

Yogyakarta | 11 – 14 Agustus 2015 | Rp 8.000.000,-
Yogyakarta | 08 – 11 September 2015 | Rp 8.000.000,-
Yogyakarta | 20 – 23 Oktober 2015 | Rp 8.000.000,-
Yogyakarta | 10 – 13 November 2015 | Rp 8.000.000,-
Yogyakarta | 01 – 04 Desember 2015 | Rp 8.000.000,-


Pelatihan ini akan memberikan pemahaman yang komprehensif tentang centrifugal pumps, compressors, motors, dan variable frequency drives termasuk piston pumps, plunger pumps, rotary pumps, screw pumps, 2 & 3 – lobe pumps, cam pumps, vane pumps, bellows-type metering pumps, diaphragm pumps, canned motor pumps, centrifugal pumps; trunk piston compressors, sliding crosshead piston compressors, diaphragm compressors, rotary screw compressors, straight lobe compressors, sliding vane compressors, liquid ring, centrifugal, dan axial compressors; pneumatic, piston, electric, dan electrohydraulic actuators; motors dan variable frequency drives. Hal ini juga akan fokus pada memaksimalkan efisiensi, kehandalan, dan umur panjang dari peralatan dengan memberikan pemahaman tentang Selection, Sizing, Applications, Operation, Diagnostic Testing, Troubleshooting & Maintenance.

Program pelatihan ini harus diikuti bagi para personel yang terlibat dalam proses seleksi, aplikasi, atau pemeliharaan pumps, compressors, valves, motors, dan variable frequency drives karena mencakup bagaimana peralatan ini beroperasi, teknik pemeliharaan ter-update, dan memberikan pedoman dan aturan yang menjamin keberhasilan pengoperasian peralatan ini. Selain itu, akan juga meng-cover secara detail mengenai basic design, karakteristik operasi, spesifikasi, kriteria seleksi, teknik deteksi kesalahan, komponen kritis dan semua metode pemeliharaan preventif dan prediktif untuk meningkatkan keandalan peralatan dan meminimalisir biaya operasi dan perawatan.

Informasi penting juga akan disediakan untuk semua pompa sentrifugal dan kompresor, motor, dan variable frequency drives, yaitu:

Basic Design


Kriteria Seleksi

Sizing Calculations

Enclosures & Sealing Arrangements

Kode dan Standard

Masalah Operasional Umum

Semua Diagnostik, Troubleshooting, Testing, Maintenance


Pelatihan industrial equipment ini akan memberikan pengetahuan praktis aplikatif serta ketrampilan praktek tentang Selection, Sizing, Applications, Operation, Diagnostic Testing, Troubleshooting & Maintenance pada compressors, pumps, motors & variable drives secara tepat, benar dan aman.

Pelatihan diberikan melalui metode pelatihan yang interaktif untuk meningkatkan proses pembelajaran. Metode ini memastikan bahwa semua peserta mendapatkan pemahaman lengkap dari semua topik yang dibahas. Peserta akan belajar dengan studi kasus yang akan memungkinkan mereka untuk memiliki kompetensi yang maksimal dan dapat diaplikasikan di lapangan.


1. Pump Categories, Centrifugal Pumps, Centrifugal Pump Mechanical Seals, Positive Displacement Pumps, Troubleshooting of Pumps, Pump Selection

Pump Categories: Dynamic (Centrifugal) and Positive Displacement (Reciprocating and Rotary)

Centrifugal Pumps: Operation, Casings and Diffusers, Hydrostatic Pressure Tests, Impellers, Hydraulic Balancing Devices, Mechanical Seals, Minimum Flow Requirement, Performance Characteristics, Cavitation, and Net positive Suction Head

Maintenance Recommended for Centrifugal Pumps

Vibration Analysis and Predictive Maintenance

Centrifugal Pump Mechanical Seals, Basic Components, Seal balance, Face Pressure, Pressure-Velocity, Power Consumption, Temperature Control

Seal Lubrication/Leakage, Single Inside Pusher Seal, Classification of Seals by Arrangements, Classifications of Seals by Design, Materials of Construction

Applications, Types of Mechanical Seals, Common Failure Modes of Seals, Seal Refurbishment, Gland Plates and Piping Arrangements

Installation and Troubleshooting of Mechanical Seals

Reciprocating Pumps, Piston Pumps, Plunger Pumps, Rotary Pumps, Screw Pumps, Two- and Three-Lobe Pumps

Cam Pumps, Vane Pumps, Bellows-Type Metering Pumps

Diaphragm Pumps

Canned Motor Pumps, Seal-less Pump Motors

Pump Maintenance, Inspection, Overhaul, Diagnoses of Pump Troubles

Troubleshooting of Centrifugal Pumps,

Troubleshooting of Rotary Pumps

Troubleshooting of Reciprocating Pumps

Water Hammer


Used Oil Analysis

Pump Selection

Pumping System Calculations

Workshop: Design and selection of Different Pumping Systems for the Oil and Gas Industry, and the Power Generation Industry

Vibration Analysis and Predictive Maintenance

Diagnostics of Pumping Systems

Pump Drivers

2. Valve Selection, Linear and Rotary Valves, Control Valves, Positioners, and Actuators

Valve Selection

Linear Valves & Rotary Valves

Valve selection considerations

Valve Maintenance

Basics of Valve Design (Seats and Seals)

Sealing The Valve Stem

Leakless Valves

Valve Materials

Preventing Valve Material Failure

Non-metallic Valves

General Categories of Control Valves

Range ability, End Connections, Shutoff Capability

Valve Sizing

Choked Flow

Gas and Steam Sizing

Control Valve Sizing and selection, Control Valve Cavitation, Control Valve Noise

Pneumatic of Actuators, Piston Actuators, Electric Actuators, Hydraulic Actuators


Live Loading

Diagnostic Testing of Control Loops

Air-Operated Valves Diagnostics

Motors-Operated Valves Diagnostics

3. Gas Laws, Compressor Types and Applications, Positive Displacement Compressors, Dynamic Compressors, Dynamic Compressors Performance, Surge Prevention Systems and Testing, Choking, and Anti-choking Systems, and Compressor Seals, Compressor System Calculations, Sizing of Compressor System Components, Bearings, Lubrication, Vibration Analysis and Predictive Maintenance, Induction Motors, and Maintenance of Motors

Perfect and Imperfect Gases

Compressor Polytropic Efficiency and Power Requirements

Compressor Volumetric Flow Rate and Volumetric Efficiency

Rotary and Reciprocating Compressors

Dynamic Compressors (Centrifugal and Axial)

Compressor Performance Measurement

Receivers, Compressor Control, and Compressor Unloading Systems

Preventive Maintenance and Housekeeping

Performance of Positive Displacement Compressors

Reciprocating Compressors Troubleshooting and Maintenance

Diaphragm Compressors

Rotary Screw Compressors and Filter Separators

Straight Lobe Compressors

Recent Developments in Liquid/Gas Separation Technology

Dynamic Compressor Technology

Centrifugal and Axial Compressors

Simplifies Equations for Determining the Performance of Dynamic Compressors

Centrifugal Compressors – Components, Performance Characteristics, Balancing, Surge Prevention Systems and Testing

Choking, and Anti-Choking Systems

Compressor Auxiliaries, Off-Design Performance, Stall, and Surge

Dynamic Compressors Performance

Surge Limit, Stonewall, Prevention of Surge, Anti-Surge Control Systems

Compressor Seal Systems

Gas Seals, Liquid Seals, Liquid Bushing Seals, Contact Seals, Restricted Bushing Seals, Seal Liquid leakage System

Dry Seals, Advanced Sealing Mechanisms, and Magnetic Bearings

Compressor System Calculations

Sizing of Compressor System Components, Sizing of Gas Receiver

Workshop – Case Studies: Design and Selection of Different Compressor Systems for the Oil and Gas industry, and the Power Generation Industry

Bearings, Types of Bearings, Thrust Bearings

Lubrication, Viscosity of Lubricants, Non-Newtonian Fluids, and Greases

Used Oil Analysis

Vibration Analysis and Predictive Maintenance

Vibration Causes, Resonant Frequency, Vibration in Predictive Maintenance, Diagnostics

Induction motor construction, rotor slip, electrical frequency of the rotor, losses and the power flow diagram, induction motor torque-speed characteristics, variation of the torque-speed characteristics, starting induction motors, induction motor starting circuits

Speed control of induction motors, speed control by changing the line frequency, speed control by changing the line voltage, speed control by changing the rotor resistance, solid-state induction motor drives, motor protection, induction generator, induction generator operating alone, induction motor ratings

Characteristics of Motors, enclosures and cooling methods, failures in three-phase stator windings, predictive maintenance, motor troubleshooting, diagnostic testing of motors, repair and refurbishment of ac induction motors

Power Electronics components, rectifier circuits, filtering rectifier output, pulse circuits, voltage variation by ac phase control, inverters, pulse-width modulation (PWM) inverters

Variable speed (frequency) drives, principles of ac variable speed drives, inverters, insulated gate bipolar transistors (IGBT’s), pulse-width modulated inverters, input power converter (rectifier), output IGBT inverter, magnetic breaking, regeneration, transients, harmonics, power factor and failures, common failure modes, thyristor failures and testing, IGBT switching transients, cabling details for ac drives, motor bearing currents, selection criteria for variable speed drives, maintenance, common failure modes, motor application guidelines


Pelatihan industrial equipment ini sesuai diikuti oleh para Operator, Teknisi, Engineer, Managers/Supervisors, Maintenance Personnel, dan personel terkait yang membutuhkan pelatihan ini.


Batch 8 : 11 – 14 Agustus 2015

Batch 9 : 8 – 11 September 2015

Batch 10 : 20 – 23 Oktober 2015

Batch 11 : 10 – 13 November 2015

Batch 12 : 1 – 4 Desember 2015

08.00 – 16.00 WIB

Ibis Malioboro Hotel Yogyakarta ; Ibis Styles Hotel Yogyakarta ; Horison Hotel Yogyakarta

In House Training : Depend on request



Diskusi dan studi kasus


Interactive Consultation

Case Study


Ir. Gregorius Harjanto

Dr. Ir. Viktor Malau DEA


Rp 8.000.000,- /participant (non residensial)*

Special Rate: Rp 7.500.000,- (min 3 participants from the same company)


Meeting Room di Hotel

Module/Materi (hard & soft copy)

Training Kit

Coffe Break & Lunch



Airport pick up services

Transportation during training

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