Asin Thottumkal who recently tied the knot with Micromax co-founder Rahul Sharma is living life to the fullest. A look at the actress’ Instagram feed and you will mostly find vacation photos to some of the most exotic and breathtaking destinations in the world. Earlier we shared her African safari photos and videos and now, the couple is off to Italy to enjoy a pleasant summer in the European country. After making a pit stop in London, Asin and Rahul flew to Italy and are having the time of their lives. Not just donning pretty hats and dresses, Asin even tried her hand at riding a boat and flying a seaplane. The daredevil that she is, we totally expected her to ace it. From street shopping to going on yacht rides, Asin and Rahul are having a ball in Italy and making us turn green with envy. Take a look at their amazing Italy vacay here.
1. Having an artsy afternoon at Sotheby’s in London
2. Admiring the world’s largest rough cut diamond, 3 billion years old!
3. All set for a lunch date with her bae in London
4. Milan diaries where Asin befriended this little bird
A video posted by Asin Thottumkal (@simply.asin) on
Jun 20, 2016 at 9:08am PDT
5. And checked out the city’s Gothic architecture
6. Badass Asin riding a boat in Lake Como
A video posted by Asin Thottumkal (@simply.asin) on
Jun 21, 2016 at 3:01pm PDT
7. But not before posing for pictures
8. After a boat ride, it is time to fly
9. Watch Asin flying a seaplane #likeaboss
A video posted by Asin Thottumkal (@simply.asin) on
Jun 22, 2016 at 6:29pm PDT
10. Posing with her ride after the successful flight
11. Guess who joined them on their vacation? It’s Akshay Kumar
12. But the couple soon left for a romantic candlelit dinner
13. And enjoyed a yacht ride in Capri
14. Asin exploring the streets of Capri
Photographs courtesy: Instagram/Asin
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The post These 14 photos of Asin’s Italian vacation are making us turn green with envy! appeared first on Travel India.