The Color Run
Las Vegas NV
Show Dates: 28 February 2014
The Color Run, also known as the Happiest 5k on the Planet, is a unique paint race that celebrates healthiness, happiness and individuality bringing the community together to create a five-kilometer canvas of colorful fun in which thousands of participants are doused from head to toe in different colors at each kilometer. It is the single largest event series in the United States; The Color Run has exploded in popularity since its debut in 2012.
Whether you just started running yesterday or are a seasoned veteran The Color Run should be on the bucket list of every runner. The race might be a mother’s nightmare as participants get doused in colorful dyes when they hit different stations along the “happiest 5K on the planet”. An ideal race for beginners ‘The Color Run’ has a no-pressure feel to it as it is not timed, and participants can walk it, too and look like a giddy piece of chalk art by the end of the race.
The event more than tripled in growth, hosting more than 170 events in 30+ countries in 2013.The Blacklight Run
Las Vegas NV
Show Dates: 28 February 2014
Blacklight Run is a unique night 5K fun run focused less on speed and more on UV Neon Glowing fun with friends and family. Glowing participants come from all different ages, shapes, sizes, and speeds; every participant will get Glowed and has the time of their life. Whether you are an avid runner or a walk around the park walker, the 3 miles of the Blacklight Run course will have you glowing and waiting for the next one!
This is the first of its kind at night and is quickly sweeping the nation!
The Blacklight Run has a very simple rule for participants and that is to wear white. Along the course participants encounter ‘Blacklight Zone’s’ which are associated with a designated color: green, pink, and orange that are 100% natural and non-toxic. As runners/walkers reach the Blacklight Zones they are showered with Blacklight Run UV Neon Glow Powder that glows with the high beam blacklights installed at every zone. By the end of the race one comes out covered with different colors looking like a character from the famous Ghost Buster’s movie.
After the run participants are encouraged to stick around, celebrate, and see exactly how much GLOW they can handle. The Blacklight Run After Party has lots of Blacklight Run UV Glow Powder, Blacklight Run swag and lots LED gifts that are distributed at the stage.
Super Toy Convention
All out toy invasion-Las Vegas Style
Delight the child in you with an all out toy invasion Las Vegas style! Grab your admission ticket and visit the Super Toy Convention taking place on February 27, 28 and March 1 2015 at the Circus Circus Hotel in Las Vegas Nevada where the manufacturers and toy collectors come together and interact in the passion we all know as toy collecting!
Children and Collectors of Action Figures, Diecast, Hot Wheels, Vinylmation, Comics, Star Wars, Transformers, Pixar, Pop Culture and more will be treated to three days of wall to wall vendors, special events, autograph sessions, full size car show, show exclusives and artist appearances.
The event will be open daily from 10AM – 4PM however we recommend purchasing tickets prior to the event.
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