For a first time website publisher there can be many misleading and confusingly new words and terms to get to grips with when starting an online business. This can be especially true when it comes to trying to generate web traffic for your website, and so we have decided to create this simple article, listing and explaining various terms you will come across when researching various traffic generating methods which you may not be too familiar with.
Web Traffic refers simply to any visitors which your website gets. If your website is not visited by anyone, then it has no web traffic and cannot make you any money. Having more traffic on your site greatly increases the chances of it turning you a profit and a large part of your day to day working life with an online business is spent in the pursuit of traffic.
S.E.O. (Search Engine Optimization)
Search engine optimization is a method of generating traffic that unsurprisingly involves the world wide web’s search engines, such as Google, Bing and Yahoo. S.E.O is the blanket term given to a whole host of different practices which all work together with the collective aim of achieving as high a ranking on any given S.E.R.P as possible.
S.E.R.P (Search Engine Results Page)
S.E.R.P is the abbreviation for search engine results page. This is a very important thing to understand in terms of search engine optimization, as your site’s position on the S.E.R.P for any given keyword is the basis on which you can judge the effectiveness of both the keyword and your overall S.E.O strategy.
Keywords are words that hold a specific meaning relevant to the workings of your website and it’s niche of operations. The are rarely single words, instead usually consisting of around two or three words, unless they are longtail keywords, (more on them later…). The most frequent use of keywords is in search engine optimization, where the keyword often represents the search term you would like people to use in order to find your website. They are also used in advertising and social media exploitation, to some extent.
Longtail Keywords
Longtail keywords are pretty much the same as regular keywords, only longer, usually around five to seven words in length. They allow for a far more specific search term in S.E.O, in return for a usually lower search frequency.
Social Media Exploitation
Social media exploitation is the term given to any traffic generating strategy that uses the social media websites of the world wide web as a source of finding visitors for your site. Be it Twitter, Google+, Tumblr, Instagram, Pinterest or even Facebook, the social networks of the web can be used to generate traffic for your site.
Contextual Targeting By Genre
Contextual targeting by genre is one of two ways in which you can improve the effectiveness of any visitors you buy from us here at Traffic Masters. During your ordering process you will be prompted to select a genre, or type, of visitor for us to locate for your website. This helps to ensure that the visitors which we send to your site, have at least some relevance to what your site has to offer as opposed to being just a random selection of visitors with no specific interests in common.
Contextual Targeting By Location
As you may have already guessed, contextual targeting by location is the other way in which you can improve the effectiveness of any visitors you buy from us here at Traffic Masters. Once again, you will be prompted during our ordering process to select a specific real world location from which you would like us to source your ideal website visitors. This is yet another way of ensuring that the visitors which we sell to you have an interest in what you are selling and is particularly important when you consider the potential barriers that can be thrown up by differences in language and currency which can occur in a truly global environment, like that which exists online.
Now, we are quite sure that you will have known what at least a few of the above terms meant already, but probably not them all. If you did already know them all, oh well, sorry for wasting your time, but the fact of the matter is that these terms are of pretty significant importance when it comes to generating web traffic in many different ways and double checking you know what they actually mean will ultimately do you no harm in the long run. Be sure to inform us if there is anything else you would like to know about concerning website visitors, especially if it relates to the work we do at Traffic Masters specifically.
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