


- Our second half 2015 forecast dates are now available.
- Subscriptions include the forecast dates and a monthly Market letter with                          eMail alerts for imminent trading opportunities
- We do not use negative option billing nor do we sell email addresses


For the SP500, cycle-wise we are entering the 13th week of Primary cycle  1 cycle that started on Aug 24th.  This cycle is aka, the nominal 18 week with a range of 15 to 21 weeks. This is the chart we have been following for many months. See the blue line and dates on the chart. It is anticipated we will have a Primary cycle low between Nov 30, 2015 and Jan 15, 2016.

Since we are in the 13th week, with a dramatic move up, it appears we just had either the 1/2 Primary or Primary cycle top  on Nov 3rd(i.e. crest for this Primary cycle).

Two Alerts were sent out to subscribers dealing with Gold and the SP500. Subscribers please note, the call for the SP500 is off if the SP500 moves back above 2,110.

On Nov 20th Venus is in waxing square to Pluto on Friday night with the market rising. Venus will be translating the Uranus / Pluto square which is still active as Uranus and Pluto move closer together. Note, they will not get to an exact position. Nov 20th was also OPEX.

After this week we will enter a period where confusion and deceit should be prevalent. with
turning direct in Pisces, the sign that it rules, and the long forming Saturn / Neptune waning square. Not a good environment for Mars in Libra. Watch for adroit politicians here and lies.

As an example Putin, at the recent G20 summit, presented evidence of G20 member states providing financial support to
. Not one western paper has mentioned Putin's bombshell comments.


Saturn and Neptune are opposite energies. While Saturn is about responsibility, accountability and the building of concrete structures in the physical world.
is about illusion, delusion, deceit and lies. It is anything but responsible and accountable. On the positive side,
can be very spiritual and other-worldly but when in hard aspect often displays it's other side. This aspect is often found near changes in inflation and or interest rates and money valuation problems in general.

Following is an excerpt from the monthly letter. It has been there for many months.

"Jupiter square Pluto Oct 2016 - Dec 2016

As noted ..... this could bring international terrorism to the fore once again. It was a definite effect on economic cycles and political power.

In short, religious strife will continue and probably spread from the mid-East. There may be a rise in religious terrorists or kidnappings and this could be as early as the fall of 2015. These problems could first arise in Europe (
?) but the


is vulnerable as well. These actions and general environment could effect the


and world economies by mid 2016.
South America
should be included as well.

There is also a difficult Saturn aspect.

Saturn waning square Neptune Nov 2015 - Dec 2015, June 2016 - Aug 2016

Suffering, pestilence, sickness, inflation or money valuation problems. The development of socialism and self-sacrifice. This aspect should result in falling commodity prices and since this aspect will occur 3 times commodities prices may be volatile. This is also an aspect for a worldwide drug problem, illness or pandemic."

Saturn is in Sagittarius which rules the law, religion, philosophy and science. With the square to
is a good signal for a religious message that gets perverted.

We should see a move in the markets closer to the Saturn / Neptune square. As mentioned before, this is a very long term aspect. These need a trigger and there are 3 possible triggers close by.

Nov 18th,
turns Direct

Nov 25th, Full Moon with the Sun within 3 degrees of Saturn

Nov 29th, Sun square Neptune and conjunct Saturn.

Looking at these Nov 30 could be a more important date but they all need +- 3 td's at least but we should keep in mind deceit and delusion.

This period of time looked very volatile for the markets and may get more so, particularly if there are more attacks next week or the first two weeks in December.

To summarize.

We could get market turns near but it should be volatile.

Nov 18th
turns direct

Nov 20, 23      Venus starts it's translation of the Uranus Pluto square (they are close)

Nov 30                        One trading day after the Sun translates the Neptune, Saturn square

It should be noted Mars will translate the Uranus / Pluto square the second week of December which is the week before the next FED meeting where they have planned to increase interest rates. Watch FED announcements closely.

With Mars, Uranus and Pluto in aspect an explosive event may be imminent.

Other longer term cycles that may be close to seeing their lows in the next couple of months are the 6.5 - 7 year cycle and the Kitchin cycle (40 months). I'm looking at the period from mid-December through Jan '16 as a potential time period for these cycles. They are long term cycles and need a broad orb.

Kitchin cycle on the SP500 chart. This is a monthly chart. cycles may appear closer than when they actually due.

Other long term cycle due, including the 6.5 - 7 year.

Longer term cycles on a monthly chart of the DJIA.

The following weekly chart shows the 21 and 34 weekly moving averages and the fact price broke through both averages But have moved above the averages this past week. Also the 21 and 34 week moving averages are still pointing down or flat.  This is looking like a 4-Year low.

The question is, do we have a significant low in front of us.At this point I think yes and it could be the December '15 - January '16 time frame.

is prominent particularly in the second half of November 2015. We've mentioned watching Jupiter and Neptune aspects and events for swings in crude. High and low. We've also noted
often brings illusion, delusion, lies, deceit and falsehood.

The following is very recent FED news. Will we get a surprise Monday?


Heliocentrically we have Mars opposing Neptune which is exact on the US Thanksgiving, November 26th. This is the same day the geocentric Saturn / Neptune square is exact.

also rules water. This could be showing a lack of water or too much as would be the case in large storms. Lack of water, or a problem with water, is going to be a major problem in the not too distant future.

From now through to February 2016 Uranus and Pluto move closer together to the square which we wrote much about in 2014 and early in 2015. For new subscribers or anyone, use the search facility on the blog. Search for "Uranus square Pluto". We should mention Mars will go retrograde in January 2016 and add energy to the Uranus / Pluto square near the end of January.

At this point, following are the highs in the

DJIA               May 19, 2015

DJTI               Nov 28, 2014

SP500             May 20, 2015

NYSE             May 21, 2015

RUT               Jun 23, 2015

COMPQX      July 20, 2015

Some of the biggest moves in the
markets have occurred when Saturn is in mutable signs. The mutable signs are Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces. Saturn changed signs into Sagittarius on Sept 17th and will be there until Dec 20, 2017.

And one more showing the geocentric Jupiter / Saturn square (red squares) including the following note (Every pass of the waning square between Jupiter and Saturn that has been a 3 pass has resulted in a longer term cycle unfolding between the first and last passages). Could the August low be it?  The Saturn square Neptune aspect (light green squares) on the following chart are often found near changes in inflation, interest rates or money valuation problems in general. I remember my 21% mortgage rate in the early 80's, the last time Saturn and Neptune were in waning square.

The Saturn waning square to
is becoming the most prominent aspect going forward. It's a 3 pass with the first exact date on Nov 26th but the effects can be felt now.

The last exact square is in August 2016 but it's effects will be passed that date as well.

It is confusing and depressing with no apparent control.


Gold put in a  Primary cycle   1trough on July 24th. This could turn out to be a very important low.

We are entering the17/18th week of the nominal 18 week cycle. It is quite possible Gold put in a Primary cycle crest on Oct 15th in which case we would be heading down into it's Primary cycle bottom. I sent out an Alert this week regarding Gold.

We may have seen the trough in Gold last week. Nov 19th had heliocentric Mercury entering Sagittarius which often sees swings in Gold prices. Bear in mind the FED or any central banks don't want to see Gold rising.

The red squares on the following chart are something I'm testing as a forecasting tool. The first 2 squares are in early December.

On the following daily Gold chart notice Gold has broken down through three Venus price lines.. At this point Gold made a low on November 18th, the day
turned direct. We had expected a rise in Gold after the
direct date but wasn't expecting it so early based on the history of the aspect.

Nov 18th could have been the Primary cycle low but we need to see more price action to confirm.

I'm expecting the bigger move in Gold next year. The move should be up.


This coming week of Nov 2nd we should be entering the 13th week of a nominal 18 week cycle which started August 24th.

In the second half of November, Neptune will be highlighted as it changes to direct motion, Saturn squares Neptune (Nov 26th) and the Sun squares
while conjunct Saturn on Nov 29th.

I expect crude to be quite volatile. With
active to this degree I would also expect our old friends, illusion, delusion, lies, deceit and falsehoods to be apparent. If they ever left. As mentioned
is in Pisces, the sign that it rules and is most powerful here.


Other items, more specifics on the SP500, Gold and crude also US$, NatGas, Coffee reserved for subscribers. At $99.00 for a 6 month subscription, can you afford not to have it?

The 2nd half 2015 dates and subscription to the monthly letter (starting in July) are available for purchase.

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