Since he became the President of the European Jewish Congress in President since 2007, The Russian Oligarch, Moshe Kantor, (Forbes estimates his worth at $2.1 billion) has been the has been busy trying to drum up extra privileges for his Jewish brethren.
For example, on 16 May 2012, The Washington Post quoted him thus:
“Before calling on European leaders to act against hate on the street, they must clear their own house and that means BANNING AND OSTRACIZING ANY POLITICIANS AND POLITICAL PARTIES THAT PREACH HATE AND VIOLENCE. While we highly value freedom of speech, we all recognize that there must be restrictions and the visceral hatred propagated by the Golden Dawn is surely outside the boundaries of appropriate political discourse. WE HAVE TO BE PROACTIVE… That’s why we’re here.”
The Post added:
“A major European Jewish organization is urging European governments to quickly adopt measures to tackle anti-Semitism and far-right extremism, including possibly BANNING A HARDLINE GREEK PARTY THAT DID UNUSUALLY WELL IN RECENT ELECTIONS.
Moshe Kantor, President of the European Jewish Congress, was meeting with Czech Prime Minister Petr Necas on Wednesday to seek his support for ‘emergency measures’ to protect the continent’s Jewish communities from violent hate crimes. Kantor would not give details of the measures that his organization plans to propose, but they could involve passing legislation, sharing intelligence, and a public awareness campaign about anti-Semitic threats.
In particular, Kantor expressed concern about Golden Dawn, a party that did well during Greece’s May 6 election and whose leader claimed that Nazi concentration camps did not use ovens and gas chambers to kill prisoners during the Holocaust.
Kantor plans to meet with EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton and Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy, and the congress consulted with Francois Hollande a few weeks before he was elected president of France.”
Democracy, eh? Democracy as long as it suit’s the Jew. Then it’s 'ban' and 'ostracise.' I entered this comment under the article:
"Before calling on European leaders to act against hate on the street, they must clear their own house and that means banning and ostracizing any politicians and political parties that preach hate and violence.'
'Hate on the street?' What about the 'hate on the street' directed at Whitey by the immigrant, Moshe? What about the 'hate' in the banker's boardrooms that created this latest world-wide recession? What about hateful anti-White propaganda in the mainsteam media? What about the evil that is political correctness? Chutzpah is one thing, Moshe. Genocide is another.
The powers-that-be thought they could subdue us in the lands that our fathers made and, for a while there, they were right. But, unless and until they get rid of us altogether, there will always be brave men and women willing to fight back against the malign creed and rule of the supremacists. Has the habitual dominance of these people rendered tham so stupid that they're not able to see what would happen if the Jew was seen to ban a democratically formed and elected, pro-indigenous party in Europe?
You've gotten way too big for your boots over the course of this last cosmetically Judaeophilic century, Moshe. You would be well advised to back off for a bit. Your media, financial and political power has tipped the balance until now but, if you try to 'ban and ostracise' those democrats who oppose you for simply exerting their democratic will, you will, I'm sure, reap the whirlwind."
On 28 September 2013, the Golden Dawn leader, Nikolaos Michaloliakos, was arrested, along with several other leading members. In December 2013, The European Jewish Congress presented Greek Prime Minister, Antonis Samaras, with an award for his government’s support of a ban on the party. This despite the fact that, just one month earlier, Golden Dawn members Giorgos Fountoulis and Manos Kapelonis had been shot dead outside the party's offices in northern Athens.
On 25 January 2015, despite the intimidation, the finger-wagging Moshes, the wagtail Antonis and the ongoing imprisonment of its leading lights, Golden Dawn became the third force in Greek politics.
Samaras' New Democracy Party and its coalition partners lost heavily and were ousted from government.
Here's a recent timeline of the Golden Dawn movement:
In November 2005, Golden Dawn's offices were attacked by with gunfire, molotov cocktails and stones. Two people were injured. Three suspects were arrested but these were subsequently released without charge.
In March 2010, a bomb was detonated in the Golden Dawn office in Athens.
On 16 May 2012, President of the European Jewish Congress, Moshe Kantor, who made his billions during Russia’s particularly nasty variation on the privatisation scam, said this at a conference organised by the Congress and the Czech government in Prague:
“Before calling on European leaders to act against hate on the street, they must clear their own house and that means banning and ostracizing any politicians and political parties that preach hate and violence. While we highly value freedom of speech, we all recognize that there must be restrictions and the visceral hatred propagated by the Golden Dawn is surely outside the boundaries of appropriate political discourse.”
The Post added:
“A major European Jewish organization is urging European governments to quickly adopt measures to tackle anti-Semitism and far-right extremism, including possibly banning a hardline Greek party that did unusually well in recent elections…
Kantor plans to meet with EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton and Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy, and the congress consulted with Francois Hollande a few weeks before he was elected president of France.”
In June 2012, Golden Dawn received seven percent of the vote in the Greek elections, enough for the party to enter the Hellenic Parliament for the first time with 21 seats. .
In December 2012, a bomb exploded at a Golden Dawn's office building in Aspropyrgos, a suburb of Athens.
In February 2013 a bomb exploded in Golden Dawn’s Piraeus office.
On 28 March 2013, The Jewish Chronicle told us more:
"At the recent WJC Executive Committee meeting in Thessaloniki in northern Greece attended by Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras... WJC President Ronald Lauder said that Golden Dawn was a 'a threat to democracy' and called them the 'new Nazis'...
In response, a post on Golden Dawn’s New York-based blog ‘Xaameriki’ called for a boycott of a list of cosmetic companies owned by Estee Lauder, which is owned by the Lauder family of which Ronald Lauder is a member…
Maram Stern, deputy secretary-general of the WJC, said: 'To announce a boycott of ‘Jewish’ companies a few days before the 80th anniversary of the first organised boycott of Jewish businesses in Germany by the Nazi government, on 1 April 1933, shows the true face of Golden Dawn. Both in words and in actions these fanatics behave like the Nazis did 80 years ago.
Once again, this is a reminder that they need to be opposed vigorously by all democratic forces, not just in Greece but everywhere they operate'.”
So, the World Jewish Congress calls for a legitimate political party, popular with those who have suffered most at the hands of the international financiers, to be banned because it isn't prepared to toe the 'democratic' party line favoured by a similar elite body. Responding in kind, Golden Dawn calls for a ban on Estée Lauder products. Ronald Lauder, current head of the WJC, being the heir to the Lauder fortune.
The deputy secretary-general of the WJC then plays the nasty Nazi card, complaining that the counter ban is redolent 'of the first organised boycott of Jewish businesses in Germany.'
In other words, ladies and gents, the Jew can call for an entirely legitimate Greek political party to be banned but the Greeks who are thus threatened cannot then call for a range of cosmetics to be treated similarly.
Instead of telling these jumped-up non-Greek finger-waggers where to go, the Greek Prime Minister was cowed by the implied threat and, subsequently, promised to enact legislation 'completely intolerant to violence and racism.' National governments had to 'be very careful not to let them (Neo-Nazis) gain ground as they did in the 1930s,' he said.
You see, ladies and gents, democracy in the western world doesn't mean what you think it means. It means whatever the Ronald Lauders, the Maram Sterns and their bought Prime Ministers want it to mean.
On 17 March 2013, at a World Jewish Conference in Thessaloniki, Greece, the following was said:
"The Executive Committee of the World Jewish Congress... notes with alarm the growing expressions of anti-Semitism and the rise of the extremist and violently racist Chrysi Avgi (Golden Dawn) movement, which has parliamentary representation…
Urges the Greek authorities to: take serious and concerted actions against Holocaust denial, anti-Semitism, racism and xenophobia; implement all relevant European laws in that domain; and unite all democratic forces against the enemies of democracy, so as not to allow society to drift into the darkness of racial hatred and anti-Semitism.
Calls on Greece to consider BANNING POLITICAL PARTIES, such as the Golden Dawn movement, which pose a serious danger to liberal democracy; calls on the European Union to ensure that political movements that actively espouse a platform of discrimination of ethnic or religious minorities, in contravention of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, are dealt with in a coordinated manner in all EU member states."
In September 2013, anti-Fascist rapper, Pavlos Fyssas, aka Killah P, was killed following an argument over a football match in Athens. After it was discovered that Giorgos Roupakias was a Golden Dawn member, the police raided their offices in Athens and, on 28 September 2013, party leader, Nikolaos Michaloliakos, was arrested, along with several other leading members, and charged with 'forming a criminal organization.'
On 1 November 2013, Golden Dawn members Giorgos Fountoulis and Manos Kapelonis were shot dead outside the party's offices in northern Athens. Alexandros Gerontas was severely injured. Although the police described it as a ‘terrorist’ attack, Golden Dawn claimed that police protection of the building had been withdrawn shortly beforehand.
Two weeks later, a previouly unknown anarchist group calling itself the ‘Fighting People's Revolutionary Powers’ claimed responsibility for the ‘political executions of the Fascist members of the neo-Nazi Golden Dawn party.’
In December 2013, The European Jewish Congress presented Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras with an award for his government’s support of a ban on Golden Dawn.
On 25 January 2015, the Greek General Election took place. Left-wing party SYRIZA won 149 out of the 300 seats. The ruling New Democracy party lost 53 seats. PASOK, New Democracy's coalition partner, was reduced to just 13 seats, losing 20.
Despite all the intimidation and the ongoing imprisonment of its leading lights, Golden Dawn became the third force in Greek politics with 17 seats.
In March 2015, all of those arrested in September 2013 were released, prior to a trial which may or may not take place in April.
If you want to know how impartial (or otherwise) the media really is nowadays, type the name of murdered rapper ‘Pavlos Fyssas’ into Google’s search engine along with the phrase ‘The Guardian.’ (i.e. ‘Pavlos Fyssas’ ‘The Guardian’) How many hits do you get?
I got 62,600.
Now type the names of the murdered Golden Dawn members ‘Giorgos Fountoulis’ and ‘Manos Kapelonis’ into Google along with ‘The Guardian.’ i.e. (‘Giorgos Fountoulis’ ‘Manos Kapelonis’ ‘The Guardian’) How many hits do you get this time?
I got 621. In other words, The Guardian/‘Nazi’ combo appears one hundred times less than the Guardian/'rapper' combo.
Now try the same thing with The Daily Mail. When I did this I got 243 for the Golden Dawn lads and 13,400 for Pavlos Fyssas.
Try this with the BBC and you get 694 for Golden Dawn and 11,300 for the anti-Fascist.
That should give you a bit of a clue as to how much more the mainstream British media (and ttat of the West in general) wants you to sympathise with a self-proclaimed Communist and than it does the deaths of two Greek Nationalists.
Now do the same thing (‘Giorgos Fountoulis’ and ‘Manos Kapelonis’ then ‘Pavlos Fyssas’ with Greek Prime Minister at the time of the killings, Antonis Samaras.
You get 37,200 hits for Pavlos Fyssas and just 300 for the Golden Dawn duo.
Try it with Moshe Kantor and Ronald Lauder.
Moshe = 307 for the rapper and just ONE, that’s ONE for Giorgos and Manos. Ronald = 429 v 2.
In my book this rates as a ‘COVER-UP.’ You know, a bit like the Rotherham child abuse cover-up? The same bought-and-paid-for types are, of course, still covering for the dirty old perverts in Westminster.
They want you to know, and thus be thinking about, one thing and they don’t want you know the other. So the one thing gets publicised and the other doesn’t.
After the Charlie Hebdo and kosher grocery killings in Paris, on 27 January 2015 Moshe Kantor said this at another conference organised by the European Jewish Congress and the Czech government in Prague:
“Recent atrocities in Paris, Brussels and Toulouse are visible manifestations of the deep structural problems embodied in European society today. This, coupled with the continuing electoral successes of extremist parties in Europe, demonstrated in recent elections across the continent, shows that unfortunately, Europe is on a dangerous path…
In the immediate term, intelligence-gathering and sharing across Europe must increase… Police and law enforcement also need to be strengthened. This includes actively enforcing laws against incitement and anti-Semitic speech and taking a firmer approach against those who promote hate and violence."
After Binyamin Netanyahu's election vicotry, Kanotr said this at the EJC website:
“Israel and the Jewish communities of Europe share, not just a common history, religion and culture, but also a united position against many of today's challenges, which include religious fundamentalism, anti-Semitism and the Iranian nuclear threat.”
Nice to know you and the Israeli genocide-merchants are sincging from the same hymn sheet, Moshe.
28 January 2015, The Inside Europe blog told us this:
"Theresienstadt was a transit camp where some 150,000 Jews, mostly Czech, languished for months or years before being sent on to their deaths at Auschwitz or Treblinka... This year, Terezin hosted a special commemorative event, the culmination of a two-day international conference in Prague on anti-Semitism and extremism, organised by the European Jewish Congress... The EJC wants Europe to move beyond acts of solemn commemoration, towards tangible changes in legislation in every European country, to protect Jews not just from classical anti-Semitism or an increasingly mainstream neo-Nazi movement, but also the threat of Islamist radicalism...
The EJC has spent the last four years drawing up what it calls a 'European Framework Statute for the Promotion of Tolerance.' Mr Kantor wants every parliament in Europe to adopt it (which is why three dozen heads of parliament were invited to Prague)... The idea is to go further than the existing anti-racism legislation, enshrined in the European Convention on Human Rights...
Civil libertarians will gasp at the proposals... Wearing a full-face veil would essentially be a criminal offence in every European country, as would denying the Holocaust."
Well, I'm up for the face veil ban, of course I am, such secrecy-enhancing costume ought not to be part of our world. It would never have been so if the 'three dozen heads of parliament' types hadn't imported the third world into ours against the will of the vast majority of Europe's indigenous inhabitants.
As for 'denying the holocaust' becoming a criminal offence, it already is throughout much of Europe. In 1997, the Labour MP, Mike Gapes, as on-message a pro-Semitic toadie as its possible to find, tried to get such a law onto the statute books here. His bill failed, but only for lack of parliamentary time.
I wonder what 'denying the holocaust' will mean in Moshe Wonderland? Will it mean that anyone who says that less than six million died is committing a crime? If that was to be the case then the British government would be in the business of criminalising honest men and women in favour of those who have imposed an enormous 70-year lie upon the gullible majority.
Many Jews died during the course of World War II but six million did not. That statistic has been known to be false for a very long time now. And yet it is still being taught to schoolchildren throughout the western world. Getting close to an exact estimate of the number of Jewish dead at the hands of the Nazis is likely to remain, as long as the facts matter less than the myth, more a matter of luck than science. However, you can be sure that the actual figure is likely to be much closer to five hundred thousand than six million. Take a look at the YouTube video 'Secrets and Lies' for proof of this.
And yet, the Moshes appear to be intent on enshrining the six million lie in law here, just as they have elsewhere. Any MP who bows to the will of this self-serving alien minority will demonstrate that the myth is preferable to the actuality and the Jewish lie matters more than the truth of the honest Briton.
Ladies and gentlemen, let me be clear: anyone who conspires to see a 'Holocaust denial' law imposed upon the British people is a traitor. As previously stated, it is known that six million did NOT die. It is documented. Meticulous historians, many of them Jewish, have, for may years, rubbished the six million stat.
If this legislation comes before parliament (and it will - the Kantors and their parliamentary facilitators will see to it) you should let your MP know, in no uncertain terms, that you, and many others, will regard accession to this demand as an act of institutionalised treachery.
And such treachery will have consequences.
By 10 March 2015, Moshe was issuing direct threats.
Russia Today reported thus on that day:
"European leaders should be quick in adopting real measures to counter anti-Semitism or witness Jews leave, taking away their money and businesses, says the President of the European Jewish Congress...
'This minority is going in case authorities are not delivering some real, real stuff,' Kantor told Reuters. 'This minority is going to leave Europe, definitely'...
If Jews do it, that would trigger a serious economic crisis in Europe, Kantor warned.
'I think out of three million Jews that are living in Europe at least one million... are going to leave and it will be a disaster, an economic disaster for Europe in general because first of all some supporters, non-Jewish supporters will come with Jews. It's a lot of cash and money currents are going to leave Europe and also businesses,' he said.
He added that there is 'a strong demand from civil society to modify the legislation fighting against racism, xenophobia and anti-Semitism'." No, Moshe, that's b***ocks. 'Civil society' does not want more control ceded to those who would curtail our freedoms even more. It's only you and yours who want more prohibitive legislation inflicted upon the fractious European herd. I doubt even that the majority of the bought wagtails that infest the governmental systems of Europe would seriously want to go this route. They will know that the imposition of even more restrictive law upon the majority, just to make an eternally dissatisfied minority feel more comfortable, might well be a dangerous step too far.
As for your leaving us, well, don't let us stop you, Moshe. Really, outside of the brown paper bag merchants in Westminster, most of us would happily swap your influence-purchasing billions for less law, less threat and more control of our own affairs.
So you and any who feel the way you do just go, Moshe, with our blessing. We got by without you once, we'll do so again.
Trust me, you and your interminable demands will not be missed. Following an investigation into the murder of anti-fascist rapper Pavlos Fyssas in September 2013, Michaloliakos, and several other Golden Dawn MPs and members, were arrested and charged with forming a criminal organization.[26] He holds a PhD in Spacecraft Automatic Control Systems and in 2004 was awarded an honorary doctorate from Tel Aviv University. He raised alarm bells over the Jewish situation in Europe in the wake of the attack at the Brussels Jewish Museum last month by a French-Algerian man who had previously traveled to Syria in order to fight with jihadists. He specifically called on the Belgian and French governments to do more about the rise of anti-Semitic attacks before more Jews are killed. The most important thing to look at is not the number of incidents, Kantor said, but at “how governments are reacting” to them, adding that “France and Belgium are waiting for something terrible to happen” in order to take action, a situation that “is not acceptable.” The EJC president believes that British authorities are doing a much better job of dealing with anti-Semitism. Life is better for the Jews in the US, Israel, and Australia in comparison to EU Jews, he said. Kantor believes that the situation of Jews in Russia is now better than in parts of Europe. “Anti-Semitism in Russia has a latent character” while in Europe it is “aggressive,” he said, noting the rise of extreme-right movements in Hungary and Greece. “Russian Jews do not want to leave Russia anymore” since the country is “flourishing” compared to Europe, he added. Regarding the memory of the Holocaust in Europe, Kantor said that EU leaders don’t respect the continent’s history, adding, “that is why there are so many [Holocaust] skeptics.” The Yad Vashem donor noted that while Holocaust commemoration is not the key to Jewish existence, it is important to continue to remember it. Speaking of the political situation in Europe, Kantor said that Jews are caught in between two extremes – the far Right and Islamists. Earlier this week, Kantor called on the European Parliament to strip the founder of the French far-right National Front party, Jean-Marie Le Pen, of his immunity, and to prosecute him after he reportedly made anti-Semitic references when speaking about Jewish singer Patrick Bruel. On 7 May 2012, told us this: “In a letter to the Attorney General and to the State Attorney Sunday, Defense Minister Ehud Barak accused former Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. (res.) Gabi Ashkenazi of receiving and giving bribes, reports news website News1... According to News1, Barak listed no less than 10 criminal offenses that Ashkenazi had carried out, including acceptance of a bribe, giving a bribe and abetting bribery, while his confidante, Lt. Col. Boaz Harpaz, interfered in the appointments of senior officers.” Barak said: “After reading the draft of the State Comptroller's report on the Harpaz documents case one reaches grave and serious conclusions about the former Chief of Staff Gabi Ashkenazi and his former aide, Col. Erez Viener.” On 10 May 2012, a BBC World Service poll told us this: "Evaluations of Israel’s influence in the world, already largely unfavourable in 2011, have worsened in 2012. On average, in the 22 tracking countries surveyed both in 2011 and 2012, 50 per cent of respondents have negative views of Israel’s influence in the world, an increase of three points from 2011... Out of 22 countries polled in 2011, 17 lean negative, three lean positive, and two are divided. In the Western countries surveyed, views of Israel show improvement only in the US.. . Apart from the US, the most favourable views of Israel are found in Nigeria and Kenya… In the EU countries surveyed, views of Israeli influence have hardened in Spain (74% negative ratings, up 8 points) and in France (65%, up 9 points)—while positive ratings remain low and steady. Negative ratings from the Germans and the British remain very high and stable (69% and 68%, respectively). In other Anglo-Saxon countries, views have worsened in Australia (65% negative ratings, up 7 points) and in Canada (59%, up 7 points)… Negative attitudes have also increased among the Chinese, the Indians, and the Russians… For those who held negative views of Israel influence in the world, the foreign policy of the Israeli State is by some distance the main reason explaining their negative rating (45%). The way Israel treats its own people stands out as the second most important reason (27%).” On 16 May 2012, The Washington Post quoted Moshe Kantor, President of the European Jewish Congress, thus: “Before calling on European leaders to act against hate on the street, they must clear their own house and that means BANNING AND OSTRACIZING ANY POLITICIANS AND POLITICAL PARTIES THAT PREACH HATE AND VIOLENCE. While we highly value freedom of speech, we all recognize that there must be restrictions and the visceral hatred propagated by the Golden Dawn is surely outside the boundaries of appropriate political discourse. WE HAVE TO BE PROACTIVE… That’s why we’re here.” The Post added: “A major European Jewish organization is urging European governments to quickly adopt measures to tackle anti-Semitism and far-right extremism, including possibly BANNING A HARDLINE GREEK PARTY THAT DID UNUSUALLY WELL IN RECENT ELECTIONS. Moshe Kantor, President of the European Jewish Congress, was meeting with Czech Prime Minister Petr Necas on Wednesday to seek his support for ‘emergency measures’ to protect the continent’s Jewish communities from violent hate crimes. Kantor would not give details of the measures that his organization plans to propose, but they could involve passing legislation… In particular, Kantor expressed concern about Golden Dawn, a party that did well during Greece’s May 6 election… Kantor plans to meet with EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton and Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy, and the congress consulted with Francois Hollande a few weeks before he was elected president of France. The Czech Republic is one of Israel’s strongest allies in the European Union. The Czech government pushed for closer ties between the EU and Israel when it held the 27-nation bloc’s rotating presidency last year… A recent report on anti-Semitism said the number of attacks in Europe declined in 2011.” Democracy, eh? Democracy as long as it suit’s the Jew. Then it’s ban and ostracize. I entered this comment under the article: 'Hate on the street'? What about the 'hate on the street' directed at Whitey by the immigrant, Moshe? What about the 'hate' in the banker's boardrooms that created this latest world-wide recession? What about hateful anti-White propaganda in the mainsteam media? What about the evil that is political correctness? Chutzpah is one thing, Moshe. Genocide is another. The powers-that-be thought they could subdue us in the lands that our fathers made and, for a while there, they were right. But, unless and until they get rid of us altogether, there will always be brave men and women willing to fight back against the malign creed and rule of the supremacists. Has the habitual dominance of these people rendered tham so stupid that they're not able to see what would happen if the Jew was seen to ban a democratically formed and elected, pro-indigenous party in Europe? You've gotten way too big for your boots over the course of this last cosmetically Judaeophilic century, Moshe. You would be well advised to back off for a bit. Your media, financial and political power has tipped the balance until now but, if you try to 'ban and ostracize' those democrats who oppose you for simply exerting their democratic will, you will, I'm sure, reap the whirlwind." Boycott Estée Lauder! Resolution by the World Jewish Congress Executive Committee, adopted on 17 March 2013 in Thessaloniki, Greece. "The Executive Committee of the World Jewish Congress... notes with alarm the growing expressions of anti-Semitism and the rise of the extremist and violently racist Chrysi Avgi (Golden Dawn) movement, which has parliamentary representation, manifest in: its open denial of the Shoah and the existence of gas chambers at Nazi death camps; a series of anti-Semitic and racist statements; and physical assaults on dark-skinned people and immigrants... Recalls with immense sadness the fact that the failure by Germany’s democratic parties to effectively combat the Nazis, led to the appointment, 80 years ago, of Adolf Hitler as German chancellor and the establishment of a murderous dictatorship that ultimately led to World War II and the Shoah; Urges the Greek authorities to: take serious and concerted actions against Holocaust denial, anti-Semitism, racism and xenophobia; implement all relevant European laws in that domain; and unite all democratic forces against the enemies of democracy, so as not to allow society to drift into the darkness of racial hatred and anti-Semitism. Calls on Greece to consider BANNING POLITICAL PARTIES, such as the Golden Dawn movement, which pose a serious danger to liberal democracy; Calls on the European Union to ensure that political movements that actively espouse a platform of discrimination of ethnic or religious minorities, in contravention of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, are dealt with in a coordinated manner in all EU member states." On 28 March 2013, The Jewish Chronicle told us more: "At the recent WJC Executive Committee meeting in Thessaloniki in northern Greece attended by Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras... WJC President Ronald Lauder said that Golden Dawn was a 'a threat to democracy' and called them the 'new Nazis'... In response, a post on Golden Dawn’s New York-based blog ‘Xaameriki’ called for a boycott of a list of cosmetic companies owned by Estee Lauder, which is owned by the Lauder family of which Ronald Lauder is a member. Included were Estee Lauder, Mac, Clinique, Bobbi Brown and Israeli company Aveda. Many of the companies listed, including Estee Lauder, are Jewish owned. Maram Stern, deputy secretary-general of the WJC, said: 'To announce a boycott of ‘Jewish’ companies a few days before the 80th anniversary of the first organised boycott of Jewish businesses in Germany by the Nazi government, on 1 April 1933, shows the true face of Golden Dawn. Both in words and in actions these fanatics behave like the Nazis did 80 years ago. Once again, this is a reminder that they need to be opposed vigorously by all democratic forces, not just in Greece but everywhere they operate'... A spokesperson for Golden Dawn said: 'We are not encouraging the boycott of Estee Lauder because it is owned by Jews, if there was a Chinese, Armenian, or Martian international institution that was attempting to undermine freedom and democracy in Greece, we would boycott them too. Our boycott is peaceful, and in the name of Greek freedom and self-determination to choose its own path'." So, the World Jewish Congress calls for a legitimate political party, popular with those who have suffered most at the hands of the international financiers, to be banned because it isn't prepared to toe the 'democratic' party line favoured by a similar elite body. Responding in kind, Golden Dawn calls for a ban on Estée Lauder products. Ronald Lauder, current head of the WJC, being the heir to the Lauder fortune. The deputy secretary-general of the WJC then plays the nasty Nazi card, complaining that the counter ban is redolent 'of the first organised boycott of Jewish businesses in Germany.' In other words, ladies and gents, the Jew can call for an entirely legitimate Greek political party to be banned but the Greeks who are thus threatened cannot then call for a range of cosmetics to be treated similarly. Instead of telling these jumped-up finger-waggers where to go, the Greek Prime Minister was cowed by the implied threat and, subsequently, promised to enact legislation 'completely intolerant to violence and racism.' National governments had to 'be very careful not to let them (Neo-Nazis) gain ground as they did in the 1930s,' he said. You see, ladies and gents, democracy in the western world doesn't mean what you think it means. It means whatever the Ronald Lauders, the Maram Sterns and their bought Prime Ministers want it to mean. As we also know to our cost. Boycott Estée Lauder. Let's open Europe to immigration! On 17 July 2013, Benjamin Abtan, President of an organisation calling itself the European Grassroots Antiracist Movement, said this in his New Statesman article Let's open Europe to Immigration: “Distrust of migrants is now the dominant political position in Europe. It is not a coincidence. This stance embodies the ideological victory of extreme right-wing partisans and is the result of their fierce struggle to impose their viewpoint. As they knew that open antisemitism and racism would not lead them to an electoral victory, many extreme right-wing parties opted for the strategy of stigmatising immigrants and gradually imposed their opinions. The implications of this ideological success from the far right are extremely painful: on the one hand less social rights for the entire society, and on the other hand more violence and more racist murders… We have to understand that more immigration is necessary in Europe not only because we need to ensure high level of social rights, but also because it is a necessity for democracy and human rights in the world. First, welcoming more immigrants would increase the number of persons who stand to benefit from the rights as guaranteed in Europe… More people could enjoy democratic values. Second, the future of Europe and the future of democracy are tightly linked. Stimulating immigration toward Europe could expand the European market, galvanise innovation, create an economy more open to the world… If Europe wants to meet the challenge of immigration, that is to say face its future, it must win a cultural victory: to overcome distrust… It also means fighting for equality, to set out a continent free from racism and antisemitism… The future of our continent and the future of democracy in the world are at stake." More ‘ideological success from the far right’ = more violence and more racist murders according to Master Abtan. And yet, per capita, the black man and the Asian is far more likely to perpetrate acts of violence upon us that we are on them. Check out the interracial homicide statistics in England and Wales here. Why do you think we are perpetually being reminded of the death of Stephen Lawrence? Because there are so few white-on-black killings, that why. If you wish to stigmatise a gullible society and make its inhabitants feel guilty about things they never did, you need examples. And, when there are so very few, you must keep reminding them of the few there are. On the other hand, if the host society is suffering the depredations of the black and Asian man at a disproportionate level, the data must be kept hidden. Well, unfortunately for the propagandists, despite all the official obfuscation, some of us have been keeping a bit of a count. Go take a peek in the Rogues’ Gallery. How many of the criminals and their victims could you have named before seeing them in there? Almost all of them have never been mentioned in the houses of Parliament. And yet more than four hundred on-message politicians have acknowledged Stephen Lawrence around two thousand times. Anyone who gets to write an article in The New Statesman insisting we need even more immigrants piling in on us is no friend of the British people. This Jewish gentleman does not care what we want or feel. He and his ilk do not clamour for China, India, the rest of Asia, Africa, South America and, most tellingly, Israel, to be inundated by unwanted aliens. It’s only the white world that the Benjamins want deconstructed and, eventually, destroyed. Such men are your enemies, folks, they really are at war with you and yours. Check out another Jew insisting we must take in more migrants here. On 28 May 2012, The Guardian had previously published an open letter titled, ‘We are all Greek Jews,’ which was signed by Abtan and fifteen others. “The neo-Nazi party Golden Dawn entered the Greek parliament this month. With its swastika-inspired emblem, Hitlerian salute, reference to Mein Kampf, antisemitic and racist ideology, Holocaust denial, violence against migrants, threats against journalists and personality cult, the party is the lineal heir of the German national-socialist party that led Europe and the world into chaos and bloodshed. Unfortunately, Greece is not the only country threatened by this revival of Nazi ideology. In Latvia this year, the president of the republic has for the first time supported the annual former Waffen SS march, in spite of strong criticism. In Austria the FPÖ, an extreme right organisation that nurtures Third Reich nostalgia, is favourite in the polls for the next parliamentary elections. In Hungary, the Hungarian Guard Movement, descendant of The Arrow Cross party – the former militia responsible for the extermination of Jews and Gypsies – terrorises Jewish populations and holds direct responsibility for provoking deadly attacks against Roma people. This revival was made possible by the systematic attack by extreme right parties against the republican ideal that recognises that everyone belongs to the same national community, together. This campaign against ‘togetherness’ is modelled on Geert Wilders' strategy for his Freedom party, launched in the early 2000s. The core of this strategy is to hide a rhetoric promoting race inequality behind a "cultural" fight against the so-called ‘Islamisation of Europe.’ In this ongoing economic and social crisis, which favours a frenzied search for scapegoats and strengthens the fear of the decline of the ‘old continent,’ this strategy has been revealed to be worryingly efficient. It has also enabled extreme right parties to support – or even to become members of – governing coalitions, normalising racist and antisemitic speech along the way. This new extreme right has also paved the way for parties which, just like Golden Dawn, can now legitimately win votes while openly promoting hate speech. Faced with this terrifying situation – exemplified by the election of neo-Nazis deputies in the Greek parliament – we are asserting our solidarity: we are all Greek Jews. We refuse to accept that on our continent, Jewish, immigrant, Muslim, Roma or black people might fear for their lives because of who they are. We invite all citizens, political parties, unions, civil society, intellectuals and artists to fight the extreme right by promoting and bringing to life the European dream. We must always remember that this dream was built on the ruins of Nazism. We must never forget about the Shoah. Our dream is of a continent free from racism and antisemitism. It is the project of a society based on ‘togetherness’ – beyond boundaries... We must refute the dogma of austerity which is responsible for terrible damage, creating the conditions that explain the success of populist parties... We must refute the dogma of ‘the European fortress,’ which favours the spread of anti-immigrant speeches and the lockdown of Europe's frontiers, especially when a core element of European postwar identity – its social welfare system – requires the economic input of immigration to remain sustainable. It is of the utmost importance for European institutions to renew their pursuit for democracy, social progress and the promotion of equality. Those citizens who, particularly in times of crisis, are the target of racial and social violence, must be protected. As Europe is undergoing a sustained assault against its core principles, we strongly believe that we must work toward a stronger Europe, right here and now. If we are not able to give life to the European dream, we are condemned to the same nightmare, in Greece and in the rest of Europe.” If you ever wanted to know who was behind the peopling of our world with all manner of hard-faced, grasping foreigners, look no further than Benjamin Abtan and his ghastly crew. ‘Everyone belongs to the same national community, together?’ Really? In which case, why have you never megaphoned your togetherness theories in the wide-open spaces of India, China and beyond? Why have you never said Africa should be 'togethered' with white folks and why did you Jews boot almost a million Arabs out of Palestine in 1948? Why have you build separation walls in Israel to keep the two peoples apart? The hypocrisy of the nine Jews who signed this open letter is truly breathtaking! We all belong to the same community? Clearly you folks don’t. Anyone who’d use all of the following in just one short essay belongs in no kind of a community with me or anyone like me. Those who are, even now, determined to frighten the foolish into committing national genocide with their sheeple-scaring bogey words are about as community-minded as Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot. ‘Neo-Nazi; swastika, Hitlerian, Mein Kampf, antisemitic, racist, Holocaust denial, violence against migrants; German national-socialist party, chaos, bloodshed, Nazi, Waffen SS, Third Reich, Arrow Cross, militia, extermination of Jews and Gypsies; terrorises Jewish populations; deadly attacks against Roma; extreme right parties; populist parties; promoting race inequality; frenzied search for scapegoats; extreme right parties; racist and antisemitic; extreme right; promoting hate speech; terrifying situation; neo-Nazis; Jewish; immigrant, Muslim, Roma or black people might fear for their lives; Nazism; the Shoah; racism; antisemitism; dogmas; dogma; populist parties; dogma; the European fortress, anti-immigrant; lockdown of Europe's frontiers; racial and social violence; sustained assault; nightmare.’ As soon as WWII was won your lot declared war upon us with a ‘European dream’ insistent that the white world, and only the white white world, be ‘togethered’ by all manner of alien peoples unwanted by any but you, your bought politicians and the would-be colonisers. ‘We are all Greek Jews,' Benjy?’ I’m not. I’m with Golden Dawn. Greek through and through, fair play to them for looking after their own when a malign and self-serving globalist establishment would not. If the ‘European dream’ people, the ‘Shoah’ crowd, (check out the almighty Holocaust exaggeration here) the ‘Jewish, immigrant, Muslim, Roma or black' want to ‘fight the extreme right,’ (native, white Europeans who would dare to put their own folk first in their own ancestral homelands) they can do so without me. Those who signed the aforementioned letter were as follows: Abtan; Amos Gitaï; Béate et Serge Klarsfeld; Bernard Kouchner; Bernard-Henri Lévy; Adam Michnik; Elie Wiesel and AB Yehoshua, all of whom are Jewish. It was also signed by Dario Fo; Jovan Dijvak; Svetlana Gannushkina; Anthony Giddens; Amélie Nothomb; Oliviero Toscani and Dominique Sopo, who are not. On 17 May 2012, Dr. Rafael Medoff, author of 'Herbert Hoover and the Jews: The Origins of the ‘Jewish Vote’ and Bipartisan Support for Israel', was interviewed by Matt Lewis for During the programme he said this: “We know from the internal White House memos, correspondence and other documents that the primary reason Truman decided to recognise Israel over the objections of the State department was his fear that large number of Jews might vote republican in 1948... Truman knew that the 1948 election was going to be close. He knew by the Spring of 1948 that his opponent was almost certainly going to be the governor of New York, Thomas Dewey. That meant that New York, a very important state, (which) in those days had the largest number of electoral votes, 47, New York could be in play and the Jewish vote in NY would be very significant. Even in those days the Jewish vote in NY was 10% or more of the electorate... So pure election year politics were a major role is shaping America's early policy.” Those that inhabit the uppermost layers of the jungle canopy are monsters. They will change the world for a vote. They will do great evil just to gain and keep power. The nastily insignificant little man, Harry Truman, was one such monster. On 18 May 2012, this was said in David Silverstein’s influential blog, Tikun Olam: "Stand With Us and Tritons for Israel presented 'Rescuing Human Rights' on Wednesday evening May 15th at the University of California San Diego… The evening began with a harangue by the moderator about the many instances of human rights violations worldwide that are not reported or investigated by certain human rights agencies, including the UN… He went on to distinguish between ‘real’ human rights abuses and the human rights issues in Israel, though the distinction was lost on me… Ms. Goldstein offered a vivid description of the abuse of children by Islamists, teaching children the glory of martyrdom and stuffing them into suicide belts… She asked why the human rights agencies aren’t focused on these abuses. The arguments made, the ideas broached, seem almost inconceivable to me given the sponsorship of the meeting by the State of Israel. And that is the point: Israel would love to change the nature of the human rights discourse, and the evening was indeed devoted to that purpose. Yet, how can a State so utterly deficient on the subject, suddenly come to sponsor human rights events? It is a brazen concept, even insulting... Ms. Goldstein, however, was particularly smug and self-righteous in her condemnations of the Islamist abuse of children as suicide bombers, human shields, and warriors. Here, too, the bubble is easily popped: During Q & A, I asked, via notecard, that inasmuch as her specialty is the violations of children’s human rights, would she comment on the abuse of the 300 children killed in operation Cast Lead? She backed away from the question, reiterating that we can agree that it is not right for Islamic children to be abused, which I took as a plea of nolo contendre. Bell, however, offered a heated response rooted in the fiction of human shields and the rules of ‘war’ etc. (Of course, Cast Lead was only war from the Israeli point of view as there was no actual other side, just a civilian population subjected to F-16’s and tanks! War? More like murder) The mention of the 300 children, a fact that I cannot escape and I do not let others escape, did cast a pall, if only for the moment, over the proceedings and crashed whatever silly hope the organizers might have had that perhaps nobody would rub their collective noses in Israel’s abundantly terrible record. Given this moment, I stalked dramatically out of the auditorium unnoticed by anyone." On 18 May 2012, Marc Tracy said this in The Tablet, ‘a new read on Jewish life.’ “The 36-year-old political wunderkind was squeezing in a meeting with me… before his next appointment, a fundraiser for him hosted by Rep. Henry A. Waxman, Democrat from California—one in a long, long list of veteran Democratic pols eager to help this young man run to represent Arizona’s brand-new 9th Congressional District. That list stretches all the way up to former PRESIDENT CLINTON, CHERNY’S FORMER BOSS… Cherny is the 21st-century version of all-American. ALL FOUR OF HIS GRANDPARENTS SURVIVED THE HOLOCAUST… He went to Harvard. He married Stephanie Fleischman, a lawyer with whom he has two kids… and moved to her hometown of Phoenix, Ariz… Cherny told me: ‘ISRAEL’S SECURITY AND AMERICA’S SECURITY ARE INEXTRICABLY LINKED’… A decade ago, Slate’s David Plotz called Cherny ‘Clinton’s truest heir,’ which he didn’t mean in an entirely positive way. For all Clinton’s successes—and IF YOU’RE A PROGRESSIVE, those were eight extremely good years—the president was a pure political animal… so WILLING TO COMPROMISE HIS OWN PRINCIPLES FOR THE SAKE OF GETTING A RESULT THAT CRITICS ACCUSED HIM OF LACKING PRINCIPLES ALTOGETHER. Since 2001, Cherny has been, in the Clinton tradition, an AVID POLICY WONK… Cherny no doubt intends to vote in support of the Jewish state if he is elected." On 23 May 2012, Ahmed Moor said this on the Mondoweiss web site: "It was only three-and-a-half years ago that the Israeli army killed 1,400 Palestinians in Gaza - almost a third of whom were children. At the time the Israeli public barely reacted. The country's media covered the massacre in a way that either reflected or enabled a 94% approval rating for what was happening - within sight - in the name of the whole nation. It wasn't until Judge Richard Goldstone recommended that Israel and Hamas both investigate potential war crimes (14 Israelis were killed; four of them by friendly fire) that some people began to worry. But just a little. And not enough to prevent the killing of 9 unarmed Turkish human rights activists in international waters. The 'elite' Israeli commandos commandeered the flotilla and returned home. They were saluted and lionized in the press - but only in Israel. Elsewhere, Zionists struggled to explain the Israeli line to skeptical publics. Justifying an invasion in international waters proved impossible. The til-then-unnoticed, unrecognized, or unacknowledged deterioration in Israel's legitimacy suddenly accelerated. And not just in Europe. Today, the conversation about Zionism in America is dramatically different from what it was only a few years ago. Few credible people are willing to insist that the Palestinians and Israelis engage in 'negotiations.' The fiction that underpinned the call for a 'peace process' - that the two parties are mutual antagonists to a symmetrical dispute - has been unraveled.” On 1 July 2012, the essay, Jews DO control the media by Manny Friedman (Elad Nehorai) was published by the Times of Israel web site: This said: "We brag about Jewish authors, Jewish politicians, Jewish directors. Every time someone mentions any movie or book or piece of art, we inevitably say something like, “Did you know that he was Jewish?” That’s just how we roll. We’re a driven group, and not just in regards to the art world. We have, for example, AIPAC, which was essentially constructed just to drive agenda in Washington DC. And it succeeds admirably. And we brag about it. Again, it’s just what we do... Let’s be honest with ourselves, here, fellow Jews. We do control the media. We’ve got so many dudes up in the executive offices in all the big movie production companies it’s almost obscene. Just about every movie or TV show… is rife with actors, directors, and writers who are Jewish. Did you know that all eight major film studios are run by Jews?" And thus does the centuries-long disinformation, spin, propaganda and lie predominate. On behalf of an intensely malign ruling clique. To the benefit, supposedly, of that clique. To the detriment, certainly, of the vast majority outside the loop. I say ‘supposedly’ because, when that majority discovers how profoundly those with the power to shape their opinions, beliefs and world-view have fooled, conned and betrayed them, the vengeful backlash is likely to be considerable. And they WILL discover these things. When the Jew cannot resist ‘bragging’ about his control of the media; when the stone bl**ding obvious is up close and personal, in your face and, if you don’t want to get done over by the nu-revelatory Hebrew, undeniable; when it isn’t just blokes like us trying to warn the unenlightened as to the real state of affairs; just about everyone is going to find out who’s really in charge and what their agenda is, was and always will be. At which point, one wonders whether the world might just go bang quite some time before the prophecy-wallahs wanted it to. The prophecy-wallahs wanted it that way! Just in case you're a tad sceptical, it has all been said before. Here's just one instance. On 19 December 2008, Joel Stein said this in his LA Times essay, Who runs Hollywood? C'mon. “Only 22% of Americans now believe ‘the movie and television industries are pretty much run by Jews,’ down from nearly 50% in 1964. The Anti-Defamation League, which released the poll results last month, sees in these numbers a victory against stereotyping. Actually, it just shows HOW DUMB AMERICA HAS GOTTEN. JEWS TOTALLY RUN HOLLYWOOD. How deeply Jewish is Hollywood? When the studio chiefs took out a full-page ad in the Los Angeles Times a few weeks ago to demand that the Screen Actors Guild settle its contract, the open letter was signed by: News Corp. President Peter Chernin (Jewish), Paramount Pictures Chairman Brad Grey (Jewish), Walt Disney Co. Chief Executive Robert Iger (Jewish), Sony Pictures Chairman Michael Lynton (surprise, Dutch Jew), Warner Bros. Chairman Barry Meyer (Jewish), CBS Corp. Chief Executive Leslie Moonves (so Jewish his great uncle was the first prime minister of Israel), MGM Chairman Harry Sloan (Jewish) and NBC Universal Chief Executive Jeff Zucker (mega-Jewish). If either of the Weinstein brothers had signed, this group would have (had) the power to shut down all film production… The person they were yelling at in that ad was SAG President Alan Rosenberg (take a guess). The scathing rebuttal to the ad was written by entertainment super-agent Ari Emanuel (Jew with Israeli parents)… The Jews are so dominant, I had to scour the trades to come up with six Gentiles in high positions at entertainment companies. When I called them to talk about their incredible advancement, five of them refused to talk to me, apparently out of fear of insulting Jews. The sixth, AMC President Charlie Collier, turned out to be Jewish… YES, WE CONTROL HOLLYWOOD… I called ADL Chairman Abe Foxman... He dismissed my whole proposition, saying that the number of people who think Jews run Hollywood is still too high. The ADL poll, he pointed out, showed that 59% of Americans think Hollywood execs 'do not share the religious and moral values of most Americans,' and 43% think the entertainment industry is waging an organized campaign to 'weaken the influence of religious values in this country.' ‘That's a very dangerous phrase, 'Jews control Hollywood.' What is true is that there are a lot of Jews in Hollywood,’ he said. Instead of 'control,' Foxman would prefer people say that many executives in the industry 'happen to be Jewish,' as in 'all eight major film studios are run by men who happen to be Jewish.' But Foxman said he is proud of the accomplishments of American Jews. 'I think Jews are disproportionately represented in the creative industry. They're disproportionate as lawyers and probably medicine here as well,' he said.” Don't forget banking, Abe! And politics! And education! They Jew is not, of course, 'disproportionately represented' down the mines, digging ditches, laying bricks, in the factories, cleaning toilets, on the farms or (Israel excepted) at the battlefront. And never has been. From the web site of Neturei Karta, Jews united against Zionism, ‘Why Orthodox Jews are Opposed to the Zionist State.’ “The so-called ‘State of Israel’ is diametrically opposed and completely contradictory to the true essence and foundation of the People of Israel... If one contemplates the two thousand years of our exile, take any hundred years even the hardest, one will not find as much suffering, bloodshed and catastrophes for the People of Israel (as) in the period of the Zionists, and it is known that most of the suffering of this century was caused by the Zionists, as our Rabbis warned us would be the case. It is openly stated in books written by the founders of Zionism that the means by which they planned to establish a state was BY INSTIGATING ANTI-SEMITISM, AND UNDERMINING THE SECURITY OF THE JEWS IN ALL THE LANDS OF THE WORLD, UNTIL THEY WOULD BE FORCED TO FLEE TO THEIR STATE. And thus they did - THEY INTENTIONALLY INFURIATED THE GERMAN PEOPLE AND FANNED THE FLAMES OF NAZI HATRED, AND THEY HELPED THE NAZIS, WITH TRICKERY AND DECEIT, TO TAKE WHOLE JEWISH COMMUNITIES OFF TO THE CONCENTRATION CAMPS, AND THE ZIONISTS THEMSELVES ADMIT THIS. (See the books Perfidy, Min Hameitzor, etc.). The Zionists continue to practice this strategy today. THEY INCITE ANTI-SEMITISM AND THEN THEY PRESENT THEMSELVES AS THE ‘SAVIORS.’ Here are two replies given by Leaders of the Zionists during World War II, when they were asked for money to help ransom Jews from the Nazis. Greenbaum said ‘One cow in Palestine is worth more than all the Jews in Poland.’ Weitzman said, ‘The most important part of the Jewish people is already in the land (of Israel) and THOSE WHO ARE LEFT, ARE UNIMPORTANT’… We see that most of world Jewry lives in security and under good physical conditions, and have no desire to go live in the Zionist State. Whereas many people have left the Zionist State to live under better conditions in other lands… THE ZIONIST STATE COULD NOT CONTINUE TO EXIST WITHOUT ECONOMIC SUPPORT FROM JEWS LIVING OUTSIDE OF THE ZIONIST STATE… THEY START WARS THAT ENDANGER THE JEWISH PEOPLE, FOR THE SAKE OF THEIR OWN POLITICAL INTERESTS... THE ZIONISTS HAVE ENOUGH CONTROL OVER THE AMERICAN NEWS MEDIA TO MAKE SURE THAT ONLY THEIR SIDE OF THE STORY IS HEARD. They make it look like all Jewry and their rabbis are Zionists, but this is false propaganda. THE MOST IMPORTANT RABBIS AND THE MAJORITY OF RELIGIOUS JEWRY ARE OPPOSED TO ZIONISM, BUT THEIR VOICE IS NOT HEARD BECAUSE OF ZIONIST CONTROL OF AMERICAN NEWS MEDIA. THE ZIONISTS TERRORIZE EVERYONE WHO SPEAKS OUT AGAINST THEM. That part of the Jewish masses which is fooled by Zionist propaganda puts pressure on their Rabbis not to speak out. Between the terror and the pressure of the masses most of the Rabbis are prevented from speaking out.” In the Winter 2012 edition of the American Council for Judaism Issues, its editor, Allan C. Brownfeld, says this: “Attacks on Jewish critics of Zionism and Israeli policies are growing increasingly strident in an effort to silence and isolate the increasing number of men and women who are speaking out… The effort to intimidate Jewish critics of Zionism and of Israeli policies. a group whose numbers are growing dramatically, is becoming increasingly strident. The use of the term ‘self-hating Jew’ is often applied to such critics. One place to find this label flung at Jewish critics has been the website Masada 2000, whose ‘S.H.I.T. List’ contained almost 8,000 names… The Jewish tradition of wrestling with, among other things, the truth, is now under attack by THOSE WHO WOULD SILENCE OPEN DISCUSSION. This is leading to the alienation of many, in particular young people.”