

The “LGBT community” has come a long way from its origins in the underworld. As recently as the 1980s, individuals engaging in homosexual activity were perceived as being in the grips of a ghastly suicidal perversion; devoid of dignity and grossly lacking in respect for the human body. They were pariahs, a minority of freaks with short life expectancies, sinking in a world of substance abuse, mental illness, crippling diseases, and predation upon the innocent.

Thirty years later, queers haven’t changed a bit, but now they’ve got friends in high places. The knife-wielding transexuals we grew up fighting on the streets of fictional New York City in Final Fight (an export from the “call them as you see them” Japanese) have been rehabilitated by Jews into pop culture’s offering of a heroic ideal. Symbols of white Western manhood, the cowboy and the soldier, have been reduced to nothing more than costumes for degenerates to cosplay in. Millions of alienated youth and victims of child molestation are teetering on the margins, and their anguish–which suggests a genuine need for counseling or a helping hand–is instead used to drive them over the edge through perpetual exposure to vile, dishonest propaganda from the rocking cradle to the hearse.

In most of the West, to insinuate sexual intent when homosexuals adopt children is a taboo that will expose dissidents to violence, employment termination, or mass media induced defamation. The gangsters in Chinos have been given a seat at the table of world power by the Jewish establishment, largely due to the intersectionality (a Cultural Marxist/Jewish buzzword) of the two groups’ interests and membership.

Systematic suppression aside, the idea that homosexuals–or at least a significant portion of them–seek to and actively do molest children has always been scientific and social consensus. Yet, the fact that homosexual men have the strongest gender preference for little boys out of all “combinations” of couples when they adopt must be presumed to be innocent, for the same reason Darwin’s theories were censored in favor of the party-line propping Lamarckism in Stalin’s Russia.

Anecdotally, “gay” men, when they interact with normal people, get along best with straight women and girls, not heterosexual men or boys. With one out of every four queers admitting to having had sexual contact with a boy under 16 as an adult, it can be concluded that gay adoption is nothing more than an organized child grooming ring enjoying a degree of legal immunity.

The immunity comes from the arresting effects of Jewish-enforced political correctness on law enforcement, a problem that Australian customs officials admitted made them hesitant to ask too many questions about the little boy Peter Truong and Mark Newton “adopted” in Russia. Truong and Newton sexually abused the six year old, and shared him with fellow queers around the world.

It took extra time for police to rescue the boy, because the two sadistic fags brainwashed the innocent soul to think what they were doing to him was normal. Something similar is happening on an industrial scale in public schools and many private schools, which are mandating homosexual propaganda (thanks to pressure from Jewish lesbians, such as the NEA’s Randi Weingarten) in a thinly veiled fashion for kindergartners all around the country. There is an unending list of cases of this sort that you can find through very elementary research that never breaks the glass ceiling separating local media and national media. And there are more similar tragedies that are happening as we speak, perhaps even right next door if you live in a state where homosexuals are allowed to adopt or utilize surrogates.

Dr Goldberg can spin it a million ways to Saturday, but on “TLA Gay” (“The world’s leader in gay adult home entertainment”) the second most popular gay porn movie at the time of this publication is Fathers and Sons 2, which is about two older homosexual men who compel their own teenage sons to be shared in an orgy. Shortly after the Boy Scouts announced that they would be lifting a ban on queer counselors, a porno called Counselor Week at Camp Liberty has shot up to #4 on the best seller list.

Summer camp and Boy Scout themed pornography is a well-worn fetish in the “LGBT community”, and thus this new policy has them barely containing their excitement. On the same website, there are dozens of films popular enough for multiple sequels dedicated to this scenario, such as the “Into the Woods” series, “Scouts on Patrol”, “Campfire Twinks”, “Chicken Patrol”, and scores of others, featuring teen or pre-teen looking boys dressed in knock off Boy Scout uniforms.

Bug Catchers and Gift Givers: More Common Than You Think

Even though 20% of all homosexual men in America have HIV/AIDS (which is definitely a very low ball estimate) and men who have sex with men account for 61% of all new cases every year , modern medicine in the field has outpaced research for virtually every other crippling disease.

The billions poured into treating HIV has allowed homosexuals to live longer than ever, in contrast to people with more common yet equally deadly diseases that do not. The fruit of this social [mal]investment can be seen in the numerous drugs tailored to prevent HIV, from Pre-exposure Prophylaxis, which make you immune to the virus while taking it, all the way to HIV “morning after pills” that retroactively protect homos from HIV if taken 72 hours after unprotected anal, blood, semen, or fecal contact.

The quiet outrage over hundreds of billions spent over the years so that homosexuals don’t have to use condoms has led to the creation of FAIR (“Fair Allocation In Research”), a syndicate composed of scientists and doctors protesting the horrifically disproportionate amount of money given to HIV research, all while diseases that kill millions every year in the United States are ignored by both public and private grant-givers, as seen in the chart below. The only other illness where funding outpaces deaths per year is another STD homosexuals are very prone to getting: Hepatitis B:

With all the resources and treatments available for gay men exposed to HIV/AIDS, researchers are feigning confusion (or else lose their jobs) as to why the rate of infection per year is today approaching 1980s levels. Additionally, even those who perform homosexual anal penetration without condoms on average organically have to engage in violent sodomy 122 times to make seroconversion likely.

The only explanation we can conclude here is that homosexuals just don’t care about giving other people AIDS, and in many cases, actively seek the infection as part of a morbid, homocidal sexual fantasy.

The Homocidal “POZ”, the Willing “NEGS”, and “Barebacking” Culture

One fairly popular colon-unfriendly pornographic film is called Viral Loads, directed by a rather mysterious figure named Paul Morris of Treasure Island Media. The star of the film is “Blue Bailey”, a real life HIV vector who engages in a condomless orgies with scores of men, many whom are HIV negative. The prospect of spreading HIV is the very draw of the film, and Treasure Island Media takes it to an utterly repulsive level:

“The willing, hungry lad gets gang-fucked by a roomful of studs. Most are poz [HIV-positive], some are neg. Who the fuck cares? Not Blue, that’s for fuckin’ sure.

To finish up his man worship initiation, we bring out a brimful jar full of more than 200 poz loads. Blue’s good buddies Dayton O’connor and Drew Sebastian carefully squirt every fucking drop up Blue’s knocked-up ass. Max X slurps Blue’s jizz-leaking ass throughout, establishing himself as the new world’s felching-champeen.”

Other films produced by the company–widespread despite legal liabilities–portray homosexuals eating, receiving, and even injecting HIV positive semen into themselves. The media and the suit-and-tie queers play off “bug-catchers” and “gift-givers” as a fringe, but the facts say otherwise. Away from the eyes of the general public, homosexual lobbies financed by Jewish elites (including major GOP donors like Paul Singer) such as the Human Rights Campaign are working to actually repeal laws that punish those who maliciously expose others to HIV/AIDS or withhold their status from partners.

According to a survey of London homosexuals, 94% were likely to forego condom use with a stranger if he was good looking. In a 2013 study by Sanchez, Sineath, Kahle, et al at Emory University, 43% of HIV positive men had condomless anal intercourse with people who were likely HIV negative. 72% of HIV positive men were likely to perform sexual acts without condoms in general, compared to 61% of HIV negative homosexuals.

The union of capital and state that is stifling social and scientific criticism of the homosexual “lifestyle” at the moment has ultimately brought the mental illness of homosexuality–once contained by public shaming–to a new level of depravity. According to Dr Bob Cabaj, the former president of the Gay and Lesbian Medical Association, “bug chasers” (those who actively seek to contract HIV/AIDS) account for 10,000 of the 40,000 new cases of HIV in the United States every year. Add that 28,500 of these approximately 40,000 cases are from men who have sex with men, which means that more than 1/3 of all new cases of homosexual HIV/AIDS are transmitted by bug catchers! Cabaj has expressed dismay at what he calls a “cover up” by the gay establishment on a practice that is far more mainstream than they are willing to admit. Their dilemma is that real life queers are wildly different from the bogus facade portrayed on Will & Grace for breeder consumption:

“Yeah, it’s an active cover-up, because they know about it. They’re in denial of this issue. This is a difficult issue that dredges up some images about gay men that they don’t want to have to deal with. They don’t want to shine a light on this topic because they don’t want people to even know that this behavior exists.”

The positively huge (no pun intended) “barebacking” culture is practically just a front for AIDS aficionados. One such “dating site”, called “PozConvert”, has thousands upon thousands of members. On its front page it states the following:

“Where POZ And NEG Men Meet. PozConvert.com is an utterly unique, and completely debased, online destination for fearless, slutty Barebackers who think that the best CUM is CHARGED Cum.

So are you ready to Get CHARGED UP? Then join today!“

“Charged up” is fag lingo for the act of transmitting AIDS, and this is by no means the only site, despite its gloating, proud advertisement. Online forums such as “breeding.zone” (breeding is a term used by queers to describe the act of giving someone HIV, it is treated in LGBT culture as being the equivalent of heterosexual reproduction) and 22,628 member forum Bareback.com provide copious amounts of material focused on bug-chasing and match making “poz” with “neg”.

Grindr, a gay sex app similar to Tinder, has revolutionized homosexual interactions and allowed gift givers and bug chasers to roam freely. Those growing up in the era of fairy cultural dominion and Grindr, young men trapped in this ugly world ranging from 13 to 29, have experienced an increase in HIV of 132.5% according to the CDC.

On Grindr, HIV flows like poppers and Cyndi Lauper music at a chic East Village apartment. Most of the time, it’s just queers who get off on it, but in some cases, older perverts lie about their HIV status when they molest suggestible underage boys on the platform. In the latter case, these individuals are charged with aggravated assault, which gets upgraded to a more serious class of felony if HIV is transmitted, but the Human Rights Campaign and other Judeo-homosexual organizations are already making inroads towards repealing such laws.

After a number of failed attempts to pass the “REPEAL HIV Discrimination Act”, which seeks to eliminate additional punishments for those who expose others to HIV (including minors) through rape or by lies, its 2015 iteration is being forwarded once again. Its sponsors are black California Marxist Rep. Barbara Lee, homosexual activist Rep. Jim McDermott, Jew Rep. Adam B. Schiff, and Cuban-Jew Republican Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen. Judging from the momentum fags have garnered as of late, this could be the year they can spread HIV with impunity.

HIV: The Gay Fetish We’re Subsidizing

The first case of HIV/AIDS to reach North America was a 15 year old black boy named Robert Rayford in the late ’60s. Robert was a street kid who was molested for pay by St Louis’ small but aggressive homosexual clique. In ’69 Missouri, homosexuality and child-abuse were both heavily frowned upon, and so Rayford died without the disease becoming an epidemic, even though the strange sores prolifically spreading around his body that bewildered doctors at the time were misdiagnosed.

By the 1980s, AIDS finally made its way to cosmopolitan hubs like San Francisco and New York City, and Queer America was being ravaged. The advent of Penicillin had previously granted homosexuals some leeway in contracting the multitude of horrid STDs they are dozens and hundreds of times more likely to be vectors of, but this was different. When medical science finally uncovered that HIV was uniquely prevalent with men that have sex with men, they titled it GRID: Gay Related Immune Deficiency.

The queer movement, which by the glamorous, drug-fueled ’80s was increasingly mainstream amongst the gluttonous and self-worshipping bourgeois intelligensia (most of the figures being Jewish), suddenly suffered a huge setback. The likelihood of a painful, publicly humiliating death, where your macabre hatred of nature would be visibly exposed like a scarlet letter meant that recruitment was starting to flatline (literally).

On top of this “perfect storm”, America at the time was in the midst of a “Silent Majority” counter-attack against the Jewish sexual revolution that had been already successfully installed in parts of Europe–the climate was hostile. Famous fag poster boys that had barged into the homes of Joe Sixpack and his longhaired sons, such as Freddie Mercury and Liberace, suddenly began dropping like flies from the disease.

Organized Queerdom joined with Organized Jewry to lobby for medical research into HIV that would quickly act as a tourniquet to stop the homosexual movement from collapse. San Francisco, one of the world capitals of faggotry, by 1984 saw a massive crackdown by the state, much to the fury of the gay lobby, that closed all of the city’s bath houses and private sex clubs in an effort to control the disease.

No matter how promiscuous normal people are, the chances of spreading HIV through vaginal intercourse are literally 1 in 1,000,000, so that was off the table. Outside of homosexual activity, drug addicts who shared needles (some of whom practice homosexuality as well) are the second largest group of infected by a wide margin. The Western world at the time was not too concerned with a disease that could be prevented by covering up when practicing violent homosexual sodomy and using your own needles instead of one you pick up off the ground when shooting dope. Reason prevailed for a period, and diseases that are far more common and inflict suffering on more people were prioritized by research budgets and charities.

But organized Queer and its Jewish enablers found light at the end of the tunnel when hemophiliac children were being seroconverted through the use of tainted blood products. The deaths of the Ray brothers and Ryan White were especially touching to the public, as they were innocent children who had contracted the disease through blood transfusions, and the Jewish controlled mass media as well as homosexual NGOs with substantial war chests exploited this to the fullest possible potential.

Both the Ray brothers and Ryan White were portrayed as victims of persecution and ignorance about HIV because of the fear with which they were treated in their settings (and this had some truth to it, as they were both genuinely harassed), while skilled propagandists ground through many shifts to turn them into America’s martyrs.

What was omitted is that the blame for the deaths of these young hemophiliac boys was firmly on the shoulders of the very homosexuals whose pressure groups exploited their misery to guilt the public.

The Ray Brothers were diagnosed with HIV/AIDS in 1986, and Ryan White in 1984. Yet, the FDA banned homosexuals and drug addicts from donating blood on March 24th, 1983, and from that day henceforth all blood donated to plasma centers and blood banks from individuals identified in these ‘high-risk groups’ was ordered segregated and destroyed. Unfortunately, the FDA did not go far enough in demanding orderly HIV screening as a prerequisite, and some contamination still occurred.

The issue with blood donation deferments was that homosexuals were expected to report their “lifestyle” based on the honor system. Blunders by greedy myopic capitalists specializing in blood transmission products in screening blood plasma during the ’80s have culminated in heavy lawsuits, so it’s possible that HIV blood got in through some kind of time window between the FDA’s announcement and its implementation. Could the Ray Brothers and Ryan White have contracted the illness prior to the ban and plasma segregation, even though they were under the constant watch of doctors for their hemophilia years prior to their seroconversion? Or could an HIV infected homosexual have lied about his sexual practices and knowingly donated blood in order to infect unwitting strangers during this time period? Cui bono?

While knowing that HIV/AIDS is climbing at a rapid pace among homosexuals today, homosexual groups have shown how much they care about the general public by brazenly demanding the FDA lift all bans on blood donations from men who have sex with men. The media has predictably echoed their complaint about this so-called “violation” of their rights. According to an apologia by Jew Emily Greenhouse for the New Yorker:

“In the quarter century since Ryan White was infected in Indiana, America’s blood supply has become tremendously safe, thanks to advanced screenings (and re-screenings) and accurate tests. There is still a very small amount of risk: the chance of receiving blood infected with H.I.V. from a transfusion is currently less than one in two million; according to the Red Cross, the estimated rate of people contracting H.I.V. from donated blood is a little over one person per year.”

In typical Jewish “intellectual” whack-a-mole, Greenhouse talks about how safe the blood supply has become, and that this ought to be the reason why homosexual men should be allowed to donate. Why the blood supply is safe today is pretty obvious, but by keeping a straight face while essentially arguing that blood transmissions ought to be more dangerous , Greenhouse showcases her race’s utter insanity and misanthropy in its social engineering, along with the flagrant disregard of the homosexuals she represents.

HIV/AIDS Business Boom

The legacy of a successful putsch by homosexual organizations in the ’80s is embodied by the 75 HIV/AIDS agencies and non-profits dedicated to collecting funds and lobbying on behalf of the infected today. The Zionist occupied federal government of the United States allocated a whopping $30.7 billion dollars towards research, as well as domestic and global HIV/AIDS medication in 2016 alone. A comparatively small fraction of this sum goes to actual education on prevention, such as the miracle cure of not sodomizing a stranger (s).

The people who contract HIV/AIDS are largely vile, insane, and irresponsible. But there are admittedly some cases where outliers get the disease. Yet, the money dedicated to combating AIDS from a global perspective (where non-homosexuals spread AIDS in continents like Africa through promiscuous heterosexual sodomy), which is what advocates use as a justification, does not justify accumulated deaths per year. For example, 1.2 million people die from AIDS annually around the world, compared to 2 million who perish from the much more treatable and random illness of tuberculosis. Yet the World Health Organization has repeatedly complained that private capitalists and Western Jewish controlled governments putting money aside for HIV ignore tuberculosis. The multi-national corporation funded “Global Fund” dedicates 52% of its grant money to AIDS, yet only 15% to tuberculosis. Obama’s last fiscal plan cut global tuberculosis spending considerably in order to spend more on the already cash-flush cause of HIV/AIDS.

In the end, most of this $30.7 billion is used domestically to subsidize all kinds of programs, special privileges, and treatments for queers who, as older “POZ” homosexuals (thanks to being inculcated with more shame compared to young faggots) in the documentary “The Gift” ( 14:48) remark, have no excuse to be contracting HIV anymore.

Think of the “LGBT” sexual fantasy taxes and corporate profits you’re contributing to are financing next time a loved dies from criminally neglected diseases like COPD, Lou Gehrig’s Disease, and even cancer. Were it not for this system and the Jews running it, science would’ve advanced in treatment options for these diseases at the same lightning fast pace HIV research moves. One day, when we have our Nuremberg, somebody’s gonna have to pay for that.

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