
I project over $109,149.06 in Commission Checks this Year by Taking Advantage of 4 Super Simple Marketing Resources Available to Travel Agents Absolutely Free!

That’s right! Many people, passionate about travel, seeing the world and helping others do the same, have this preconceived notion that travel agents are obsolete, that somehow, the world wide web has taken their jobs from them like technology has done for many other professions. Others, believe there is still a place for travel agents in the world but the salary of that hard working travel agent is capped, somewhere along with the average of a fast food Manager’s salary but I’m here to show you 4 easy and free tools and marketing services that will prove that both the assumptions I mentioned are, well, simply not true.

My name is Steven Talbott and before I give you these 4 fast tracks to success, would like to tell you a little bit of my story. In September of 2012, I was laid off from a 10 year career working for a Fortune 50 company, Dell Computers.

I never thought, in a million years, that my job, talent, skills and experience could be replaced by outsourcing workers from third world countries. After everything I had done for the company, the millions of dollars earned, saved and added to the bottom line , it was the last thing on my mind! I had been working remotely for several years, long before it become a buzz word and after finally getting up the nerve to ask my boss if he was okay with me moving out of state, I told him my plan. See, at the time, I lived only a short 15 minute drive from the Dell Campus near the Nashville International Airport but rarely, if ever, actually commuted into the office. You see, I was only 3 of 15  people on my direct team who lived near the Nashville office, everyone else, scattered throughout the country, in Hawaii, the Carolinas, Texas, Tennessee and abroad in India, Malaysia and the Philippines. The reason it took me so long to ask my boss if I could move 1 state away is because another one of my boss’ (of only 3 the entire 10 years I was there), told me working remotely would limit how high I could climb the corporate latter and since I very much respected the advice and guidance of that Manager, took my decision to move to North Carolina very seriously. So, having weighed out everything and gathering the courage, I asked the question and as I expected, it wasn’t a big deal at all! Two months later, we found a home in North Carolina and decided to plant our roots! Little did we know, just mere weeks after the move, I would receive the most horrifying phone call of my life, or so I thought. 

I’m sure you’ve heard it before or know of someone who has, it was the standard corporate mumbo jumbo about the economy and how the decision was purely strategic, having nothing to do with my expertise, performance or quality of work. I was LAID OFF! I was heart broken because Dell was the only thing I had ever known. I had been with them since before I was old enough to drink! Everything I knew, every skill I had developed, every relationship built, was all Dell-centric. What the F!cK was I going to do?!?!

Thankfully, I was given a sizable severance package and had always known I was destined to work for myself, I knew I wanted to build a successful enterprise, employ other hard working people and give back to the community. It also just so happened that prior to being employed by Dell in 2002, I had worked for a company called Cendant Travel, fresh out of high school. It was at Cendant I learned the ropes of the travel industry, the various GDS systems like Sabre and Apollo and the core skills around customer service, loyalty, retention and providing something unique and different. Hell, the the pay at Cendant was horrid looking back and the only reason I stayed was for the excellent travel benefits, which were all taken away after 9-11 and being a technology lover, Dell had caught my eye for opening up a brand new call center right down the street from my house – that’s why I left. I went to Dell because my travel benefits had been stripped away and because Dell payed much more, MUCH MORE! In the years working for Dell, I started off making +$35K in my first year to $60K my fifth year and just shy of $80K my last couple of years. That was my challenge, how in the world can I work in the travel industry and build a sustainable business that can net at least $80K and grow to be much more profitable? I read and read, books, ezines, training courses, blogs, white papers, watched training sessions, listened in on conference calls and attended webinar after webinar. Out of all the resources out there, and there are MANY, I am going to share with you the 4 that changed my world. Each of these 4 tools I’m going to share are either 100% free or free by association!

So, whether your passion is traveling the world, helping others travel the world, knowing you were the person that brought the smile to their face when they first saw that ancient ruin or perhaps visited their very first beach outside of America or if you are considering a change in your career – one where you can make your own decisions, set your own hours, hire your own employees and travel as a perk, I’ll be uncovering the 4 free tools, in a 4 part series which will change your world! Each part will be released over the next 2 months, every 2 weeks. All you need to do is sign-up to receive this free and LIFE-CHANGING information!

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