Marketing automation is powerful, effective, and saves a huge amount of time for marketers. Setting funnels based on where people are in the buying cycle provides targeted marketing that addresses the lead’s pain point at that moment in time.
However, before you can start behavior-based marketing, you’ve got to generate leads.
While you can go with the traditional ebook download or gated video approach, a nontraditional lead source gaining momentum is the quiz. You now see quizzes in your Facebook feed — they are undeniably popular, and they can also be an incredibly useful lead generation source that drives actual sales.
Today I’ll take you through an exact template of how to create a lead gen quiz with Interact, complete with directions on connecting your Interact quiz with ONTRAPORT which will automate your lead follow-up.
How to create the quiz
1. Link Your Quiz to Your Biz: The Idea
The reason quizzes elicit such visceral reactions — getting 10x more shares than written posts — is because they play to our narcissistic tendencies. We love to learn about ourselves, and a quiz promises to help us do that.
All you have to do as a business owner is figure out a clever way to put that into quiz format that links back to your business. For example, if your company offers marketing consultation services, you may write a quiz such as, “What celebrity personality is your marketing style most like?”
2. The Pub Rule: How to Write Engaging Quiz Questions
After you draw someone into the (often mindless) fun of taking a quiz, build some rapport with them so that they’ll opt in to your site at the end of the quiz. The easiest way to do that is with conversational content — write like a friend, not a business. Remember, people are taking this quiz out of amusement and possibly boredom, not to take a serious look at themselves.
Here’s how to write awesome quiz questions:
Use personal pronouns like “I,” “you,” “we,” etc. Since these are used in everyday conversation, they’ll make your content flow more naturally.
Keep it to fewer than ten questions: It’ll give readers enough time to trust you without getting bored of your quiz and quitting.
My favorite: Be a tipsy version of yourself. This is called the pub rule, and it was invented by one of our earliest customers at Interact, The Irish Post. Their editor’s rule for writing quiz questions is that you can’t ask anything you wouldn’t ask with your mates at a pub.
3. The Lead Capture
Your reader may be drawn into taking your quiz, but it’s what happens after – the lead capture – that’s most important. Interact gives you the option to display a lead capture form that the quiz takers must fill out before you give them the results.
Whether you’re simply asking for email addresses or you want names, phone numbers, etc., there’s an art to subtly persuading quiz-takers to give you their information
Here are the three techniques I see convert time after time:
Offer an incentive beyond just seeing the results of the quiz. Yes, the quiz taker is initially motivated by wanting to see their results, but that’s only part of what you should offer. Offer a free gift (as in the example below), enter quiz takers in a giveaway, or offer exclusive content. Ensure you add value to their experience.
Be honest about your communications. Tell people exactly how often you send out emails. Many people will find your quiz on social media and be wary of handing over contact information unless you are upfront about how frequently you’ll reach out.
Only ask for what you need. If you never call leads, don’t ask for phone numbers. If you’re not a local business, don’t ask for their address, etc.
4. Finally, Connect With ONTRAPORT
The TL;DR: Get an API Key from ONTRAPORT, and plug that into Interact to connect quizzes to ONTRAPORT. Then whenever someone fills out your lead capture form, the lead information is dropped into ONTRAPORT where you can tag them by quiz results to kick off your automated lead nurture campaign.
Now here’s the long version.
Log in to ONTRAPORT and navigate to the Administration area of your dashboard. This is found in the dropdown menu that shows up by clicking your email address in the top right of the web page:
Click on ONTRAPORT API Instructions and the Key Manager located under the Integrations subheading:
Next, click on the New API Key button to generate a new API Key to use with Interact:
If this is your first API Key, you will be required to input additional information about what the Key will be used for. Fill out those fields.
Next, name your Key and be sure that the options highlighted below are all checked:
Once your API Key is successfully created, find your ONTRAPORT App ID and API Key as shown in the image below:
Now enter your ONTRAPORT App ID and API Key into the Interact form and click Connect API.
Continue with the ONTRAPORT connection process until you’re completely integrated.
That’s it! You are all ready to go!
5. The Virality Launchpoint: Quiz Results
Quiz results are known as the virality launchpoint because this is where you give quiz-takers/leads an opportunity to share their result and send their friends to take your quiz. The results can also be an effective starting point for funneling people to personalized content.
Let’s look at my best practices for quiz results.
Use an excellent image (probably customized). Pre-filled quiz results content will say something such as: “I got (my result)(title of the quiz)” with the image from their particular quiz results prominently featured. That image will have a huge bearing on whether a friend clicks the link and takes the quiz. I’ve noticed that the best quizzes use really great images and a lot of them are custom graphics just for that quiz.
Include relevant links. The results are personalized to each quiz taker, so use links that lead to content best suited for that individual. This is a great place to get people actively engaging with your brand since they’re bound to be curious about themselves after the quiz.
Be super positive but honest. Positive emotions get shared more than negative ones. Keep your quiz results upbeat, but don’t just blow smoke.
Sample quiz results:
Now Follow Up and Close the Sale
Leads that come in from your quiz are automatically added to ONTRAPORT and tagged by the results they got. These are warm, but not yet buy-ready leads. Follow this template and watch them convert every time.
1. Immediate Follow-up: “You’re a _______” or “Which Result Did You Get?”
Right after someone opts in, send them an email with one of the two above headlines. In the email body, introduce yourself and your company, and thank the person for joining your email list.
This email reminds people of how you got their contact information and starts the conversation after the quiz.
2. Second Follow-up: “Here’s a Relevant Resource.”
Somewhere between a day and a week after your first email, send a follow-up email with a resource relevant to the actual quiz result each person got (this can be set up by having different Sequences for different results in ONTRAPORT). This email acts as the bridge between the quiz and your product offering — beginning to steer the conversation towards a sale.
3. Third Follow-up: “Here’s a Bigger Resource for Your Personality.”
The third email adds more value by offering the quiz taker a comprehensive resource (video, white paper, infographic, etc.) that’s relevant to quiz results and helpful to what they want to achieve.
4. Fourth Follow-up: “Register for a Webinar/Free Trial/Buy Now.”
Somewhere between email four and six is the time to have a CTA. This can be for a webinar, a free trial, or a product purchase. You’ve already invested time and resources into this person via email, and if they’re still interested, you can ask for some of their time.
Now Over to You
It’s incredibly exciting to see the power that comes with marketing automation; there’s just so much it can do, but there’s always going to be the issue of how to feed your automation pipelines, and that’s where quizzes come in.
I encourage you to give this quiz and follow-up template a try; it’s easy to implement and yields a huge ROI.
About Interact
Interact, ONTRAPORT’s latest integration, allows users to easily create and embed beautiful quizzes to your website to engage customers and generate leads.
The post Feed Your Business More Leads with Quizzes appeared first on The ONTRAPORT Blog.