C, and then got our free cone, and thanked the guy as we were on our way. We were doing our usual thing today to try and keep the costs down but that soon failed. After walking around aimlessly trying to find a good eat, which resembles food from home but at a cheap price. We walked past the restaurants and then around the food court and back down to the restaurants. We couldn't decide on what or where to eat. We thought about an international all you can eat buffet, but knew we would regret spending that much and eating that much. We walked some more, then not having it since Cambodia we gave in and went to The Pizza Company, it's basically the same as Pizza Hut, just no salad buffet and that they also have Pizza Hut here. We even tried to make up for our unhealthiness by ordering a salad too, except when we order a large pizza between the two of us and there's families who order a large between 4 of them we just look plain greedy. However for a split second it filled our needs until once again we realise that these foods just don't agree with us anymore, were not used to the amount of cheese they put on it, and with all that grease next time we feel the need of pizza it'll be a smaller size. Well that's easy to say now. Feeling very full, we take a much needed walk around the mall. So after a day of walking around more shops, we decided to head back. After our pizza had settled, and we stopped feeling so sick it was desert time. After moving to the new part of Bangkok and seeing the Magnum cafe, at some point we planned on going there. Knowing the prices would be higher, it was the novelty. We looked at the prices and even though some things sounded nice all I wanted was the new strawberry and chocolate ice cream, which was available at our local 7eleven as well in most of the other convenience stores so really it wasn't anything special. The previous day we had come across a new cafe, another novelty factor but a good one. Several different booths, with a wooden toy train track that covered our heads and on each table, which every body played with, a tub of toy soldiers, and teddies which hung off lights. Whilst ducking under the track you go to the centre of attention. A 3 tiered table which was lined with some of the most amazing looking cakes. Heaven! And then we had to decide on 2 pieces, something new and not so sickly. We narrowed it down to chocolate ferrero cake and a passion fruit sponge, which surprisingly was my favourite, as I do have such a big love for chocolate. The passion fruit cake was very light and moorish and as it wasn't chocolate, not normally my usual pick. We had to walk back to be able to have a cider on our way home, thankfully it wasn't raining. So it's only a 30 minute walk, but it's just boring. We make it to the bar, but they don't have the sign up that they did this morning. So we go in to try and look, we can't see it anywhere and have to look at the drinks menu, by this point there's no way out. We can't sit down and look through the menu then get up and walk out. The prices are high but it's Bangkok and the expensive side. We stick it out and have the cheapest thing. We lost out, not only did we spend more money but we didn't even get cider! To add to it, it was raining when we got out and got the train back ha. We had to have a cheap dinner, rice, veg and water it was for us! Friday: Today we are going to the aquarium. After being in Bangkok a few times now, I never knew there was an aquarium that was actually meant to be quite good. We found where it was and got prices before we left Bangkok the last time. Knowing that getting lunch first would be a good plan as we would just get hungry once we got in there, and went somewhere different to the usual rice and veg option at terminal 21. Siam centre today, we had been once before and had some good food, you pay a bit more but it's worth it for some different tastes. We both got adventurous and had the same thing, crispy pork and roasted duck with rice, some kind of sauce and on the side a soup. Which is more like water with a stock cube in. However it is really nice, and I've really grown to having soups especially after eating noodle soups constantly in Vietnam. Oh and I forgot one thing our starter, which was free... Burger King ice cream. I think if it was close to us we would if spent the two days walking up and down and standing in queues with all the bank workers getting their free ice creams, then going back and telling every branch. Thankfully it was just a little treat to cool down on our walk, this time we got our flyers from the woman and hid from the guy who told us the previous day incase he remembered us. Still we had to walk out and he was there, when he tried to hand them to us we did tell him we had just had one instead of taking it to get out second round. The thought crossed our mind. So that's desert and lunch done, id rather call it a starter so I don't feel as bad later, then into the Paragon shopping centre to go to the aquarium. Yep it's in a shopping centre, doesn't sound as good like that. So you go down to the bottom floor as its all underneath the shopping centre, makes it seem a bit cooler. We got a super ticket which included the entrance, 5d cinema, behind the scenes, glass bottom boat, a free drink and a free bag of popcorn each. Oh and a free souvenir which all of that for a couple of pounds extra was a bargain and a great day out. By this point it was about 2:30pm and next showing for the 5d cinema wasn't until 5pm. We knew that we would spend ages just standing and staring at fish so that was plenty of time. We walked and looked, even made it to a couple of feeding shows. As we walked around there was a large tank and we got informed that a diver was about to go in so we joined the kids and sat to watch. After that we joined the line for the back stage showing. It was cool to see, but other than that nothing special. Just showed us the different tanks, and pools used to get fish used to the water and environment. Then we joined the very long line for the glass bottom boat, whilst we waited and waited and finally got into the boat with another family. A good little extra added and cool to be that close to the fish. The only bad thing was the glass, it wasn't very big and sometimes best to look over the edge of the boat. We carried on and made our way up to the cinema, and to get our free drink and popcorn. However when out of the main aquarium, there were no popcorn stands to get before the cinema. Plus we had no idea where to get out free gift from either. We watched the film, it was more of a kids film. We thought it would be a short documentary about the aquarium or the sea life. Anyway it was pretty cool, and it mainly just showed off the effects of a 5d cinema. The seats shook, they sprayed jets of air around so it felt like you were there and the 3d effect with things flying at you. After we had to make our way back into the aquarium, down to the popcorn stand, and sat eating whilst watching fish. Then made our way the the exit and received our free key ring. At home a souvenir would cost about £10 from an attraction and for free this was actually pretty good. Had a great day out, and we were impressed. Seen as we had actually read some stupid negative reviews about it. Saturday: Bangkok's weekend market, this was a first for us. As we had been to many markets, and all seemed the same. We gave it ago for a couple of hours. It was quite far away so had to get the train there. As we passed it, I thought "great" a busy market on a hot day is the last place I want to be. It was massive, and people everywhere, the stairs down from the train was very busy too. Finally we got into the centre of the market and looked around. As we briefly looked whilst heading towards food (once again) we actually had seen things we liked the look of. As of markets, they all seem to have the same thing, and very tourist based, but this wasn't. It clearly had the tourists here, also had a lot of locals too, with many different stalls at very good prices. We made it too the food section and before giving the other stalls a chance we headed straight to one ran by a Muslim mother and daughter, who were making some great little treats. So as for something different we got a vegetarian wrap, a naan bread wrapped around some shredded cabbage and carrot and a few other things in a curry sauce. Very nice, the only down side was that we got one to share. With that we had a curry puff each, basically a curry pasty but pasties are puffs here. Next up a strawberry and yogurt shake. That didn't last long and was very tasty. It's hard to spend little on food with so many different places to eat, but thankfully this time we chose a great one as the others just seemed the same as everywhere else. Normally we walk around and pick up everything we like the look of and before we know it all of our money has gone. Now were fuelled, it's time to do some shopping or at least try. We had no intention of buying anything, this time we could of bought A LOT! I'm not too sure on why we left, but we soon regretted it. So far I've bought a few tops, which were very cheap. Some flip flops at a great price from a proper shoe shop, and a dress from H&M. If its very cheap in markets then you might as well buy it there, if its about the same price as a shop then I will get it from a proper shop I know or at least spend a few more quid to know the quality of it. At this market I got a cheap pair of sunglasses for a massive price of 80p, and a new pair of shorts for £2 which look a lot nicer then my other pair. Whilst we carry on looking I could of got a lot more stuff, picked up a few odds and ends. However Ed wanted one pair of shorts, and even though they were a good choice, saying that if we both wear out new shorts out and a black top we look matching. That doesn't matter here, all the Asian couples go out with matching colours, or some times his and hers tshirts. We try not to do this on a regular basis! So back to Ed and him not being able to shop, he did find some shorts in H&M before that he liked the look of, fit well and were a good price. To me that's a winner, but we spent a few hours walking around in circles looking at the same places. Having to try and remember what prices and where, but eventually he got some. They were a bit cheaper, but at a guess they fit, and they wouldn't fall apart in 2 days. So far so good. I'm pleased with my £2 pair. Then I remembered why we didn't stay longer, my feet were killing after going around in circles, and thought we should beat the mad rush to the train. Not before grabbing a tiny bags of pigs in blankets, not quite the same as home as they still don't do proper sausages, or bacon for that matter - but the smell was the same, so we had them! Sunday: We finally got up and sorted ourselves out, but were in a big debate about whether to go back to the market again today. It was great and we both knew we could spend some money and get a few nice new things. I had seen a bag, yep always in need of a new bag seen as I had already bought 2 so far. It was more of a weekend bag, so a lot bigger and knew I could swap things around to make it work. Ed had seen a pair of trainers, I personally really dislike them and laughed when he said I want a pair, when seeing loads of rip offs at a cheap price. He had been going on about getting a tidy pair of shoes, and they were far from tidy. He had also seen a pair of smart trousers, yea in hot countries smart trousers come in handy just like big bags. Clearly we just wanted to spend some money and have some nice new things. So we carried on thinking, even though we knew that we would spend money, it wouldn't be a lot. All the stuff here was very cheap. We've thought more about trying to change our flight home so we could have a few days or something in Bangkok so we would be able to go shopping before coming home. All the things we could buy! Lunch first and then decide, even though we both knew we would end up going there and regret if not. A couple of days ago we had seen a deal on at MOS Burger, we had eaten there previously. All it involved was us buying a meal each and getting a cinema ticket. Amazing, as we said we wanted to go to the cinema and that was another meal sorted. So burger and fries for lunch, then upstairs to sort our ticket. Easy. So we had thought. We went upstairs to redeem the tickets and they had no clue what we wanted to, and just said not here. All the signs said terminal 21, we shrugged it off and headed to the next shopping centre. Straight up to the cinema to the information, and she sent us downstairs to a woman who then turned us away after having no idea what we wanted. We walked back up and went straight to the ticket office, they had no idea either. By this point we became very frustrated and thought they weren't giving us the deal as we were tourists. So we went to the MOS Burger in this shopping centre and asked them, he told us Paragon. Which was the next shopping centre. Not understanding what was going on, we couldn't waste any more of our day trying to sort this out. So we continued, up to the cinema in the paragon shopping centre. Straight away we saw a board advertising the deal at the information stand outside the cinema, good start. We queued up, and sorted the tickets. Both having different ideas about what you get, I thought it was one free ticket and one discounted ticket. Ed thinking it was two free tickets. So we got the vouchers and lined up, too late by this point to go check on the deal and got our tickets. One free ticket, one discounted and then to pay for the 3d glasses. Ed being sure we should of got two free tickets, we headed back to the guy, where he had told us we only got one meal that meant one free ticket. We argued no, and said we had two so we searched for our receipt he had took. With loads of other receipts there, we got frustrated more in thinking he had thrown ours. Eventually we found it, and told him we wanted a refund for our other ticket we just bought, refusing to do so and told us next time. Telling him there is no next time, he gave us the money and threw our voucher in the floor. Clearly his mistake, we really had no intention of going to the cinema after visiting Hong Kong. Well after all that, we had had a few hours to kill before going to the cinema, both thirsty we went to the supermarket and got a large water and had a little walk around. After all the fuss, it worked up an appetite and this supermarket was great for getting a free snack. We paid for our water and wondered around the shop, whilst trying every sample possible, including a really expensive moon fish, raw. To say the least it filled that small bit of boredom hunger. After walking around for about 30 minutes it was time to leave, and look at some more shops. We soon killed enough time and headed up to watch Monsters University. Monday: Yes tomorrow morning we are flying to Hong Kong, but first we get to sleep in the airport tonight. So another lazy day, and sort our stuff out that we were taking into one bag. We planned on doing very little today, so took our time. Checked out and walked around some more shops. We also looked in the Big C shopping centre after not once going there. We found the Bangkok Hard Rock Cafe, tried to not spend loads of money of eating rubbish food. Then later headed back to the Big C and got a few things to keep us happy whilst at the airport. We got some dinner, then headed back to the hostel to chill out for a bit before making our way across town, to find a bus to take us to the airport.

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