All places are full in the 45 km Marathon. This distance was awarded 600 new places last December and in less than a month has occupied 200 additional places what the Organization qualified as a first time in the history of the race.
From today there is waiting list on the web page of the Ultramarathon and Marathon, the two modalities that have reached the full number of runners.
On Wednesday, the list of official registrants will be made public and since then any claim can be notified through the Technical Secretariat (by phone 922417323 or by email
In the case of the waiting list, no previous prepayment is required but the qualifying competition. In the case of the Ultramarathon, a completed mountain race of at least 40 kilometers will be requested, whereas in the case of the Marathon it will be a minimum 20 kilometers in 18 months prior to the Transvulcania 2017.
The Minister of Sports and Youth of the Cabildo of La Palma, Ascensión Rodríguez, said “the confidence placed by so many riders around the world who choose La Palma and Transvulcania as a must in their sports calendars.” “Our purpose is to continue improving and growing with the all athletes help who take part in each edition,” he added.
Rodríguez took the opportunity to remind that there are still available numbers for the Half Marathon, 24.28 kilometers, and for the Vertical Kilometer, which will cover 7.6 kilometers. However, he said that “places are selling out quickly so I recomend to confirm the number as soon as possible.”.
La entrada The Transvulcania Marathon 2017 covers its last 200 places in less than a month aparece primero en Transvulcania.