
GO:0007619 courtship behavior - Somewhere in, United States

Somewhere in, United States

GO:0007619 courtship behavior

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You can use identifier types other than UniProtKB accessions (for the full range of acceptable ID types, please see the ID Mapping tab on the Annotation Tool Bar). However please note that QuickGO will automatically map the identifiers to UniProtKB accessions, and unless you have additionally selected a specific Identifier Type to be returned in the annotation set, the default behaviour of this tool will be to display the filtered set of annotations with their corresponding UniProtKB accession numbers.

Visit UniProt Taxonomy to find identifiers for other taxonomic groups

The Qualifier column in a GO annotation is used for flags that modify the interpretation of an annotation. Allowable values are NOT, contributes_to, and colocalizes_with.

Further details on the usage of the qualifier column can be found here.

contributes_to An individual protein that is part of a complex can be annotated to terms that describe the action of the complex. This qualifier allows us to distinguish individual subunit from complex functions e.g. This protein contributes_to 'ribosome binding' when part of a complex but does not perform this function on its own. NOT|colocalizes_with NOT|colocalizes_with NOT|contributes_to NOT|contributes_to colocalizes_with Proteins that are transiently or peripherally associated with an organelle or complex may be annotated to the relevant cellular component term, using the 'colocalizes_with' qualifier. NOT Used to make an explicit note that the protein is not associated with the GO term e.g. This protein does NOT have 'kinase activity' as expected, disrupted/missing ATP binding domain. (none)

Terms supplied in request: GO:0007619 courtship behavior

Predefined GO term sets: None goslim_candida (89) goslim_plant (100) goslim_pir (462) goslim_generic (148) goslim_yeast (167) goslim_aspergillus (85) goslim_pombe (44) goslim_metagenomics (119)

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A full description of evidence codes and their usage can be found here.

IMP,IGI,IPI,IDA,IEP,EXP Manual Experimental IMP,IGI,IPI,IDA,IEP,EXP,ISS,TAS,NAS,ND, IC,RCA,IBA,IBD,IKR,IRD,ISA,ISM,ISO,IGC Manual All IMP Inferred from Mutant Phenotype IGI Inferred from Genetic Interaction IPI Inferred from Physical Interaction IGC Inferred from Genomic Context ISS Inferred from Sequence or Structural Similarity IDA Inferred from Direct Assay IEP Inferred from Expression Pattern IEA Inferred from Electronic Annotation TAS Traceable Author Statement NAS Non-traceable Author Statement ND No biological Data available IC Inferred by Curator RCA Reviewed Computational Annotation ISA Inferred from Sequence Alignment EXP Inferred from EXPeriment IBA Inferred from Biological aspect of Ancestor IBD Inferred from Biological aspect of Descendant IKR Inferred from Key Residues IRD Inferred from Rapid Divergence ISO Inferred from Sequence Orthology ISM Inferred from Sequence Model

Annotated with (with or without a database prefix):

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http://www.ebi.ac.uk/QuickGO/GTerm?id=G O:0007619

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