
If you haven’t gotten started thinking about a growth plan for your small business for 2014, it’s time to get cracking. Don’t skimp on planning your business future or rest on your success from last year. Now that the calendar has turned the page on 2014, get in gear now — so you can get on the right money track toward ensuring a profitable year. If you think about trying at least three of the marketing ideas in this article, you’ll give your business a big boost during the first quarter. Here are six ways to rake in the bucks in the first quarter of 2014.

Rev Up Your Email Marketing: Existing customers know you best. Offer a special discount for orders made before March 1st. Use a basic email management tool like MailChimp (which is free up to 2000 email addresses) or an advanced email marketing program such as Infusionsoft to stay in touch with loyal customers. Develop a series of emails that focus on solving your client’s biggest challenges going into 2014. This will keep your business top of mind when they are ready to make a purchase.

Send Out a Direct Mail Piece: Email is so prevalent; direct mail is making a comeback. If you are a local business, create a coupon that can be mailed out within a 10 mile radius of your business location. Be sure to have your logo, complete contact information, special offer, a QR code, and website featured on your direct mail piece.

Create a Social Media Contest: Choose one social media tool to focus your marketing efforts. Create a grand prize giveaway, and invite customers and fans to post videos or photos online, sharing how they enjoy your product for a chance to win. Consult your lawyer to develop official contest rules.

Create a Special Sale Day: President’s Day, Valentine’s Day and St. Patrick’s Day are occasions people plan to shop. Create a special offer online or host an in store event of your own to capture new and returning customers. Be sure to tell customers at least three weeks in advance to increase engagement. Once you’re properly positioned, watch your bottom-line grow.

Invest in Online Ads: Facebook ads and Google Adwords are affordable methods for reaching target customers. Facebook insights and the Google AdWords keyword planner tool will help identify the right target audience for your small business. You can run a campaign for less than $100 a day that gets results.

Refresh Your Website: Make sure your company website is ready to transact business. There should be a system for collecting email addresses, accepting credit cards, and a clear path to purchase. Put the most important information above the fold. It only takes a visitor 30 seconds to form an impression so let’s make it a good one.


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